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Has Anyone Successfully Deployed Clearml On A Kube Cluster Utilizing Istio? I Don’T See Any Mention Of Istio In The Docs.

has anyone successfully deployed clearml on a kube cluster utilizing istio? i don’t see any mention of istio in the docs.

Posted 3 years ago
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Answers 16

AgitatedDove14 were you able to verify there was a fix released for the http 1.1 issue?

Posted 3 years ago

was it ever discovered if this was pushed to the latest cloud helm chart?

Posted 3 years ago

right… it’s nginx that needs to be set. glad to hear it’s going to be updated though.

Posted 3 years ago

nginx.conf appears to be a copy of clearml.conf.template and i’m trying to figure out what we can do to modify that prior to deployment.

Posted 3 years ago

Hmm SuccessfulKoala55 any chance the nginx http was pushed to v1.1 on the latest cloud helm chart?

Posted 3 years ago

i have it deployed successfully with istio.


the only thing we had to do to get it to work was to modify the nginx.conf in the webserver pod to allow http 1.1

I was under the impression we fixed that, let me check

Posted 3 years ago

i’m working on creating a custom config with istio

That is awesome! let me know if we could help 🙂
Also please consider PRing it, I'm sure other users will appreciate the option

Posted 3 years ago

Hmm I think the easiest is using the helm chart:
I know there is work on a teraform template, not sure about instio.
Is helm okay for you ?

Posted 3 years ago

Hi BurlySeagull48
you mean for the clearml-server ?

Posted 3 years ago

yeah we are planning on using helm. i just didn’t know if anyone had created charts for clearml with istio built into it. i’m working on creating a custom config with istio

Posted 3 years ago

i have it deployed successfully with istio. the only thing we had to do to get it to work was to modify the nginx.conf in the webserver pod to allow http 1.1

Posted 3 years ago

i guess i mean for anything using nodeport

Posted 3 years ago

Hi BurlySeagull48 , we will update it there soon, I will update

Posted 3 years ago

so yeah… for clearml-server

Posted 3 years ago

BurlySeagull48 this will be included in the next ClearML Server release - it's actually not k8s-related, but a general setting.

Posted 3 years ago

it was still an issue with what i deployed. 1.0.2 i think is the version

Posted 3 years ago
16 Answers
3 years ago
one year ago