Active since 10 January 2023
Last activity
10 months ago
Badges 1
979 × Eureka!Hi, there is a small bug with auto-refreshing in the DEBUG SAMPLES Tab of the Web UI: If it is ON, then it will always force the first series to be displayed...
3 years ago
Hi, Together with ElegantKangaroo44 we found two unexpected behaviors in task.models['output'] : The input model of the task is included in the list The best...
4 years ago
Hey, just wanted to mention: in docs, Task.get_parameter does not say: Different sections with key prefix "section/" , as Task.get_parameters do. Also there ...
4 years ago
Hi guys, Last night one of our agents (0.16.1) was disconnected from our trains-server while executing an experiment. I saw that because the experiment it wa...
4 years ago
Hey guys, quick question: is there a tool function to know if a task id is valid? Not verifying that the task itself exists, just that the task id is the cor...
4 years ago
Hi, Is there a way to stop a clearml-agent from within an experiment? Or block it to prevent it running any other task?
3 years ago
Hello, what is the default limit for global context ? https://allegro.ai/docs/storage_manager_storagemanager.html#trains.storage.manager.StorageManager.get_l...
4 years ago
Is it possible to run an agent, listen to the services queue without using docker?
4 years ago
Hi, in a subproject, would it be possible to hide the parent project if it is empty?
3 years ago
Hey, I have a problem with the following task: def main(args): config = yaml.load(open(args.config)) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentPar...
4 years ago
Hello, I have a small question regarding UI: Currently, in the artifacts section of a task, the FILE PATH displayed for artifacts stored in s3 are displayed ...
4 years ago
Hello, I have an error while installing git dependencies of local package: So far I used task. update _requirements(“[.]“) with my local package referencing ...
3 years ago
Hi, I see that there is a new parameter in aws autoscaler: max_spin_up_time_min - What is the difference with max_idle_time_min ?
3 years ago
Hello, in the following context: controller_task = Task.init(...) # This will clone the parent task, enqueue and wait for finished status data_processing_tas...
4 years ago
Hi, where can I find the logs of trains-agent by default?
4 years ago
Hi ClearML team members! Is there any progress made on the clearml-serving repo? I’d love to start using it but I lack a straightforward get started example....
3 years ago
Hey there, I moved the clearml s3 bucket where I stored all my clearml data from one s3 bucket to another and now I realized that all the models/experiments ...
3 years ago
Hi, I have a question regarding the aws_autoscaler: It usually takes ~hours to get a GPU instance nowadays. I was thinking, it would be much more interesting...
3 years ago
The “Manage queue” option in the right tab on a queued experiment is broken in v1.0 (it does nothing)
3 years ago
Hi, is it possible to pass environment variables to agents created by the AWS AutoScaler service?
4 years ago
⚠️ Hi there, I recently updated clearml server to 1.7.0, and found the following critical regression: When I reset an experiment, it is actually deleted 😵 ,...
2 years ago
Hi guys, I got a very unexpected error today on in one of my agents: ... Collecting tqdm Using cached tqdm-4.48.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl (68 kB) Processing /ro...
4 years ago
Hey, would it possible to add an option to make task.upload_artifact() blocking? (Not running in background)
4 years ago
Hi there, I am trying to start an agent in services mode with trains-server being on localhost (but not started together with the docker-compose!). My trains...
4 years ago
Hi, I updated to clearml-server 1.4.0 and I am uncomfortable with the new Table/Detail view, is there a way to disable it and use the previous one (on click ...
2 years ago
Hi, in the Metric Snapshot graph, is it possible to scale the Y axis to [y_min *0.9, y_max * 1,1] ? currently all my values are flat at the same ~y and it is...
3 years ago
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