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48 Questions, 8049 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 5 months ago



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25 × Eureka!
0 I Would Like To Use Clearml Together With Hydra Multirun Sweeps, But I’M Having Some Difficulties With The Configuration Of Tasks.

Understood, then I would use Task.remote_execution()
Basically :

task = Task.init(...)
# config some stuff
# this line will be executed on the remote machine only 

This will both automatically log your code / repo with Task.init, and the call to Task.remote_execute will stop the local process (on your machine that runs the hydra sweep) and continue on the remote machine.
This will both allow you to use Hydra sweet & schedule / run on remote ...

one year ago
0 New Rc(1.1.2Rc0) Version Available!

A few more details on the New RCΒ  (1.1.2rc0) change set:

Upload dataset now supports chunksize, for multi-part upload/download (useful with large datasets)
backwards compatibility, i.e. parent datasets do not have to support multi-part datasets
Notice multi-part datasets should be accessed with latest RC
cleaml-data upload --chunk-size Dataset().upload(..., chunk_size=None)
Get Dataset support partial download (i.e. for debugging, or for more efficient multi-node support)
Notice total n...

2 years ago
0 Hi Guys, How Does Allegro Keep Track Of The Requirements (I'M Running The Scripts On A Remote Train-Agent With

Does it work if I launch the clearml-agent on a docker and pip doesn't know the packages to install

Not sure I follow... the "detect_with_pip_freeze" flag (when set) will tell clearml (at runtime) to create the "installed packages" directly from pip freeze (instead of analyzing the code)

3 years ago
4 years ago
0 Is There Any Customization Options With Respect To The Ui Of The Debug Samples Tab In Results? Specifically I Am Looking For Something More Similar To Tensorboard, Namely The Slider That Lets You Scroll Conveniently Through The Debug Samples Across The E

Hi RipeGoose2
Yes the slide feature is definelty on the do do list (a lot of users asked for it).
Unfortunately other than actually PR-ing to the UI repo, there is no easy way to add customization (If you have an idea on how we could have an easy interface, that would be great.)
I'll check what's the status with the slider, maybe we will be lucky enough to see it in he next update πŸ™‚

3 years ago
0 Hello!

Hmm, in the credentials popup there should be a "secure connect" checkbox, it tells it to use https instead of http. Can you verify?

2 years ago
0 Has Anyone Tried Using Clearml With Ray Based Distributed Training For Computer Vision Models Like Resnet?

Hi @<1658281093108862976:profile|EncouragingPenguin15>
Should work, I'm assuming multiple nodes are running agents ? or are you saying Ray spins the jobs and clearml logs them ?

8 months ago
0 So, Here'S A Question. Does Clearml Automatically Save Everything Necessary To Continue Training A Pytorch Language Model? Specifically, I'Ve Been Looking At The Checkpoint Folders Created When I'M Training A Huggingface Robertaformaskedlm. I Checked What

If you cannot change the "TrainerState" (i.e. inherit and pass it into the code)
you cloud also monkey-patch it, something like
` class OurTrainerState(TrainerState):
def init(...)
def load_from_json(cls, json_path: str):

trainer.state = OurTrainerState(trainer.state) `

3 years ago
0 Here Are Two More Questions:


Β can be used to inherit packages

Correct, it is basically venv with --system-site-packages

I do not think virtualenv nesting is support, if it was then in theory you could have executed the clearml-agent from virtual environment with system_site_packages turned on and then it would inherit from it. But again I'm not sure virtualenv supports it.
BTW: the latest clearml-agent RC already have venv caching (both pip/conda) πŸ™‚

3 years ago
0 Can Anyone Complete This [Demo](

Wait, @<1686547375457308672:profile|VastLobster56> per your config clearml-fileserver who sets this domain name? could it be that it is only on our host machine? you can quickly test by running any docker on your machine and running ping clearml-fileserver from the docker itself.
also your log showed "could not download None ..." , I would expect it to be None ... , no?

4 months ago
0 Hello Everyone, I Have A Question About Ssh/Credentials: Let'S Say I Have Multiple Users / Multiple Ssh Credentials That I Do Not Want To Share With The Clearml-Agent Workstations. Is There A Way To Send Credentials To The Agent In The Task? So For Exampl

So sharing with the agent is also not possible.

But they can see each others experiments, so why wouldn't the agent be able to have a read-only access ?
ReassuredTiger98 you can put your user/pass into the git URL link, but I'm not sure this will solve the privacy issue πŸ˜‰

3 years ago
0 After I Have Create A Task And Closed It In A Notebook, Any Activity Seems To Trigger Another Task. For Example:

Is Task.current_task() creating a task?

Hmm it should not, it should return a Task instance if one was already created.
That said, I remember there was a bug (not sure if it was in a released version or an RC) that caused it to create a new Task if there isn't an existing one. Could that be the case ?

3 years ago
0 Hi, Does Anyone Use Mlflow / Weight & Biases /

but somewhere along the way, the request actually remove the header

Where are you seeing the returned value?

4 years ago
0 Hello, In The Following Context:

Metadata might be expensive, it's a RestAPI call, and we have found users putting hundreds of artifacts, with preview entries ...

4 years ago
0 Let'S Say That I Specify The

I guess that was never the intention of the function, it just returns the internal representation. Actually my question would be, how do you use it, and why? :)

3 years ago
0 Performance Under Docker Is 10% Lower Than On Bare Metal

Hi DullCamel78

Hi everyone! Has anyone tried running

aws_autoscaler.py without docker?

Well generally since this is a remote machine the easiest way to control environment is with containers, hence the default use case. In theory you can change it to use venv, but then of course your a somewhat limited with the diff drivers/cuda/python environement.

performance under docker is 10% lower than on bare metal

add to your extra docker args
` extra_docker_arguments: ["...

2 years ago
0 So, I Have Just Started Using Clearml For Local Data And Experiment Tracking And Its Been Super Helpful. Now That I Am Moving Towards Deploying And Serving The Models Using Clearml-Serving And Triton. I Have Done Some Basic Experimenting With The Provided

Hi RipeAnt6

What would be the best way to add another model from another project say C to the same triton server serving the previous model?

You can add multiple call to cleaml-serving , each one with a new endpoint and a new project/model to watch, then when you launch it it will setup all endpoints on a single Triton server (the model optimization loading is taken care by Triton anyhow)

3 years ago
0 Hi All, I Am Faced With The Situation That My Company'S Gitlab Is Temporarily Out Of Service At A Certain Time In The Early Morning (Due To Regular Maintenance Service, Something I Cannot Control). Normally, My System'S Inference Pipelines Are Scheduled T

Mmm well, I can think of a pipeline that could save its state in the instant before the error occurred.

This is already the case, if you clone the pipeline Task change the Args/_continue_pipeline_ to True and enqueue

2 years ago
0 Hi Again. As I Am Running My Experiment From Server Using Agent, I Am Failing On The Point, Where The Arguments Of Argparse Are Processed. When Is The Agent Task Registered. I Am Getting None For Task.Current_Task() At The Begining Of My Script.

Hi WorriedParrot51
Let me shed some light on this complicated mechanism, because this is not very straight forward.
Basically the agent signals the trains package it should ignore the code calls, and use a specific Task in the backend (i.e. if in manual mode, the trains package logs the data into the trains-server, in agent mode (remote mode), it does the opposite and takes the data from the trains-server "into" the code)

Specifically, just like in manual mode, calling argparse.parse is be...

4 years ago
0 Hi Team, Me Again! Im Curious If Someone Can Explain To Me Better How Task And Optimisers Integrate With Each Other. In The Example Hyperparameter Optimisation, There Is Both A Task Initialised With

, is the team open to PRs from external people?

Yes please do! PRs are welcomed! I thought we fixed the GitHub readme to reflect it, anyhow I'll make sure we do πŸ™‚

3 years ago
0 Hello, I'M Using A Virtual Environment Inside My Jupyterhub Server Along With Clearml. Whenever I Create Any Task The "Uncommitted Changes" Are The Contents Of

@<1535793988726951936:profile|YummyElephant76> oh you mean like jupyter server was running, then inside the notebook you would start a new venv, in that venv "notebook" package was missing, hence it failed detecting the notebook ?

one year ago
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