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48 Questions, 8049 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
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2 years ago
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Lol, I wonder what the adblock rule was ;)
4 years ago
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This is usually due to enterprise level issued https certificates not part of the local installation (basically any python generated SSL request will fail)
4 years ago
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0 Votes 0 Answers 1K Views
Hi Guys/Gals, If you want to checkout the latest RC we have 0.15.0rc0 out : pip install trains==0.15.0rc0 pip install trains-agent==0.15.0rc0Many of the impr...
4 years ago
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0 Votes 2 Answers 998 Views
Hi ClearML v0.17.1 and ClearML-Agent v0.17.0 are now the official packages & repositories πŸŽ‰ 🎊 πŸ‘‹ πŸ›€οΈ This new name brings on many changes, mainly replace a...
3 years ago
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0 Votes 0 Answers 938 Views
4 years ago
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Is you server using https ?!
4 years ago
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0 Votes 0 Answers 1K Views
New releases: pip install trains==0.13.3https://github.com/allegroai/trains/releases/tag/0.13.3 pip install trains-agent==0.13.2https://github.com/allegroai/...
4 years ago
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4 years ago
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0 Votes 10 Answers 462 Views
Happy Friday everyone ! We have a new repo release we would love to get your feedback on πŸš€ πŸŽ‰ Finally easy FRACTIONAL GPU on any NVIDIA GPU 🎊 Run our nvidi...
7 months ago
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0 Votes 0 Answers 879 Views
4 years ago
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YummyWhale40 you are saying the example code is not working when running with the demo server? Also I think I was able to view your experiment on the demo se...
4 years ago
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0 Votes 2 Answers 945 Views
Hi ! trains 0.16.2 is finally out with the new pipelines interface! Check out the new example https://github.com/allegroai/trains/blob/master/examples/pipeli...
3 years ago
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0 Votes 0 Answers 965 Views
4 years ago
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0 Votes 6 Answers 396 Views
Hi :robot_face: , humans We have the new documentation site up and running πŸŽ‰ None 🎊 This is still a work in progress, so we keep the previous version alive...
3 years ago
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0 Votes 1 Answers 432 Views
πŸ™ There is no v1.0 release without a prompt v1.0.1 following it, and we are no different 😊 pip install clearml==1.0.1
3 years ago
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0 Votes 1 Answers 466 Views
LSTMeow is back! Bots/Gals/Guys feel free to πŸ‘ None
4 years ago
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0 Votes 1 Answers 948 Views
Quick note: v1.3.1 caused PipelineDecorator Tasks to by default disable the automagic frameworks connection, this bug is solved in the latest RC pip install ...
2 years ago
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0 Hi, Guys! I’M Trying To Connect Clearml To My Task And Getting Strange Error: After

Hi DepressedChimpanzee34
Why do you need to have the configuration added manually ? isn't the cleaml.conf easier ? If not I think OS environments are easier no? I run run above code, everything worked with no exception/warning... What is the try/except solves exactly ?

3 years ago
0 Can I Run A Random Task From A Queue? Like This

can you get the agent to execute the task on the current conda env without setting up new environment?

Wouldn't that break easily ? Is this a way to avoid dockers, or a specific use case ?

is there any other way to get task from the queue running locally in the current conda env?

You mean including cloning the code etc. but not installing any python packages ?

2 years ago
0 Hi All. I'Ve Been Mistakenly Using

To get task Id's use (e.g. all the tasks of a specific project):
task_ids = Task.query_tasks(project_name="examples", task_filter={'status': ["completed"])Then per task:
` for t_id in tasks_id:
t = Task.get_task(t_id)
conf_dict = t.get_configuration_as_dict(name="filter")
task_param = t.get_parameters()
task_param['filter'] = conf_dict
# this is to enable to forcefully update parameters post execution
# update hyper-parame...

2 years ago
0 Hello, If I Set

Let me check ...

3 years ago
0 Pytorch Lightning Question About Logging A Figure. I Have The Following Code:

I'm not sure TB support confusion matrix regardless, from anywhere in your code you can do:from trains import Task Task.current_task().get_logger().report_confusion_matrix(...)

3 years ago
0 Hi! For

And can I store models with no attachment to tasks?

Assuming you have the Model ID :
model = InputModel(model_id='aabbcc') local_file_or_folder = model.get_weights()Is this what you are looking for?

2 years ago
0 I Think There Is A Little Bug With The

Okay found it, ElegantCoyote26 the step name is changed but the Task name remains the same ... 😞
I'll make sure we fix it on the next version

2 years ago
0 Hi, I Have Another Problem

What you actually specified is torch the @ is kind of pip remark, pip will not actually parse it πŸ™‚
use only the link https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu100/torch-1.3.1%2Bcu100-cp36-cp36m-linux_x86_64.whl

4 years ago
0 Hi Guys, How Does Allegro Keep Track Of The Requirements (I'M Running The Scripts On A Remote Train-Agent With

Also you can use pip freeze instead of the static code analysis , on your development machines set:
detect_with_pip_freeze: false

3 years ago
0 Hi, We Saw 2 More Issues With Images Logging: 1. You Need To Use Tf.Summary.Image And Not Summary_Ops_V2.Image 2. Image Needs To Be In Range [0, 1] And Not [0, 255] (Matplotlib And Tensorboard Can Handle Either One) Is That Expected?

So it seems to get the "hint" from the type:
This will work
tf.summary.image('toy255', (ex * 255).astype(np.uint8), step=step, max_outputs=10)wdyt, should it actually check min/max and manually cast it ?

3 years ago
0 Hello Community! Is There An Option To Only Download A Part Of A Dataset With .Get_Local_Copy()? I Imagine Something Like This, But I Can'T Find The Right Way To Do It.

I see...
Current (and this will change soon) the entire delta is stored in a single file, so there is no real way to download a "subset" of the data, only a parent version 😞

Lets say that this small dataset has a ID ....

Yes this would be exactly the way to do so:

` param ={'dataset': small_train_dataset_id_here}

dataset_folder = Dataset.get(param['dataset']).get_local_copy()
... Locally it will use the small_train_dataset_id_here ` , then whe...

3 years ago
0 Hi, Is There A Simple Way To Make

Are you suggesting just taking theΒ 


Β function out of theΒ 


Β method,

Yes πŸ™‚

As for the second option, you mean create the task in theΒ 


Β method of the NetCDFReader class?


It would be a great idea to make the Task picklelizable,

Adding that to the next version to do list πŸ˜‰

3 years ago
0 Hi Clearml, Does Clearml Orchestration Have The Ability To Break Gpu Devices Into Virtual Ones?

BattyLizard6 to my knowledge the main issue with fractional GPU, is there is no real restriction on GPU memory allocation (with the exception of MIG slices, which is limited in other ways).
Basically one process/container can consume the maximum GPU ram on the allocated card (this also includes http://run.ai fractional solution, at least from what I understand).
This means that developer A can allocate memory so that developer B on the same GPU will start getting out-of-memory
(Notice in a...

2 years ago
0 Hi I Saw This On The Clearml-Agent Docs But Other Than The Docker Image, I'M Not Sure How To Integrate This With Clearml Py And Clearml-Server. Please Advise.

Hi SubstantialElk6
No need for that, you can use the helm chart (or spin them once with kubctl) then they take care of scheduling by themselves.
You can also use the k8s glue (basically spinning kubernetes pods automatically for you, based on the Tasks that you push into the ClearML queue)

In short, two possible deployments
Static k8s pod running the agent (then the agent runs all the experiments inside t...

3 years ago
0 Hello Again

I think EmbarrassedSpider34 is correct.
When you pass the requirements to clearml-task, actually the agent depending on how it was configured (conda / pip) will do the installation.
That said, maybe it is worth adding support to provide the env.yml in the CLI ?
(Notice that adding specific channels needs to be configured on the agent, they are not stored per Task)
AlertCamel57 wdyt?

2 years ago
0 Hello, I Am Trying To Use The

In order to facilitate the multiple credentials one must use the Clearml SDK obviously.

Yes πŸ™‚

2 years ago
0 Hi All! Question Around Resource Management Using

Oh that makes sense, This depends on how you setup the clearml k8s glue, (becuase the resource allocation is done by k8s) a good hack to limit the number of containers per GPU is to set a RAM limitation per pod, then k8s will know to limit the number of pods on the same GPU machine,

2 years ago
0 Hi All, Is There Anyway To Get The Id Of The Pipeline Using Pipeline Name? I Need The Id Of The Pipeline So That I Can Schedule The Pipeline To Run Via

Oh I see
but now I'm confused if this is from code, why aren't you coping the Pipeline ID from the UI?
regrading the query, it should be something like

task_to_schedule = Task.get_task(project_name='MyProject/.pipelines/PipelineName',                                  task_name='PipelineName')
one year ago
0 Maybe This Is More A Git Question Than A Clearml Question, But How Do I Get The Clearml_Agent_Git_User And Clearml_Agent_Git_Pass For Step 11 In

Nice πŸ™‚
@<1523710674990010368:profile|GreasyPenguin14> for future reference the agent part in the clearml.conf is only created when you call clearml-agent init (no need for it for the python SDK). Full default configuration is here:

3 years ago
0 Hey Guys Trying To Save A Model Via The Outputmodel.Update_Weights Function I Get The Following Error:

no, i just commented it and it worked fine

Yeah, we should add a comment saying "optional" because it looks as if you need to have it there if you are using Azure.

one year ago
0 Hello Channel, Two Other Related Questions:

Hi @<1556812486840160256:profile|SuccessfulRaven86>

it does not when I run a flask command inside my codebase. Is it an expected behavior? Do you have some workarounds for this?

Hmm where do you have your Task.init ?
(btw: what's the use case of a flask app tracking?)

Then I deleted those workers,

How did you delete those workers? the autoscaler is supposed to spin the ec2 instances down when they are idle, in theory there is no need for manual spin down.

one year ago
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