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48 Questions, 8049 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 6 months ago



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0 Votes 9 Answers 966 Views
Hi https://github.com/allegroai/trains/releases/tag/0.15.1 / https://github.com/allegroai/trains-server/releases/tag/0.15.1 / https://github.com/allegroai/tr...
4 years ago
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Slack security ... Go figure πŸ˜‰
4 years ago
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This will close it Task.current_task().close()I think we should rename completed() because it just marks the Task as completed on the backend but does not ac...
3 years ago
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docs are up
4 years ago
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4 years ago
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0 Votes 0 Answers 971 Views
Gals, Guys & :robot_face: If you want to get some inspiration on building DL Continuous Integration pipelines, I suggest this post (obviously built on top of...
4 years ago
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Is you server using https ?!
4 years ago
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0 Votes 3 Answers 377 Views
@<1523703325881536512:profile|ConvolutedSealion94> these are xgboost internal metrics that are automatically picked by clearml
2 years ago
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Hello Everyone!
4 years ago
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0 Votes 7 Answers 413 Views
Thank you all for taking the time to answer our survey (If you haven't already, we urge you to do so ). Your feedback has a major impact on what we build, do...
4 years ago
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2 Answers
0 Votes 2 Answers 391 Views
OMG Look who just joined the PyTorch EcoSystem None Yes! it is TRAINS πŸš† πŸŽ‰ 🎈
4 years ago
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0 Votes 0 Answers 869 Views
3 years ago
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0 Votes 0 Answers 991 Views
3 years ago
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Hi Guys! I have great news, we finally fully implemented support for continuing previously trained models πŸŽ‰ Here is a quick example (this is torch, but any ...
4 years ago
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0 Votes 0 Answers 1K Views
New RC for trains-agent is out pip install trains-agent==0.13.2rc1
4 years ago
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0 Votes 6 Answers 408 Views
Hi :robot_face: , humans We have the new documentation site up and running πŸŽ‰ None 🎊 This is still a work in progress, so we keep the previous version alive...
3 years ago
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0 Votes 1 Answers 951 Views
Quick note: v1.3.1 caused PipelineDecorator Tasks to by default disable the automagic frameworks connection, this bug is solved in the latest RC pip install ...
2 years ago
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0 Votes 2 Answers 1K Views
Hi ClearML v0.17.1 and ClearML-Agent v0.17.0 are now the official packages & repositories πŸŽ‰ 🎊 πŸ‘‹ πŸ›€οΈ This new name brings on many changes, mainly replace a...
3 years ago
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0 Hi Everyone! Is Anybody Using Log-Scale Parameter Ranges For Hyper-Parameter Optimization? It Seems That There Is A Bug In The Hpbandster Module. I'M Getting Negative Learning Rates..

I can update that the fix to UniformIntegerParameterRange should be pushed with tomorrows release πŸ™‚
(which would fix in turn LogUniformParameterRange)

2 years ago
0 Hello Again! Also Wanted To Ask About

Hi BurlyRaccoon64
What do you mean by "custom_build_script" ? not sure I found it in "clearml,conf"

2 years ago
0 Hi, I Expect There Is A Limitation In Time The Free Service

WickedGoat98 Forever πŸ™‚
The limitation is on the storage size

3 years ago
0 Good Morning Folks, I Am Setting Up Clearml On A (Self-Hosted) K8S Cluster Using The


if I configure manually the pods for the different nodes, how do I make clearml server aware that those agents exist?

Basically the agent register themselves on your cleaml-server, and they register on which Queue(s) they listen to. In other words the interface to choose the different types of machines/gpus is by enqueue the Task to different queues.
For example: Queue(1): "CUDA11_GPUx1" , Queue(2): "CUDA10_GPUx1"
Make sense ?


I guess to achieve what I w...

2 years ago
0 When Launching A Task To Trains Agent, I'M Having Trouble Getting The Imports From Other Files Working Correctly. For Instance, If My Task Imports A Function From Another File Within The Same Git Repo [

If there a way to do this without manually editing installed packages?

Running your code once with Task.init should automatically detect all the directly imported packages, then when trains-agent executes the Task, it will install them to a clean venv and put back all the packages inside the venv.

In order for all the used packages (e.g. bigquery) to appear in the "Installed packages" your cide needs to be executed once manually (i.e. not with trains-agent) then the ` tra...

3 years ago
0 How Can I Log My Configuration Like This? I Have A Dict Params = {'Data':{'Data_Key':123}, 'Model':{'Model_Key':123}}, But It Become Data/Datakey Instead Of An Foldable Config. In Addition, I Don'T Want To Name It As "General", Where Can I Change It?

diff line by line is probably not useful for my data config

You could request a better configuration diff feature πŸ™‚ Feel free to add to GitHub

But this also mean I have to first load all the configuration to a dictionary first.

Yes 😞

4 years ago
0 When I Run An Experiment (Self Hosted), I Only See Scalars For Gpu And System Performance. How Do I See Additional Scalars? I Have

Thanks BoredHedgehog47 !
And yes if the Task.init() call was only in main.py then the TB inside the subprocess (train.py) would as you perceived not be captured.
Did you by any chance test calling Task.init in Both main.py and train.py ?

one year ago
0 Hi, We Are Using Clearml For Our Experiment Tracking But Now Investigating Using The Pipeline Functionality As Well For Scheduling. We Also Want To Be Able To Trigger A Pipeline Run When There Is New Data In An External Database. Is This Possible? From Wh

oh the pipeline logic itself holds one "job" on the worker, and this is why you do not have any other spare workers to run the components of the pipeline.
Run your worker with --services-mode , it will launch multiple Tasks at the same time, it should solve the issue

8 months ago
0 I Have Installed The Trains Pycharm Plugin, But Based On The

HealthyStarfish45 the pycharm plugin is mainly for remote debugging, you can of course use it for local debugging but the value is just to be able to configure your user credentials and trains-server.
In remote debbugging, it will make sure the correct git repo/diff are stored alongside the experiment (this is due to the fact that pycharm will no sync the .git folder to the remote machine, so without the plugin Trains will not know the git repo etc.)

Is that helpful ?

3 years ago
0 Hi (Again... Sorry For Asking So Many Questions) Question About Using Google Cloud Storage In A Clearml Agent Running In Aws Ec2 Instance. My

in Your Additional ClearML Configuration (which is basically clearml.conf configuration)
Add the following:
environment { GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="~/gs.cred" } files { gsc { contents: "<this is your GCP storage credentials file>" path: "~/gs.cred" } }Reference:

2 years ago
0 Hi (Again... Sorry For Asking So Many Questions) Question About Using Google Cloud Storage In A Clearml Agent Running In Aws Ec2 Instance. My

Hi PanickyMoth78
Hmm yes, I think the StorageManager (i.e. the google storage pythonclinet) also needs a json file with the credentials.
Let me check something

2 years ago
0 Hi (Again... Sorry For Asking So Many Questions) Question About Using Google Cloud Storage In A Clearml Agent Running In Aws Ec2 Instance. My

I think it should look something like:
files { gsc { contents: """{"type": "service_account", "project_id": "ai-platform", "private_key_id": "9999", "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----==\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n", "client_email": "a@ai.iam.gserviceaccount.com", "client_id": "111", "auth_uri": " ", "token_uri": " ", "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": " ", "client_x509_cert_url": " "}""" path: "~/gs.cred" } }

2 years ago
0 Hi, I Faced With A Silly Error, When I Run The Python Script With Task = Trains.Init(Project_Name='My Project', Task_Name='My Task'). The Task Goes To The Trains Server, But In The Trains Server, In Installed Packages Part One Of The Line

Yes, I mean trains-agent. Actually I am using 0.15.2rc0. But, I am using local files, I mean I clone trains and trains-agent repos and install them. Their versions are 0.15.2rc0

I see, that's why we get the git ref, not package version.

4 years ago
0 Hi All! Is There Any Simple Way To Use

Hi @<1556450111259676672:profile|PlainSeaurchin97>

Is there any simple way to use


to pass a clearml task name?

need to call

args = task.connect(args)


noooo πŸ™‚ there is no need to do that, the arguments are automatically detected
see for yourself

args = parse_args()
task = Task.init(task_name=args.task_name)
one year ago
0 Hi, A Question About Dataset Storage Suppose I Create A Dataset Like This

Why would that require refactoring ? Dataset class should take care if it internally ,no?
The reason my_name is a subproject , is that so every version could be a "Task" inside that project , just easier to manage (or at least that was the idea)

one year ago
0 Hi Community! This Summer I Worked On An

Hi AttractiveWoodpecker16
I think is the correct channel for that question.
(any chance you can move your thread there?)
Specifically just email billing@clear.ml they will cancel (no need to worry about the beginning of the month, just explain and they will not charge over Nov)

EDIT: I know they are working on making it a one click in the UI, main limit is what happens with the data that was stored and was above the free tier threshold, anyhow I think next version will sort that as well.

one year ago
0 Hey Everyone

because fastai’s tensorboard doesn’t work in multi gpu

keep me posted when this is solved, so we can also update the fastai2 interface,

2 years ago
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