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  Active since 10 January 2023
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Hello Everyone!
4 years ago
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Gals, Guys & :robot_face: If you want to get some inspiration on building DL Continuous Integration pipelines, I suggest this post (obviously built on top of...
4 years ago
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New releases: pip install trains==0.13.3https://github.com/allegroai/trains/releases/tag/0.13.3 pip install trains-agent==0.13.2https://github.com/allegroai/...
4 years ago
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We are at AAAI NY, come look us up :)
4 years ago
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YEY!!!! Download as CSV 🀯
2 years ago
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@<1523703325881536512:profile|ConvolutedSealion94> these are xgboost internal metrics that are automatically picked by clearml
one year ago
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I would guess connectivity issues, the TLS is probably python inaccurate response (I mean in a way, it is also a TLS error, but I would imagine this has more...
4 years ago
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apparently everyone can ...
4 years ago
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Is you server using https ?!
4 years ago
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Lol, I wonder what the adblock rule was ;)
4 years ago
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4 years ago
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Hi Guys! I have great news, we finally fully implemented support for continuing previously trained models πŸŽ‰ Here is a quick example (this is torch, but any ...
4 years ago
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0 Votes 6 Answers 403 Views
Hi :robot_face: , humans We have the new documentation site up and running πŸŽ‰ None 🎊 This is still a work in progress, so we keep the previous version alive...
3 years ago
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we recently released a new version of clearml-session with Persistent Workspace support! πŸš€ πŸŽ‰ Finally you can develop on remote machines with workspace fold...
6 months ago
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Hi ! trains 0.16.2 is finally out with the new pipelines interface! Check out the new example https://github.com/allegroai/trains/blob/master/examples/pipeli...
3 years ago
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OMG Look who just joined the PyTorch EcoSystem None Yes! it is TRAINS πŸš† πŸŽ‰ 🎈
4 years ago
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🎊 🍾 Happy new year ! πŸŽ† πŸŽ‡ We wanted to thank you all for the great feedback, contribution and general support you guys give us. It is truly fulfilling to ...
3 years ago
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Gals, Guys & :robot_face: , if you want to checkout the Hyper-Parameters automation (Using Bayesian Optimization Hyper-Band) We have an example on the demo s...
4 years ago
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0 I'M Having Issues Running Trains-Agent On My Aws, It Seems To Not Be Able To Install Pytorch... I Have

Please send the full log, I just tested it here, and it seems to be working

4 years ago
0 What Sort Of Integration Is Possible With Clearml And Sagemaker? On The Page

Hmm what do you have here?

os.system("cat /var/log/studio/kernel_gateway.log")
one year ago
0 More Of Pushing Clearml To It'S Data Engineering Limits

@<1541954607595393024:profile|BattyCrocodile47> first let me say I ❀ the dark theme you have going on there, we should definitly add that πŸ™‚

When I run

python set_triggers.py; python basic_task.py

, they seem to execute, b

Seems like you forgot to start the trigger, i.e.
(this will cause the entire script of the trigger inc...

one year ago
0 Hi All! I Am A Bit Confused As To How The Python Environment Is Set. I Can Submit Jobs That Build The Environment And Run Perfectly Fine. But, If I Abort The Job -> Requeue It From The Gui, Then A Different Environment Is Installed (Which Has Some Package

Hi @<1523701797800120320:profile|SteadySeagull18>

...the job -> requeue it from the GUI, then a different environment is installed

The way that it works is, in the "originating" (i.e. first manual) execution only the directly imported packages are listed (no derivative packages that re required by the original packages)
But when the agent is reproducing the job, it creates a whole clean venv for the experiment, installs the required packages, then pip resolves the derivatives, and ...

7 months ago
0 Hi, I'M Configuring An Agent. After Pasting The Credentials, I Get:

GiddyTurkey39 can you ping the server-address (just making sure, this should be the IP of the server not 'localhost')

3 years ago
0 Hi, We Have A Bit Old Open Source Clearml Instance. I Want To Create A New Instance On A New Infrastructure. Is There An Easy Way To Migrate Data Between Clearml Instances?

Hi @<1544128915683938304:profile|DepravedBee6>
You mean like backup the entire instance and restore it on another machine? Or are you referring to specific data you want to migrate?

BTW if you are upgrading old versions of the server I would recommend upgrading to every version in the middle (there are some migration scripts that need to be run in a few of them)

one year ago
0 Hi, Is There Any Way To Get Experiment Debug Images Programmatically?

to get all the image metrics:
client.events.get_task_metrics(tasks=['6adb929f66d14731bc76e3493ab89d80'], event_type='training_debug_image')

4 years ago
0 Hi, Is There Any Way To Get Experiment Debug Images Programmatically?

metric=image is the name in the dropdown of the denugimages

4 years ago
0 I'M Having Some Trouble Setting Up My Trains-Server Configuration For Trains. After Copying The Credentials I Get The Following:

ssh -R 8080:localhost:8080 -R 8008:localhost:8008 -R 8081:localhost:8081 replace_with_username@ubuntu_ip_heresolved the issue πŸ™‚

3 years ago
0 Hey, I Had A Problem With

Hi UptightBeetle98
The hyper parameter example assumes you have agents ( trains-agent ) connected to your account. These agents will pull the jobs from the queue (which they are now, aka pending) setup the environment for the jobs (venv or docker+venv) and execute the job with the specific arguments the optimizer chose.

Make sense ?

4 years ago
0 Hey Guys While Trying To Serve, Following:

Hi @<1544853695869489152:profile|NonchalantOx99>
I would assume the clearml-server configuration / access key is misconfigured in your copy of example.env

one year ago
0 Hi, Is There Any Way To Get Experiment Debug Images Programmatically?

HandsomeCrow5 check the latest RC, I just run the same code and it worked πŸ™‚

4 years ago
0 Hi, Is There Any Way To Get Experiment Debug Images Programmatically?

That said, it might be different backend, I'll test with the demoserver

4 years ago
0 Hello, I Have A Small Question Regarding Ui: Currently, In The Artifacts Section Of A Task, The

JitteryCoyote63 s3 should work, you can go to your profile page, see if you do not have some old credentials already there, maybe this is the issue.

3 years ago
0 Hi, I Tried To Delete Some Parameters From Args, But It Is Prohibited When Task Is Running. How Can I Make A Task Leave Only Necessary Hyperparameters In Clearml Gui After Running A Task? I Want To Get Only Specified Args Parameters When I Clone And Start

Sure :
task = Task.init(..., auto_connect_arg_parser={'arg_not_to_log': False})This will cause all argparse to automatically be logged (and later editable) with the exception of the argument arg_not_to_log
Notice that if you have --arg-something, to exclude it add to the dict arg_something': False

3 years ago
0 If I Create A Task Using Task.Create And Then In A Separate Piece Of Code I Want To Report To It (By Using

now it stopped working locally as well

At least this is consistent πŸ™‚
How so ? Is the "main" Task still running ?

2 years ago
0 Hi. I'M Using Clearml For Logging My Experiments. Can I Compare Experiments By Plotting Graphs? For Example, Every Experiment Logs The Time Per Training Iteration And The Accuracy Per Epoch. I Want To Create A Graph With "Average Time Per Iteration" As X-

because comparing experiments using graphs is very useful. I think it is a nice to have feature.

So currently when you compare the graphs you can select the specific scalars to compare, and it Update in Real Time!
You can also bookmark the actual URL and it is fully reproducible (i.e. full state is stored)
You can also add custom columns to the experiment table (with the metrics) and sort / filter based on them, and create a summary dashboard (again like ll pages in the web app, URL is...

3 years ago
0 Hi Guys, Is There A Way To Timeout (From Clearml) A Task If That Running Too Long?

it should be fairly easy to write such a daemon

from clearml.backend_api.session.client import APIClient
client = APIClient()
timestamp = time() - 60 * 60 * 2  # last 2 hours
tasks = client.tasks.get_all(
            created =[">{}".format(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp))],


11 months ago
0 Hey There, I Would Like To Increase The

I guess I would need to put this in the extra_vm_bash_script param of the auto-scaler, but it will reboot in loop right? Isn’t there an easier way to achieve that?

You can edit the extra_vm_bash_script which means the next time the instance is booted you will have the bash script executed,
In the meantime, you can ssh to the running instance and change the ulimit manually, wdyt?

3 years ago
0 Hey There, I Would Like To Increase The

I think this should work 🀞

3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
one year ago
0 Is There Any Example Showing How To Work With Nested Pipelines? In My Case I Have Several Functions Decorated With

I mean to use a function decorated withΒ 


Β inside another pipeline decorated in the same way.

Ohh... so would it make sense to add "helper_functions" so that a function will be available in the step's context ?
Or maybe we need a new to support "standalone" decorator?! Currently to actually "launch" the function step, you have to call it from the "pipeline" main logic function, but, at least in theory, one could do without the Pipeline itself.....

3 years ago
0 Hi, I'M Trying To Make Use Of New Capabilities Of Dag Creation In Clearml. Seems That Api Has Changed Pretty Much Since A Few Versions Back. There Seems To Be No Need In

What's the difference between the example pipeeline and this code ?
Could it be the "parents" argument ? what is it?

3 years ago
0 Hi All—First Off, Thanks For Being Such A Helpful And Thorough Group Of People. I Learn A Ton Just Searching Through The Channel For Problems. I’M Seeing A Weird Issue. I Have A Conda Env On My Linux Machine, And I Can Successfully Run A Training Script

(torchvision vs. cuda compatibility, will work on that),

The agent will pull the correct torch based on the cuda version that is available at runtime (or configured via the clearml.conf)

3 years ago
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