Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escaping: Escape characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ with \, e.g. \+
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
Combinations: chocolate AND vanilla, chocolate OR vanilla, (chocolate OR vanilla) NOT "vanilla pudding"
Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
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5 Questions, 15 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 11 months ago



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13 × Eureka!
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0 Votes 2 Answers 928 Views
Hello everyone! I encountered a very weird behaviour of report_histogram data = np.random.random(100) # generate 100 values from [0,1] uniform distribution c...
one year ago
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0 Votes 5 Answers 646 Views
Probably found a bug related to storage.verify_upload(uri) working incorrectly with cache clearml.__version__ -> '1.12.2' Scenario 1 import clearml out_ds = ...
11 months ago
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0 Votes 2 Answers 631 Views
Hey, have anybody tried writing an automated pipeline for automatically linking experiments with Jira issues using tags or task name prefixes? Seems like a c...
11 months ago
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12 Answers
0 Votes 12 Answers 1K Views
Hello. I have an issue I can't seem to debug. Maybe someone knows how to fix it. I have two scripts enque_task.py that schedules a task:... task = clearml.Ta...
one year ago
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0 Votes 2 Answers 1K Views
one year ago
0 Hey, Have Anybody Tried Writing An Automated Pipeline For Automatically Linking Experiments With Jira Issues Using Tags Or Task Name Prefixes? Seems Like A Cool Feature To Have.

I think the more general solution would be creating integration with Zapier.

This way user would be able to customize his own triggers for events like "on experiment status changed", "on tag added" and so on

The first automation I would write for myself would probably be "on tag added" -> "if tag in Jira ids" -> "reference the experiment URL in Jira issue"

11 months ago
0 Probably Found A Bug Related To
NotFound                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[1], line 3
      1 import clearml
      2 ds = clearml.Dataset.get("1a607bbeb31b4e2c8033112950827d8e")
----> 3 out_ds = clearml.Dataset.create(
      4     dataset_project="test",
      5     dataset_name=f"test",
      6     output_uri="
      7 )

File ~/miniconda3/envs/vfm38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/cl...
11 months ago
0 Hello. I Have An Issue I Can'T Seem To Debug. Maybe Someone Knows How To Fix It. I Have Two Scripts

UPD: it doesn't solve anything 😞
This approach just creates a separate task corresponding to enque_task.py script. But the task that is being run on clearml agent still ignored outpur_uri 😞

one year ago
0 Hello. I Have An Issue I Can'T Seem To Debug. Maybe Someone Knows How To Fix It. I Have Two Scripts

I figured the problem.

If you create a clearml task and put it into queue, all further Task.init call arguments from clearml worker will be ignored.

task = clearml.Task.create(...) task.init(remote_uri=..., tags=...) clearml.Task.enqueue(task, queue_name=queue)
task = Task.Init(<whatever, all this args will be ignored>)

one year ago
0 Hello. I Have An Issue I Can'T Seem To Debug. Maybe Someone Knows How To Fix It. I Have Two Scripts

y. In the second case you run a script that creates a task with


which creates a draft task with execution parameters, output uri etc (Nothing in configuration I assume? Please check

In the second case I only call Task.create , that specifies docker, repository, commit, script path and so on (but doesn't specify output_uri or tags . They should be set in train.py , when the Task.Init is called).

Afterwards on the remote ma...

one year ago
0 Hello. I Have An Issue I Can'T Seem To Debug. Maybe Someone Knows How To Fix It. I Have Two Scripts

CostlyOstrich36 It seems to be a critical bug.

Do you happen to know a support channel, that can help with that?

one year ago
0 Probably Found A Bug Related To

Looks like opening a dataset that is stored on gcp bucket and then trying to create another dataset on the same bucket creates issues.

Maybe there is a hotfix to reset clearml storage manager cache in the middle of the script?

11 months ago
0 Hello Everyone! I Encountered A Very Weird Behaviour Of

clearml package version: '1.8.3'

one year ago
0 Probably Found A Bug Related To

Oh. I just tested it in the new version, it really works now. Thank you very much!

11 months ago
0 Hello. I Have An Issue I Can'T Seem To Debug. Maybe Someone Knows How To Fix It. I Have Two Scripts


So basically my problem was that I couldn't specify ouput_uri with Task.creaate .

I ended up with a solution to just use CLI version of clearml-task that allows for specifying output_uri (but not tags, though).

one year ago
0 Probably Found A Bug Related To

Sorry for reporting a bug without testing on the newest version

11 months ago
0 "Clearml.Task - Error - Action Failed <500/0: Tasks.Edit/V1.0 (Update Failed (Bsonobj Size: 18330801 (0X117B4B1) Is Invalid. Size Must Be Between 0 And 16793600(16Mb) F"

Hello, Martin. Any news about this issue?

We really want to use ClearML for datasets that are hundreds GB worth of data.

Are you saying the ClearML is not able to do that?

one year ago
0 Hello. I Have An Issue I Can'T Seem To Debug. Maybe Someone Knows How To Fix It. I Have Two Scripts

I guess I can simplify it a little.
Basically there are two scenarios:

on local machine
task = Task.Init(output_uri="...", tags=["tag"])Result: everything works. Remote uri is used, tags are set

on local machine
task = clearml.Task.create(...) clearml.Task.enqueue(task, queue_name=queue)> on remote clearml agent, the same code is called
task = Task.Init(output_uri="...", tags=["tag"])Result: init params are ignored, remote uril is not set, tags are empty

Does it mak...

one year ago