Hello everyone. Is there a way to ignore editing clearml.conf file and set ENV vars for aws s3 credentials while launching clearml-agent? In my usecase I sta...
one month ago
Hi everyone. I’m struggling to setup minio storage. Below is what I’m adding in my credentials and when I try to create a new dataset using below command; I ...
4 months ago
Hello everyone! I’m trying to setup non aws s3 to store datasets and get and error: 2024-05-27 16:15:52,241 - clearml.storage - ERROR - Failed uploading: Fai...
4 months ago
hi, im using aws autoscaler and having issues with clonning repos on a machine that has already run a task before. you may see the entire error in the attach...
Hi there. i run example examples/pipeline/full_tabular_data_process_pipeline_example.py remotely (on aws ec2), i deploy clearml server at another ec2. after ...
6 months ago
hi there. i just deployed clearML server to aws ec2 instance. after deployment following instructions, i got below errors from docker logs clearml-elastic {"...
6 months ago
is it normal that (idle) workers that are spun by the aws autoscaler are not shut down when the autoscaler is stopped? I'm experiencing this issue a lot and ...
hey all, I'm running a self hosted k8s cluster with ClearML server installed using helm chart clearml-7.2.0, and saving my artifacts in self hosted S3 bucket...
6 months ago
Hello All, I've a question on s3 integration. I've deployed clearml and clearml-agent helm charts in my OVH managed k8s cluster. I've jupyterhub running in s...
8 months ago
aws { s3 { # S3 credentials, used for read/write access by various SDK elements # The following settings will be used for any bucket not specified below in t...
10 months ago
another question about the aws auto_scaler, i managed to get the scaler service running, it listens to a queue called "aws" (yes, very imaginative), when i q...
11 months ago
hey there! question about the aws autoscaler, the TLDR is that i can't get the aws_autoscaler.py when running with --remote flag to clone my git repository (...
11 months ago
Hi, I am using clearML own hosted server on aws ec2. When I am creating a task I am getting this error "Retrying (Retry(total=239, connect=239, read=240, red...
12 months ago
Hello everyone, I am using self hosted clearml server on ec2 (clearml community AMIs). This ec2 instance is attached to s3 with IAM role. Now if I create or ...
12 months ago
Hi everyone, I have some questions regarding clearml aws_autoscaler.py. First one: On AWS machine agent runs with this command: python -m clearml_agent --con...
**** solved **** i used variables from here - None os.environ['CLEARML_AGENT_GIT_USER'] = 'myuser' os.environ['CLEARML_AGENT_GIT_PASS'] = 'mypass' ----------...
one year ago
Hey all, does anyone know how to query hidden aws autoscaler tasks using the python sdk? I've put such a task below Task.query_tasks(task_filter={"system_tag...
Hi! I started clearml server on EC2 using prebuilt image. Everything works fine, except one small thing: When web app shows image that stored on S3, it asked...
one year ago
HI, I just started using ClearML and I love to test it. I am trying to update existing models that were already created before. When I upload my custom model...
one year ago
Hello guys, Can anyone help me?? I got this message when I tried to ran script through clearml-task botocore.exceptions.NoCredentialsError: Unable to locate ...
one year ago
Hello! I have a hard time connecting to non-aws s3 bucket to use it as a storage to clearml Dataset. Even though I add access and secret key in ~/clearml.con...
one year ago
Hi guys, My git repo is installed with its python dependencies inside a local docker image. Is it possible to run my docker image on aws autoscaler and skip ...
Hi guys, I have set up the clearml-server on aws ec2 instance using the released clearml AMI in EC2 instance (there is a 24/7 running EC2 instance for runnin...
one year ago
I’m trying to use minio with ClearML as a external storage. I am having problems with the configuration file for the ClearML client When I use the output_uri...
one year ago
Hello all, I'm trying to run a few pipeline tasks remotely via a private docker image but struggling to find any documentation on how/where the docker login ...
one year ago
Hey! i was trying to use my minio instance for artifacts storage but there is not way of making it work. Maybe i am missing something. This is my clearml.con...
one year ago
hello, i am trying to run clearml-agent on google colab, and i want to setup aws s3 key-secret. i cannot find ~/clearml.conf on google colab. where actually ...
one year ago
Hi, I am trying to use the aws autoscaler to assign instance profiles to new machines. This is a better way than managing credentials. I added the configurat...
Hi everyone, im trying to use the aws autoscaler service. Provided the pac but is not able to clone the repo. It is not using the pac (using gitlab)
I started two pipelines (using AWS autoscaler in app.clear.ml ). The pipelines ran concurrently, using the same pipeline code. Both failed in the same compon...