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979 × Eureka!Thanks for the hack! The use case is the following: I have a controler that creates training/validation/testing tasks by cloning (so that the parent task id is properly set to the controler). Otherwise I could simply create these tasks with Task.init, but then I would need to set manually the parent task for each one of these tasks, probably with a similar hack, right?
This is no coincidence - Any data versioning tool you will find are somehow close to how git works (dvc, etc.) since they aim to solve a similar problem. In the end, datasets are just files.
Where clearml-data stands out imo is the straightfoward CLI combined with the Pythonic API that allows you to register/retrieve datasets very easily
AgitatedDove14 I made some progress:
In clearml.conf of the agent, I set: sdk.development.report_use_subprocess = false
(because I had the feeling that Task._report_subprocess_enabled = False
wasn’t taken into account) I’ve set task.set_initial_iteration(0)
Now I was able to get the followin graph after resuming -
Yes it would be very valuable to be able to tweak that param, currently it's quite annoying because it's set to 30 mins, so when a worker is killed by the autoscaler, I have to wait 30 mins before the autoscaler spins up a new machine because the autoscaler thinks there is already enough agents available, while in reality the agent is down
I ended up dropping omegaconf altogether
But we can easily extend, right?
haa got it, I am on a self hosted server, that’s why I don’t see it
Now I am trying to restart the cluster with docker-compose and specifying the last volume, how can I do that?
Which commit corresponds to RC version? So far we tested with latest commit on master (9a7850b23d2b0e1f2098ab051de58ce806143fff)
Alright, experiment finished properly (all models uploaded). I will restart it to check again, but seems like the bug was introduced after that
Hi SmugDolphin23 thanks for the input! Will try now but that seems hacky: to have it working I have to specify python3.8 two times:
one in the agent config file (agent.default_python is already python3.8, but seems to be ignored) + make sure it is available (using python:3.8 docker image)Is there a way to prevent this redundancy? Ie. If I want to change the python version, I can control it from a single place?
But that was too complicated, I found an easier approach
I asked this question some time ago, I think this is just not implemented but it shouldn’t be difficult to add? I am also interested in such feature!
Sorry, what I meant is that it is not documented anywhere that the agent should run in docker mode, hence my confusion
Sorry, its actuallytask.update_requirements(["."])
SuccessfulKoala55 Am I doing/saying something wrong regarding the problem of flushing every 5 secs (See my previous message)
Thanks SuccessfulKoala55 !
Maybe you could add to your docker-compose file an option for limiting the size of the logs, since there is no limit by default, their size will grow for ever, which doesn't sound ideal
Yes, it did spin two instances for the same task
We would be super happy to have the possibility of documenting experiments (new tab in experiments UI) with a markdown editor!
Does the agent install the nvidia-container toolkit, so that GPUs of the instance can be accessed from inside the docker running jupyterlab?
I understand, but then why the docker mode is an option of the CLI if we always have to use it so that it works?
yea I just realized that you would also need to specify different subnets, etc… not sure how easy it is 😞 But it would be very valuable, on-demand GPU instances are so hard to spin up nowadays in aws 😄
The main issue is the task_logger.report_scalar()
not reporting the scalars
Sure yes! As you can see I just added the blocklogging: driver: "json-file" options: max-size: "200k" max-file: "10"
To all services. Also in this docker-compose I removed the external binding of the ports for mongo/redis/es