I suggest reading all of them, starting with pipeline from tasks 🙂
You can take a look at the pipeline examples here:
Transferring artifacts between tasks is exactly what they do.
(the <host>
contains correct hostname)
@<1523701205467926528:profile|AgitatedDove14> I've checked my configs and it's all good, no / is missing
@<1544853721739956224:profile|QuizzicalFox36> , yes 🙂
Hi @<1544853721739956224:profile|QuizzicalFox36>
notice there is a / missing in the link, how is that possible? it should be http://
What do you have in the artifacts of this task id: 4a80b274007d4e969b71dd03c69d504c
@<1523701205467926528:profile|AgitatedDove14> I could test it but I just recently fixed this issue by caching the previous step where this artifact is coming from. Now I'm getting the dataframe itself instead of link to artifact.
I don't know should I waste our time on this? However, it's very interesting why ability to cache the step impacts artifacts behavior
I think your "files_server" is misconfigured somewhere, I cannot explain how you ended up with this broken link...
Check the clearml.conf on the machines or the env vars ?
@<1523701205467926528:profile|AgitatedDove14> it is as expected - a dataframe
Hi @<1544853721739956224:profile|QuizzicalFox36> ,
You can use StorageManager.download_file()
to easily fetch files.
(you can find it in the pipeline component page)
@<1523701205467926528:profile|AgitatedDove14> Hi, I have no idea as I don't upload the file to the artifacts myself. I return df from function that is in previous pipeline step and then pass it as a parameter for this step
Yes. I've also checked configs in all of my machines just in case
I didn't understand how to use it. Everything I've tried failed. Could you give me an example?
Hmm, can you send the full log of the pipeline component that failed, because this should have worked
Also could you test it with the latest clearml python version (i.e. 1.10.2)
@<1544853721739956224:profile|QuizzicalFox36> , are you running the steps from the machine who's config you checked?
However, it's very interesting why ability to cache the step impacts artifacts behavior
From you log:
videos_df = StorageManager.download_file(videos_df)
Seems like "videos_df" is the DataFrame, why are you trying to download the DataFrame ? I would expect to try and download the pandas file, not a DataFrame object
@<1523701070390366208:profile|CostlyOstrich36> Hi! Sorry for not responding for a long time. I couldn't reproduce my issue until today. So usually, I don't need to use Storage manager as I would get the contents of the parameter directly. However, for some reason once again instead of contents of dataframe I've got a PosixPath to the artifact or string describing dict with url to artifact. I've implemented if statement to catch such cases but again I can't access the artifact. I've tried StorageManager.download_file(str(artifacts_PosixPath)) and got same path as response or when accessing as string StorageManager.download_file(artifact_as_string_dict)) (I would get it if I pass .artifacts.df), got error ValueError: Requested path does not exist: /home/monika_kazlauskaite/.clearml/venvs-builds.1/3.8/code/{'name': 'videos_df', 'size': 1357, 'type': 'pandas', 'mode': <ArtifactModeEnum.output: 'output'>, 'url': 'http:/',