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2 Questions, 221 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity one year ago



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0 Votes 5 Answers 1K Views
We're working on ClearML serving right now and are very interested in what you all are searching for in a serving engine, so we can make the best serving eng...
2 years ago
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0 Votes 0 Answers 914 Views
A little something else: Using ClearML, an OAK-1 AI camera and a raspberry pi to create a pushup counter that locks my PC every hour and only unlocks again w...
2 years ago
0 Hi All, Im Executing A Task Remotely Via A Queue. I Don'T Want It To Cache The Env Or Install Anything Before The Run, Just To Run The Task On The Agent Machine (I Set Up The Agent'S Env Previously, The Env Cache Causes Versions Problems In My Case). I Tr

Can you try setting the env variables to 1 instead of True ? In general, those should indeed be the correct variables to set. For me it works when I start the agent with the following command:

one year ago
0 Clearml.Backend_Interface.Session.Senderror: Action Failed <500/100: Tasks.Enqueue/V1.0 (General Data Error (Connectionerror(<Urllib3.Connection.Httpconnection Object At 0X7F28607096D8>: Failed To Establish A New Connection: [Errno 111] Connection Refused

I'm sorry, but I will need more context. Where exactly is this log from? Can you confirm you're working with a self-hosted open source server? Which container/microservices is giving you this last error message?

one year ago
0 Can We Use The Simple Docker-Compose.Yml File For Clearml Serving On A Huggingface Model (Not Processed To Tensorrt)?

Usually those models are Pytorch right? So, yeah, you should be able to, feel free to follow the Pytorch example if you want to know how 🙂

one year ago
0 Hi All

With the screenshots above, the locally run experiment (left), does it have an http url for the model url field? The one you whited out?

one year ago
0 I Am Trying To Run The Urbandsounds8K Example, But When I Run "Preprocessing" I Get The Error In The Line

VivaciousBadger56 Thanks for your patience, I was away for a week 🙂 Can you check that you properly changed the project name in the line above the one you posted?

In the example, by default, the project name is "ClearML Examples/Urbansounds". But it should give you an error when first running the get_data.py script that you can't actually modify that project (by design). You need to change it to one of you own choice. You might have done that in get_data.py but forgot to do s...

2 years ago
0 Hey, If I Uploading A New Dataset With Parent, But The Child Dataset==Parent Dataset It Will Work? Thanks

The scheduler just downloads a dataset using the ID right? So if you don't upload a new dataset, the scheduler is just downloading the dataset from the last known ID then. I don't really see how that could lead to a new dataset with it's own ID as the parent. Would you mind explaining your setup in a little more detail? 🙂

2 years ago
0 Hi, We Have A Workflow Which Goes Over List Of Directories And Processes All Movies From Them. "Process" - Means Run Certain Detection Algorithms On Each Movie Frame. We Built Clearml Task From This Workflow, And Created Hpo Application Based On This Task

Unfortunately, ClearML HPO does not "know" what is inside the task it is optimizing. It is like that by design, so that you can run HPO with no code changes inside the experiment. That said, this also limits us in not being able to "smartly" optimize.

However, is there a way you could use caching within your code itself? Such as using functools' LRU cache? This is built-in in python and will cache function return values if it's ever called again with the same input arguments.

There also see...

one year ago
0 Hey Everyone, I Have Been Trying To Get The Pytorch Lightning Cli To Work With Remote Task Execution, But It Just Won'T Work. I Took The

I'm able to reproduce, but your workaround seems to be the best one for now. I tried launching with clearml-task command as well, but we have the same issue there: only argparse arguments are allowed.
AgitatedDove14 any better workaround for this, other than waiting for the jsonargparse issue to be fixed?

one year ago
0 Hello Everyone! I Am Trying To Run A Pipeline From The Web Ui. As You Can See On The Screenshot, It Is Possible To Specify The

Maybe you can add https://clear.ml/docs/latest/docs/references/sdk/automation_controller_pipelinecontroller/#set_default_execution_queue to your pipelinecontroller, only have the actual value be linked to a pipeline parameter? So when you create a new run, you can manually enter a queue name and the parameter will be used by the pipeline controller script to set the default execution queue.

one year ago
0 I Am Trying To Run The Urbandsounds8K Example, But When I Run "Preprocessing" I Get The Error In The Line

VivaciousBadger56 hope you had a great time while away :)

That looks correct indeed. Do you mind checking for me if the dataset actually contains the correct metadata?

Go to the datasets section, select the one you need and on the right click on more information. It should send you to the experiment manager view. Then, under artifacts, do you see a key in the list named metadata? Can you post a screenshot?

one year ago
2 years ago
0 Hey, We Are Using Clearml 1.9.0 With Transformers 4.25.1… And We Started Getting Errors That Do Not Reproduce In Earlier Versions (Only Works In 1.7.2 All 1.8.X Don’T Work):

Hey @<1523701949617147904:profile|PricklyRaven28> I'm checking! Have you updated anything else and on which exact commit of transformers are you now?

one year ago
0 Question On Using Clearml-Data To Manage Contents Of Datasets. I’M Having An Issue Deleting A Directory Within A Dataset Uploaded. Here Are A Few Ways I’Ve Tried, Create New Dataset With Parent, Remove --Files <Path To Folder>. That Doesn’T Work, Only

The above works for me, so if you try and the command line version does not work, there might be a bug. Please post the exact commands you use when you try it 🙂

2 years ago
0 Hey Guys! I Was Wondering If There Are Any Good Examples In Deployment Of Cv (Detection) Models Through Clearml-Serving? The Examples I Have Seen So Far Are Classification, And So The Post-Processing From The Triton Output Is Minimal. As An Example Mayb

That's a good idea! I think the YOLO models would be a great fit for a tutorial/example like this. We can add it to our internal list of TODOs, or if you want, you could take a stab at it and we'll try to support you through it 🙂 It might take some engineering though! Serving is never drag and drop 🙂

That said, I think it should be quite easy to do since YOLOv8 supports exporting to tensorrt format, which is native to Triton serving which underlies ClearML serving. So the process shoul...

one year ago
0 Hi There, Another Triton-Related Question: Are We Able To Deploy

Hey! Thanks for all the work you're putting in and the awesome feedback 😄

So, it's weird you get the shm error, this is most likely our fault for not configuring the containers correctly 😞 The containers are brought up using the docker-compose file, so you'll have to add it in there. The service you want is called clearml-serving-triton , you can find it [here](https://github.com/allegroai/clearml-serving/blob/2d3ac1fe63637db1978df2b3f5ea4903ef59788a/docker/docker-...

one year ago
2 years ago
0 Hi All! I Recently Started Working With Clearml Serving. I Got This Example Working

What might also help is to look inside the triton docker container while it's running. You can check the example, there should be a pbtxt file in there. Just to doublecheck that it is also in your own folder

one year ago
0 Heya, I'M Getting This Error In Clearml-Serving-Triton Using The Helm Chart:

From any computer that has ClearML serving installed. It is simply used to submit configurations, not actually run anything. Please refer to the step by step setup here for more info 🙂

one year ago
0 Hello, I’M Using The Free Self-Hosted Version Of Clearml On Our K8S Cluster ( The Latest Chart Version). I’M Trying To Deploy And Undeploy The Server Several Times But Each Time It Keeps Deleting The Data Associated With The Experiments (It Keeps Deleting

Hi there! There are several services who need persistent storage, check here for an overview diagram.

If I'm not mistaken, there's the fileserver, elastic, mongo and redis. All info is scattered over these (e.g. model files on fileserver, logs on elastic) so there is no one server holding everything.

I'm not a k8s expert, but I think that even a dynamic PVC should not delete itself. Just to be sure though, you can indee...

one year ago
0 Hi Team, I’M Trying To Generate Gcp Autoscaler, And Received The Following Error:

Indeed that should be the case. By default debian is used, but it's good that you ran with a custom image, so now we know it's not clear that more permissions are needed

one year ago
0 Hello, I Am Training Some Models With Yolov8 And Want To Upload The Metrics To The Clearml Webpage In. However, Sometimes It Works And Sometimes It Does Not Work. Clearml Is Able To Read Everything From The Console And Stuff Like That, But Is Not Able To

I'm still struggling to reproduce the issue. Trying on my own PC locally as well as on google colab yields nothing.

The fact that you do get tensorboard logs, but none of them are captured by ClearML means there might be something wrong with our tensorboard bindings, but it's hard to pinpoint exactly what if I can't get it to fail like yours 😅 Let me try and instal exactly your environment using your packages above. Which python version are you using?

one year ago
2 years ago
0 Hi All, I'M Having Some Issues With Syncing Modified Files Using

Well I'll be had, you're 100% right, I can recreate the issue. I'm logging it as a bug now and we'll fix it asap! Thanks for sharing!!

one year ago
0 I Am Trying To Run The Urbandsounds8K Example, But When I Run "Preprocessing" I Get The Error In The Line

VivaciousBadger56 Thank you for the screenshots! I appreciate the effort. You indeed clicked on the right link, I was on mobile so had to instruct from memory 🙂

First of all: every 'object' in the ClearML ecosystem is a task. Experiments are tasks, so are dataset versions and even pipelines! Each task can be viewed using the experiment manager UI, that's just how the backend is structured. Of course we keep experiments and data separate by giving them a separate tab and different UI, but...

one year ago
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