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48 Questions, 8051 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 8 months ago



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0 Hi! I Was Wondering If It'S Possible For A Clearml Agent To Create An Environment From A Conda Environment.Yml File Every Time An Experiment Is Run

Hi SmugOx94
Hmm are you creating the environment manually, or is it done by Task.init ?
(Basically Task.init will store the entire environment of conda, and if the agent is working with conda package manager it will use it to restore it)

3 years ago
0 Hi. I Spent Some Time This Week Trying To Optimise File Transfer Time In And Out Of Processes That Use Google'S Gcs (In Vertex Ai Pipelines). It Seems That In The Case Where I Have A Lot Of Very Small Files, It Made More Sense To Tar.Gz Them And Send A Bi

Generally speaking, for the exact reason if you are passing a list of files, or a folder, it will actually zip them and upload the zip file. Specifically to pipeline it should be similar. BTW I think you can change the number of parallel upload threads in StorageManager, but as you mentioned it is faster to zip into one file. Make sense?

2 years ago
0 Hi I Saw This On The Clearml-Agent Docs But Other Than The Docker Image, I'M Not Sure How To Integrate This With Clearml Py And Clearml-Server. Please Advise.

SubstantialElk6 Ohh okay I see.
Let's start with background on how the agent works:
When the agent pulls a job (Task), it will clone the code based on the git credentials available on the host itself, or based on the git_user/git_pass configured in ~/clearml.conf
The agent can work in two modes:
Virtual environment mode, where it will create a new venv for each experiment ba...

3 years ago
0 Hi I Saw This On The Clearml-Agent Docs But Other Than The Docker Image, I'M Not Sure How To Integrate This With Clearml Py And Clearml-Server. Please Advise.

Hi SubstantialElk6
No need for that, you can use the helm chart (or spin them once with kubctl) then they take care of scheduling by themselves.
You can also use the k8s glue (basically spinning kubernetes pods automatically for you, based on the Tasks that you push into the ClearML queue)

In short, two possible deployments
Static k8s pod running the agent (then the agent runs all the experiments inside t...

3 years ago
0 I Have A Situation Where I’D Like To “Promote” The Pipeline (And Dataset) By Creating It In A Completely Separate Instance Of Clearml Server Which Is Used For Production Retraining (Vs. The Dev. Clearml Server That Is Used For Experiments) A) Is This Some

Hi RoughTiger69
A. Yes makes total sense . Basically you can use Task.export Task.import to do achieve this process (notice we assume the dataset artifacts links are available on both, usually this is the case)

B. The easiest way would be to use Process , then one subprocess is exporting from dev , where the credentials and configuration is passed with os environment. The another subprocess imports it to the prod server (again with os environment pointing to the prod server). Make sense?

3 years ago
0 [Security] Hi, One Of Our Teams Noted That Previews Of Clearml-Data Datasets Are Saved In The Files_Server (Indicated In Clearml.Conf) Instead Of The Indicated Output_Uri In The Dataset.Create Argument. This Results In A Security Breach. May I Ask If This

Hi SubstantialElk6

saved in the files_server (indicated in ClearML.conf) instead of the indicated output_uri in the dataset.create argument

What's the clearml SDK version ? how are you specifying the output target?

one year ago
0 Hi, I'M Trying To Set Storage Manager To Use Our Internal Miniio Installation But I Ran Into This Issue With This Testing Code:

Yes 🙂
BTW: do you guys do remote machine development (i.e. Jupyter / vscode-server) ?

4 years ago
0 Hi, I'M Trying To Set Storage Manager To Use Our Internal Miniio Installation But I Ran Into This Issue With This Testing Code:

an implementation of this kind is interesting for you or do you suggest to fork

You mean adding a config map storing a default trains.conf for the agent?

4 years ago
0 [Clearml Task Querying] How Would I Find Tasks That Have The Same Code With Different Inputs/Parameters? I’M Interested In “Diff”Ing The Inputs To/Outputs From A Task To Do Pipeline “Caching” In A More Intelligent Way (For My Use Case) Than Clearml Does B

Hi ReassuredOwl55

How would I find Tasks that have the same code with different inputs/parameters?

Assuming you have the git repo
you can do:
Task.query_tasks(..., task_filter={'_all_'=dict(fields=['script.repository'], pattern='github.com/user/repo'))wdyt?

one year ago
0 Moreover, When I Go To The Queue Page, I See The Queue Is Empty, But When I'M On The Queued Task'S Page I Can See It Is Enqueued To Right Right Queue... So The Task Says It Is In The Queue, But The Queue Says It Is Empty

WackyRabbit7 I might be missing something here, but the pipeline itself should be launched on the "pipelines" queue, is the pipeline itself running? or is it the step itself that is stuck in ""queued" state?

3 years ago
0 Hi, I'M Trying To Set Storage Manager To Use Our Internal Miniio Installation But I Ran Into This Issue With This Testing Code:

NICE!!! this is exactly what I had in mind.
BTW: you do not need to put the default values there, basically it reads the defaults from the package itself trains-agent/trains and uses the conf file as overrides, so this section can only contain the parts that are important (like cache location credentials etc)

4 years ago
0 Hi, I'M Trying To Set Storage Manager To Use Our Internal Miniio Installation But I Ran Into This Issue With This Testing Code:

I think this is great! That said, it only applies when you are spining agents (the default helm is for the server). So maybe we need another one? or an option?

4 years ago
0 When Using Docker Mode (And Specifically K8S Glue), What Are The Options For Caching? One Option Is Definitely Having A Base Image That Has The Things Needed. Anything Else? Thanks!

Gitlab has support for S3 based cache btw.

This might still be considered "slow" compared to local-dist/cluster mount

Would adding support for some sort of post task script help? Is something already there?

Interesting, can you expand on the use case? (currently there is only pre-task script, for setup)

3 years ago
0 Sorry Folks Too Many Questions - If I Have A Project (And I Set The Output Uri In It While Creating, To A S3 Folder) How Can I Ensure That A Experiment (Task) That I Run On My Local Outputs The Model To The Uri?

But functionality is working

Awesome , I will wait with the merge until tested internally .
There is a resale coming out after the weekend, once it is out I expect we will merge it.

3 years ago
0 Sorry Folks Too Many Questions - If I Have A Project (And I Set The Output Uri In It While Creating, To A S3 Folder) How Can I Ensure That A Experiment (Task) That I Run On My Local Outputs The Model To The Uri?

Sounds good, I assumed that was the case but I was not sure.
Let's make sure that in the clearml.conf we write it in the comment above the use_credentials_chain option, so that when users look for IAM roles configuration they can quick search for it 🙂

3 years ago
5 months ago
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