You need to use tf.summary.image and not summary_ops_v2.image
Fixed on main branch (see github issue), RC later today
Image needs to be in range [0, 1] and not [0, 255] (matplotlib and tensorboard can handle either one)
Is there a code to reproduce ?
Strange, I guess my toy example is not exactly what was happening originally..
If I manage to create a good toy example I will add it..
AgitatedDove14 , thanks for the quick response!
I get the same "white" image in both TB & ClearML 😞
StaleButterfly40 are you sure you are getting the correct image on your TB (toy255) ?
So it seems to get the "hint" from the type:
This will worktf.summary.image('toy255', (ex * 255).astype(np.uint8), step=step, max_outputs=10)
wdyt, should it actually check min/max and manually cast it ?
Hi BattyLizard6 ,
Do you have a toy example so I can check this issue my side?