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48 Questions, 8051 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 8 months ago



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25 × Eureka!
0 Hi, Is There A Way To List All Agents Running In A Host, I Do Not Find Relevant One In Clearml-Agent -H.

And the agent continue running.

oh just kill al the processes with clearml-agent in the cmd line

pkill -9 -f clearml-agent
one year ago
0 Hi, I Want To Update The

I see, so basically fix old links that are now not accessible? If this is the case you might need to manually change the document on the mongodb running in the backend

one year ago
0 Hey Everyone, I Have An Autoscaler Configuration That Runs Different Ec2 Instances. I Want The Ec2 Worker Launched By The Autoscaler Could Handle A Bucket With Different Aws Keys. The Configuration I Am Passing Is As Follows:

GrumpySeaurchin29 you can pass s3 credential for the autoscaler, but all the tasks will have them. Are you saying two diff sets of credentials is the issue, or is it the visibility?

2 years ago
0 Clearml-Session Fails Ssh Tunneling. It Does Not Use Key Auth, Instead Sets Up Some Weird Password And Then Fails To Auth:

It does not use key auth, instead sets up some weird password and then fails to auth:

AdventurousButterfly15 it ssh Into the container inside the container it sets new daemon with new random very long password
It will Not ssh to the host machine (i.e. the agent needs to run in docker mode, not venv mode), make sense ?

2 years ago
0 Clearml-Session Fails Ssh Tunneling. It Does Not Use Key Auth, Instead Sets Up Some Weird Password And Then Fails To Auth:

But it’s running in docker mode and it is trying to ssh into the host machine and failing

It is Not sshing to the machine it is sshing directly Into the container.
Notice the port is is sshing to is 10022 which is mapped into the container

2 years ago
0 Hello Everyone! First, Thanks A Lot To Everyone That Made Clearml Possible, I'Ve Been Looking For A Tool Like That For Years. I Just Installed The Open Source Server (
  1. ...that file and the logs of the agent service always say the same thing as before:

Oh in that case you need feel in Your credentials here:
Basically CLEARML_API_ACCESS_KEY / CLEARML_API_SECRET_KEY will let the agent running inside the docker talk to the server itself. Just put your own credentials there as a start, it should solve the issue

2 years ago
0 I'D Like The Console In A Clearml Run To Show Only The Stdout/Stderr As It Does Now, But I'D Also Like Clearml To Capture Debug Level Logs. Is There An Easy Around This? It Would Be Nice If One Could E.G. Set

No it will not 😞 the closer is closer to the actual print.
That said, I'm sure it would not be complicated to add.
But I have to wonder, this will really create a mess in the console log, so if someone wants it, it will be global (i.e. also in the visible console. not only in the backend), so the case where the console on the machine itself is "clean" but the backend log is full of debug stuff is not clear to me

2 years ago
0 I Am Working Up With The Autoscaler, After Setting Up The Autoscaler Instance I Am Getting The Following Error When I Launch The Autoscaler Googleapiclient.Errors.Httperror: <Httperror 404 When Requesting

Hmm from here : None
Could it be you do not have privileges to the resource, or that you did not provide credentials ?
Did that autoscaler work before ?

one year ago
0 Hi, A Question About Dataset Storage Suppose I Create A Dataset Like This

Why would that require refactoring ? Dataset class should take care if it internally ,no?
The reason my_name is a subproject , is that so every version could be a "Task" inside that project , just easier to manage (or at least that was the idea)

one year ago
0 Hello Channel, Two Other Related Questions:

@<1556812486840160256:profile|SuccessfulRaven86> is the issue with flask reproducible ? if so could you open a github issue, so we do not forget to look into it?

one year ago
0 I Am Working Up With The Autoscaler, After Setting Up The Autoscaler Instance I Am Getting The Following Error When I Launch The Autoscaler Googleapiclient.Errors.Httperror: <Httperror 404 When Requesting

Hi @<1610083503607648256:profile|DiminutiveToad80>
I think we will need more context for the log...
but I think there is something wrong with the GCP resource configuration of your autoscaler
Can you send the full autoscaler log and the configuration ?

one year ago
0 I Am Seeing That Some Steps In A Pipeline Are Being Skipped. Like For Example, In A Pipeline With 4 Steps, It’S Directly Starting At Step 3. Is There Some Reason For This, Some Optimization Kicking In?

Hmm there was this one:
Basically always caching steps (hence the skip), you can install from the main branch to verify this is the issue. an RC is due in a few days (it was already supposed to be out but got a bit delayed)

3 years ago
0 Hi, A Question About Dataset Storage Suppose I Create A Dataset Like This

Hi MelancholyElk85
So the way datasets now work, is they are actually an entity (folder) inside a project , all under TFW hidden .datasets sub project
This is so all data and tasks are both on the same project , but at the same time will not intersect with subprojects by the same name. Does that make sense?

one year ago
2 years ago
0 What Happens To File That Are Downloaded To A Remote_Execution Via Storagemanager? Are They Removed At The End Of The Run, Or Does It Continuously Increases Disk Space?

It's always the details... Is the new Task running inside a new subprocess ?
basically there is a difference between
remote task spawning new tasks (as subprocesses, or as jobs on remote machine), remote task still running remote task, is being replaced by a spawned task (same process?!)UnevenDolphin73 am I missing a 3rd option? which of these is your case?
p,s. I have a suspicion that there might be a misuse of "Task" here?! What are you considering a Task? (from clearml perspective a Task...

2 years ago
0 Is It Possible To Avoid The Clearml-Agent For Local Installations, And Have The File Server Automatically Use An S3 Bucket? I'Ve Found

Or did you mean I can couple a short "mini config" with the package and redirect clearml to use this local one (instead of the one at ~/clearml.conf)?

Actually yes, you can set a "fixed" config point to it with ENV variable, then setup per user just the access/secret .
(I was also pointing to the fact you do not have to use clearml-init you can create a simple partial config template and let user just fill in the missing "key"/"secret")

3 years ago
0 I Would Like To Understand The Limitations Of

current task fetches the good Task

Assuming you fork the process than the gloabl instance" is passed to the subprocess. Assuming the sub-process was spawned (e.g. POpen) then an environement variable with the Task's unique ID is passed. then when you call the "Task.current_task" it "knows" the Task was already created and it will fetch the state from the clearml-server and create a new Task object for you to work with.
BTW: please use the latest RC (we fixed an issue with exactly this...

3 years ago
0 I Am Trying To Do A Remote Execution Of A Test Task, But It Fails During Env Setup Due To Trying To Install An Obscure Version Of Pytorch. Been Trying To Solve This For Three Days! The Script:

Can you try to manually install it and see what you are getting?
python3.10 -m pip install /home/boris/.clearml/pip-download-cache/cu117/torch-1.12.1+cu116-cp310-cp310-linux_x86_64.whl

2 years ago
0 On A Separate Note, That Embed Seems To Be Slightly Off With Regards To Where The Link Is Actually Pointing To, Which Is

that embed seems to be slightly off with regards to where the link is actually pointing to

I think this is the Slack preview... 😞

3 months ago
0 Any Idea Why Only A Single Instance Of Mujoco Can Be Run With Clearml-Agent? I Run 2 Clearm-Agents, One Per Gpu On My Workstation. However, The Second Task Failes With One Of The Following Errors:

Since you are running in venv mode, adding the OS environment before the clearml-agent, will basically make sure it will propagate to the process itself.
ReassuredTiger98 make sense ?

3 years ago
0 Hello! Does Anyone Know How To Do

OmegaConf is the configuration, the overrides are in the Hyperparameters "Hydra" section

one year ago
0 How Do I Restart Trains-Agents? How Do I Stop Them?

WackyRabbit7 I do 'pkill -f trains' but it's the same... If you need to debug and test run with --foreground and just hit ctrl-c to end the process (it will never switch to background...). Helps?

4 years ago
0 Hi Community, Using Clearml And Loving It So Far! I Had A Question Around The Models That Clearml Automatically Picks Up From The Frameworks And Saves Them. Is There A Way That I Can Control Which Models Actually Get Saved Though? I Would Like To Save Onl

Hi @<1523701132025663488:profile|SlimyElephant79>

I would like to save only the last & best checkpoints and not all of them if possible.

Basically it will mimic the local file system, so if you overwrite the local files it will overwrite the remote model.
You can also disable auto logging, and manually upload the models
In Task.init pass auto_connect_frameworks False for the specific framework

one year ago
0 Hi All. I'M Setting Up An Model Export Script That Will Export Trained Models For Edge Deployment. I Initially Thought About Setting It Up As A Trigger Scheduler, And To Have It Trigger On Tags On A Published Model, But As Time Goes By The Trigger Schedul

Also, how do pipelines compare here?

Pipelines are a type of Task, so like Tasks you can clone and enqueue them, or set them as the target of the trigger.

the most flexible solution would be to have some way of triggering the execution of a script in the parent task environment,

This is the exact idea of the TriggerScheduler None
What am I missing here?

10 months ago
0 Hello! Since Today I Get

Hmm, you are correct
Which means this is some conda issue, basically when installing from env file, conda is not resolving the correct pytorch version 😞
Not sure why... Could you try to upgrade conda ?

3 years ago
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