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  Active since 10 January 2023
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Hi :robot_face: , humans We have the new documentation site up and running 🎉 None 🎊 This is still a work in progress, so we keep the previous version alive...
3 years ago
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New releases: pip install trains==0.13.3https://github.com/allegroai/trains/releases/tag/0.13.3 pip install trains-agent==0.13.2https://github.com/allegroai/...
4 years ago
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0 Votes 1 Answers 969 Views
Quick note: v1.3.1 caused PipelineDecorator Tasks to by default disable the automagic frameworks connection, this bug is solved in the latest RC pip install ...
2 years ago
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Is you server using https ?!
4 years ago
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We are at AAAI NY, come look us up :)
4 years ago
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LSTMeow is back! Bots/Gals/Guys feel free to 👍 None
4 years ago
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OMG Look who just joined the PyTorch EcoSystem None Yes! it is TRAINS 🚆 🎉 🎈
4 years ago
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🙏 There is no v1.0 release without a prompt v1.0.1 following it, and we are no different 😊 pip install clearml==1.0.1
3 years ago
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2 years ago
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This will close it Task.current_task().close()I think we should rename completed() because it just marks the Task as completed on the backend but does not ac...
3 years ago
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0 Votes 7 Answers 425 Views
Thank you all for taking the time to answer our survey (If you haven't already, we urge you to do so ). Your feedback has a major impact on what we build, do...
4 years ago
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3 years ago
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Lol, I wonder what the adblock rule was ;)
4 years ago
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Gals, Guys & :robot_face: , if you want to checkout the Hyper-Parameters automation (Using Bayesian Optimization Hyper-Band) We have an example on the demo s...
4 years ago
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0 Votes 9 Answers 976 Views
Hi https://github.com/allegroai/trains/releases/tag/0.15.1 / https://github.com/allegroai/trains-server/releases/tag/0.15.1 / https://github.com/allegroai/tr...
4 years ago
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docs are up
4 years ago
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YummyWhale40 awesome thanks!
4 years ago
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New video is out 🙂 Cloud Autoscalers are awesome https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4XVMAaUt3E
2 years ago
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0 I Have A Problem With Clearml-Agent, The Agent Is Cloning Repository, But When Executing This Command:

UpsetTurkey67 are you saying there is a sym link in the original repository, and when it copies it, it breaks the symlink ?

2 years ago
0 Hi, I Try To Optimize My Hyperparamters With

Hmm ConvincingSwan15

WARNING - Could not find requested hyper-parameters ['Args/patch_size', 'Args/nb_conv', 'Args/nb_fmaps', 'Args/epochs'] on base task

Is this correct ? Can you see these arguments on the original Task in the UI (i.e. Args section, parameter epochs?)

3 years ago
0 Hi, I Try To Optimize My Hyperparamters With

Okay, so I think it doesn't find the correct Task, otherwise it wouldn't print the warning,
How do you setup the HPO class ? Could you copy paste the code?

3 years ago
0 Hi Everyone, I'M Using Clearml-Serving With Triton And Have A Couple Of Questions Regarding Model Management:

Hi @<1713001673095385088:profile|EmbarrassedWalrus44>
So Triton has load/unload model, but these are slowwww, meaning you cannot use them inside a request (you'll just hit the request timeout every time it tries to load the model)
as you can see this is classified as "wish-list" , this is not trivial to implement and requires large CPU RAM to store the entire model, so "loading" becomes moving CPU to GPU memory (which also is not the fastest but the best you can do). As far as I understand ...

4 months ago
0 Hi Everyone, I'M Using Clearml-Serving With Triton And Have A Couple Of Questions Regarding Model Management:

. That speed depends on model sizes, right?

in general yes

Hope that makes sense. This would not work under heavy loads, but eg we have models used once a week only. They would just stay unloaded until use - and could be offloaded afterwards.

but then you still might encounter timeout the first time you access them, no?

4 months ago
0 Clearml (Remote Execution) Sometimes Doesn'T "Pick-Up" Gpu. After I Rerun The Task It Picks It Up. Seems Random, Doesn'T Happen Too Often (Maybe Once In 30-40 Times) And I Cannot Seem To Detect Any Pattern. Did Anyone Else Notice This? Agents Are Vms On G

Hi @<1631102016807768064:profile|ZanySealion18>

ClearML (remote execution) sometimes doesn't "pick-up" GPU. After I rerun the task it picks it up.

what do you mean by "does not pick up"? is it the container is up but not executed with --gpus , so no GPU access?

3 months ago
0 Bug?

Just verified the with the code base, should work out of the box 🙂 nothing to worry about

one year ago
0 Hey, Is There A Shortcut On The Dataset Sdk To Directly Get The Latest Version Of A Dataset ?

Create a new version of the dataset by choosing what increment in SEMVER standard I would like to add for this version number (major/minor/patch) and uploadOh this is already there
` cur_ds = Dataset.get(dataset_project="project", dataset_name="name")

if version is not given it will auto increase based on semantic versions incrementing the last number 1.2.3 -> 1.2.4

new_ds = Dataset.create(dataset_project="project", dataset_name="name", parents=[cur_ds.id]) `

one year ago
0 Hey, Is There A Shortcut On The Dataset Sdk To Directly Get The Latest Version Of A Dataset ?

currently I'm doing it by fetching the latest dataset, incrementing the version and creating a new dataset version

This seems like a very good approach, how would you improve ?

one year ago
0 Are There Python Api Docs For Trains Hosted Anywhere? I'Ve Found Helpful Info In The Class Method Definitions That I Didn'T Find In The Main Docs/Examples

BroadMole98 thank you for noticing !
I'll make sure it is fixed (a few other properties are also missing there, not sure why, I'll ask them to take a look)

3 years ago
0 Hi There

task._wait_for_repo_detection()You can use the above, to wait until repository & packages are detected
(If this is something users need, we should probably make it a "public function" )

4 years ago
0 Hi! How To Add Files Locally To


How do I add files without uploading them anywhere?

The files themselves need to be packaged into a zip file (so we have an immutable copy of the dataset). This means you cannot "register" existing files (in your example, files on your S3 bucket?!). The idea is to make sure your dataset is protected against changes on the one hand, but on the other to allow you to change it, and only store the changeset.
Does that make sense ?

2 years ago
0 Hi. I'M Running This Little Pipeline:

Well you do somehow need to pass the data, no?

2 years ago
0 Hi, I Have A Question About Queue Management Of Clearml Agents. I Am Still A Beginner To Clearml And Still Discovering The Potential It Has And As Of Now It Has Amazed Me With It Versatile Features

Hi UpsetBlackbird87

I might be wrong, but it seems like ClearML does not monitor GPU pressure when deploying a task to a worker rather rely only on its configured queues.

This is kind of accurate, the way the agent works is that you allocate a resource for the agent (specifically a GPU), then sets queues (plural) to listen to (by default priority ordered). Then each agent is individually pulling jobs and running on the allocated GPU.
If I understand you correctly, you want multiple ...

3 years ago
0 Hey! Does Anyone Know If I Can Use Different Ports For My Clearml Ui Server?

Hi BurlyPig26
I think you can easily change the Web port, but not the API (8008) or files (8081) port
How are you deploying it?

2 years ago
2 years ago
0 Why There Is No

Hi @<1618056041293942784:profile|GaudySnake67>
Task.create is designed to create an External task not from the current running process.
Task.init is for creating a Task from your current code, and this is why you have all the auto_connect parameters. Does that make sense ?

one year ago
0 Why There Is No

By default the remote link (i..e the Task you are creating with Task.create will have all the auto logging turned on)
For finer control we kind of assume you have Task.init inside your remote script, and then just pass add_task_init_call=False does that make sense ?
Do you think we should have a way to configure those auto_connect args when creating the Task?

one year ago
4 years ago
0 Hi Everyone, I'M Using Clearml-Serving With Triton And Have A Couple Of Questions Regarding Model Management:

Hi @<1690896098534625280:profile|NarrowWoodpecker99>

Once a model is loaded into GPU memory for the first time, does it stay loaded across subsequent requests,

yes it does.

Are there configuration options available that allow us to control this behavior?

I'm assuming your're thinking dynamic loading/unloading models from memory based on requests?
I wish Triton added that 🙂 this is not trivial and in reality to be fast enough the model has to leave in RAM then moved to GPU (...

4 months ago
0 Hi All

This one should work:
` path = task.connect_configuration(path, name=name)
if task.running_locally():
my_params = read_from_path(path)
my_params = change_parmas(my_params) # change some staff

store back the change, my_params assumed to be the content of the param file (text)

task.set_configuration_object(name=name, config_taxt=my_params) `

3 years ago
0 Hi Again, Is There A Way To Pass Secrets As Parameters Of A Task? I Have An Experiment That Requires Connecting To A Database, And I Need To Be Able To Pass The Creds As Task Params (Or In Another Way, I Don'T Know Yet). But I Don'T Want To Expose My Cred

I'm sorry JitteryCoyote63 No 😞
I do know that the enterprise addition have these features (a.k.a vault & permissions), basically to answer these types of situations.

3 years ago
0 Bug?

I think your use case is the original idea behind "use_current_task" option, it was basically designed to connect code that creates the Dataset together with the dataset itself.
I think the only caveat in the current implementation is that it should "move" the current Task into the dataset project / set the name. wdyt?

one year ago
0 Bug?

Hmm interesting...
of course you can do:
dataset._task.connect(...)But maybe it should be public?!

How are you using that (I mean in the context of a Dataset)?

one year ago
0 Hey, Is There A Shortcut On The Dataset Sdk To Directly Get The Latest Version Of A Dataset ?

Or am I forced to do a get, check if the latest version is fainallyzed,

Dataset Must be finalized before using it. The only situation where it is not is because you are still in the "upload" state.

, then increment de version of that version and create my new version ?

I'm assuming there is a data processing pipeline pushing new data?! How do you know you have new data to push?

one year ago
0 I Am Also Experiencing A Weird Behaviour When Running A Script Using The Module Flag. For Example I Run:

command line to the arg parser should be passed via the "Args" section in the Configuration tab.
What is the working directory on the experiment ?

3 years ago
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