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48 Questions, 8049 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 5 months ago



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25 × Eureka!
0 Hi All, We’Re Interested In Using Trains For A New Ml Project. This Project Is An Early Proof Of Concept So We’D Like To Start With The Open Source Version. One Question We’Re Finding Difficult To Answer Is: What Tools Do People Successfully Combine With

Hi EnchantingWorm39
Great question!
Regrading the data management, I know the enterprise edition has full support for unstructured data, and we plan to soon have a solution for structured data as part of the open source (soon= hopefully in a month time)
Regrading model serving, I know you can integrate with TFServing or seldon with very little effort (usually the challenge is creating triggers etc, but but in most cases this is custom code anyhow 🙂 )
I do not have experience with Cortex/B...

3 years ago
0 Hi, When It First Asks Me To Enter My Full Name, It Fails To Perform The Request (Timed Out). Checked Server Side And Receiving This Error

Seems like something is not working with the server, i.e. it cannot connect with one of the dockers.
May I suggest to carefully go through all the steps here, make sure nothing was missed

Especially number (4)

4 years ago
0 I'M Using

Hi MagnificentPig49 I suspect it's the ResnetCIFAR10Model wrapper, is it your module ?

4 years ago
0 Hello, I Downloaded The Docker-Compose For Windows But When Starting It Up I'M Getting The Following Error For Mongo:

Hi SmoothSheep78
Do you need to import the previous state of the trains-server, or are you starting from scratch ?

3 years ago
0 Hello, I Have An Error While Installing Git Dependencies Of Local Package: So Far I Used Task.

JitteryCoyote63 see here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55385900/pip3-setup-py-install-requires-pep-508-git-url-for-private-repo bottom line, you have to add package@ before the link, but if you do that and the package is already installed it will not install using the git repo, this is an issue with pip. I think that since the agent installs everything from scratch it should work for you. Wdyt?

3 years ago
0 I Have A Questions About Queue Priorities With Clearml-Agent. I Have Two Queues,

Sure thing 🙂
BTW: ReassuredTiger98 this is definitely an interesting use case, and I think you can actually write some code to solve it if you like.
Basically let's followup on you setup:
Machine X: agent listening to queue A, B_machine_a *notice we have two agents here Machine Y: agent listening to queue B_machine_bNow we (the users) will push our jobs into queues A and B
Now we have a service that does the following:
` see if we have a job in queue B
check if machine Y is working...

3 years ago
0 I'M Using

MagnificentPig49 I'll look into it, if it's very simple, it should not be a problem.

4 years ago
0 I Originally Posted In

That would be great! Might have to use 


 in some of my bash scripts

Feel free to test and PR :)

One other question regarding connecting. We have setup sshd inside the docker image we are using.

Actually the remote session opens port 10022 on the host machine (so it does not collide with the default ssh port)
It actually runs an additional sshd inside the docker, setting its port.
And the clearml-session will ssh directly into the container sshd...

2 years ago
0 Hello World,

Hi PerplexedGoat65

it appears, in a practical sense, this means to mount the second drive, and then bind them in ClearML’s configuration

Yes, the entire data folder (reason is, if you loose it, you loose all the server storage / artifacts)

Also, thinking about Docker and slower access speed for Docker mounts and such,

If the host OS is linux, you have nothing to worry about, speed will be the same.

2 years ago
0 Hi, I Shifted My Clearml Setup To An On-Premise Disconnected Env, Which Has A Pip Repo Setup. I Noted This Warning,

SubstantialElk6 could you try with the latest (just released)?
pip install clearml-agent==0.17.2Then if possible, could you attach the full log of the agent's execution (Task->results->Console)

3 years ago
0 Hi, I Try To Optimize My Hyperparamters With

Hmm ConvincingSwan15

WARNING - Could not find requested hyper-parameters ['Args/patch_size', 'Args/nb_conv', 'Args/nb_fmaps', 'Args/epochs'] on base task

Is this correct ? Can you see these arguments on the original Task in the UI (i.e. Args section, parameter epochs?)

3 years ago
0 Hello, We Are Currently Working On A Hyperparameter Tuning Job For Object Detection Following This Tutorial

So based on the log it seems the agent is installing:
torch from https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu102/torch-1.6.0-cp36-cp36m-linux_x86_64.whl
and torchvision from https://torchvision-build.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/1.6.0/gpu/cuda-11-0/torchvision-0.7.0a0%2B78ed10c-cp36-cp36m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl

See in the log:
Warning, could not locate PyTorch torch==1.6.0 matching CUDA version 110, best candidate 1.7.0But torchvision is downloaded from the cuda 11 folder...

3 years ago
0 Hey, We Were Trying To Run An Experiment On Clearml Using Its Python-Sdk. When I Run An Experiment Using

I was able to successfully enqueue the task but only entrypoint script is visible to it and nothing else.

So you passed a repository link is it did not show on the Task ?
What exactly is missing and how the Task was created ?

3 years ago
0 When I Run An Experiment (Self Hosted), I Only See Scalars For Gpu And System Performance. How Do I See Additional Scalars? I Have

I basically moved the Task.init() call below the imports

Okay that is odd, can you copy pate the before/after of the import, so we can fix that?!

one year ago
0 If Possible, I Would Like All Together Prevent The Fileserver And Write Everything To S3 (Without Needing Every User To Change Their Config)

i had a misconception that the conf comes from the machine triggering the pipeline

Sorry, this one :)

2 years ago
0 Hello! Since Today I Get

Well, in that case, just change the order it should solve it (I'll make sure we have that as the default:

conda_channels: ["pytorch", "conda-forge", "defaults", ]

It should solve the issue 🙂

3 years ago
0 Hello! I Was Wondering If There'S A Way To Have A Time Series Chart When Comparing Experiments? The Bar Chart Isn'T Ideal For Me: Context: Doing A Classification Task Where An Llm Decides The Output Class. Trying To Determine Which Prompt Performs The B

Hi @<1726410010763726848:profile|DistinctToad76>
Why not just report scalars, the x-axis you can use as "iterations" if this is a running in real time to collect the prompts.
If this is a summary then just report a scatter plot (you can also specify the names of the axis and the series)

2 months ago
0 What Happens To File That Are Downloaded To A Remote_Execution Via Storagemanager? Are They Removed At The End Of The Run, Or Does It Continuously Increases Disk Space?


One reason I don't like using the configuration section is that it makes debugging much much harder.

debugging ? please explain how it relates to the configuration, and presentation (i.e. preview)
Yes in theory, but in your case it will not change things, unless these "configurations" are copied on any Task (which is just storage, otherwise no real harm)
I was thinking "zip" file that the Task creates and uploads, and a new configuration type, say "external/zip" , and in the c...

2 years ago
0 Is There A Way To Set Precedence On Package Managers? If We Set An Agent To Use


 stores git related data in ... you get an internal package we have with its version, but no git reference, i.e. 


 instead of 

internal_module @H4dr1en

This seems like a bug with poetry (and I think I have run into this one), worth reporting it, no?

2 years ago
0 Is Anyone Also Experiencing Network Error During Every Clearml Dataset Download? It'S Been A While And Almost Every Download Fails...

Since the error says network error, is it possible because I'm in Taiwan? Like downloading from Asia leads to this kind of issue

Can you download it from the browser ? (I mean the file size after download , is it 400mb?)

2 years ago
0 Hi All, I'Ve Successfully Run A Task Locally, And Now I'M Trying To Clone It And Send It To A Queue. It Looks Like The Environment Is Built Successfully, But It Hangs Here:

Although it's still really weird how it was failing silently

totally agree, I think the main issue was the agent had the correct configuration, but the container / env the agent was spinning was missing it,
I'll double check how come it did not print anything

2 months ago
0 So From What I Can Tell Using

Basically you should not use Task.create to log the current execution. It is used to create a Task externally and then enqueue it for remote execution. Make sense?

one year ago
0 Hey, I Was Wondering How Can I Do Hparams Tuning With Trains? Couldn'T Find Anything On The Documentation

ShaggyHare67 notice that the services queue is designed to run CPU based tasks like monitoring etc.
For the actual training you need to run your trains-agent on a GPU machine.
Did you run the trains-agent init ? it will walk you through the configuration (git user/pass) included.
If you want to manually add them, you can see an example of the configuration file in the link below.
You can find it on ~\trains.conf

3 years ago
0 Hi Guys! What Is The Best Way To Access Artifacts From Other Step Of The Pipeline? I Have Step One Returning Dataframe And Step Two Takes It As An Input But When First Step Is Cached I Only Get An Artifact Url. So How Should I Read It From Artifacts Stora

I think your "files_server" is misconfigured somewhere, I cannot explain how you ended up with this broken link...
Check the clearml.conf on the machines or the env vars ?

one year ago
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