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48 Questions, 8049 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 5 months ago



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25 × Eureka!
0 Hi Everybody. I Have Problem When Logging Model In A Specific Case. If Model Has Parameter That Is A Dict Than It Is Not Saved To Clearml Even Tho It Is Saved In A Model Folder Normally. I Have Also Attached Example When This Is Happening As A Snippet. D

Hi OutrageousGiraffe8

Does anybody knows why this is happening and is there any workaround, e.g. how to manually report model?

What exactly is the error you are getting? and with which clearml version are you using?
Regrading manual Model reporting:

2 years ago
0 One More Follow-Up Still; We'Re Trying To Run Non-Gpu Scaler, And I'Ve Finally Sorted Out Subnet And Security Groups Issues, Only To Run Into This:

fatal: could not read Username for ' ': terminal prompts disabled .. fatal: clone of ' ' into submodule path '/root/.clearml/vcs-cache/xxx.60db3666b11ac2df511a851e269817ef/xxx/xxx' failedIt seems it tries to clone a submodule and fails due to to missing keys for the submodule.

2 years ago
0 Hello Everyone! I'M Currently Trying To Set Up A Pipeline, And Am A Bit Confused At A Few Things. Some Questions I Have:

I'm a bit confused between the distinction / how to use these appropriately --


does not have




args to set what code the task should be running.

It detects it automatically at run time πŸ™‚ based on what is actually being used

My ideal is that I do exactly what


does, but the task only goes into the pipeline section rather than making a new one in the experiments section.

Do y...

one year ago
0 I Am Using Pipelines (Just Starting) And I Am Checking Different Options For Overriding Parts Of Configuration Of The Base Task (Step Of My Pipeline). In The Docs For Parameter_Override One Can Find:

which is probably why it does not work for me, right?

Correct, you need to pass the entire configuration (it is stored as a blob, as opposed to the hyperparameters that are stored as individual values)
` :param configuration_overrides: Optional, override Task configuration objects.
Expected dictionary of configuration object name and configuration object content.
{'General': dict(key='value')}
{'General': 'config...

2 years ago
0 Hi, Is It Possible To Run

Can't see any reason not to πŸ™‚

one year ago
0 Hi, Is There A Way To List All Agents Running In A Host, I Do Not Find Relevant One In Clearml-Agent -H.

@<1523701304709353472:profile|OddShrimp85> are you trying to shut down the one running on your machine ?

one year ago
0 I Think There Is A Little Bug With The

Hi ElegantCoyote26
what's the clearml version you are using?

2 years ago
0 + Side Question - Any Plans To Include Native Support For

Hi UnevenDolphin73
I think there is an open issue on github, I'm not sure but I think there is already some internal progress

3 years ago
0 Hey All, Is There A Way To Setup Scalar Plotting So That Series On The Same Scalar Plot Will Have Different Colors?

HighOtter69 I was able to change the color individually without an issue. What's your clearml-server ? are you using the community server ?

3 years ago
0 Hi, I Am Using Pipelinedecorator To Create Tasks. Is There A Way To Force It To Use The Entire Git Repo It Is Created From On The Pythonpath? Vs. Just The Decorated Function And Perhaps The Helper_Function=[Some_Function]?


The imports are not recognized - they are not on the pythonpath of the task that the agent starts.

RoughTiger69 add the imports inside the functions itself, you cal also specify the, on the component
@PipelineDecorator.component(..., package=["pcakge", "package==1.2.3"])or
@PipelineDecorator.component(...): import pandas as pd # noqa ...

2 years ago
0 Random Question (And Possible Suggestion): Does Clearml Offer Some Kind Of "Forum" Inside The Web Gui? For Example, I'M Thinking That Different Users Might Want To Comment On Results Of An Experiment And Stuff. Im Sure These Things Can Be Done Externally

And actually the slack thing is actually a good workaround this since people can just comment easily

Any reference for similar integration between Slack and other platforms ?
I'm thinking maybe the easiest way is Slack bot to you can @ task id ?

2 years ago
0 Hi Folks Any Info On When The Helm Chart Will Be Updated For 1.0.1 ?

This is odd it says 1.0.0 but then, it was updated t weeks ago ...

3 years ago
0 I Cannot Get Clearml-Agent With Docker Containers To Work. Clearml Uses

Yes (Mine isn't and it is working πŸ™‚ )

3 years ago
0 Hi, One More Question: When Creating A Task With Task.Init(), We Can Specify The

JitteryCoyote63 correct, you could also use Task.create that creates a Task but does not do any automagic.
I also saw the PR for set_parent, will be merged shortly πŸ™‚ thanks!
Now I see, the scenario is similar to the HyperParameter scenario , see the TrainsJob https://github.com/allegroai/trains/blob/master/trains/automation/job.py
I still don't see why you would change the type of the cloned Task, I'm assuming the original Task had the correct type, no?

4 years ago
0 Hi, Is There A Way To Pull Clearml Datasets To A Mounted Pv Instead Of The Pod'S Local Directory.

Hi @<1523701304709353472:profile|OddShrimp85>
Do you mean Dataset.get_local_copy() ?

one year ago
0 Hi, How Can I Change The Project.Default_Output_Destination? I Tried Setting It To None But It Is Not Updated

Hi JitteryCoyote63

I change the project.default_output_destination? I tried setting it to None but it is not updated

How did yo try to change it? and where do you see the effect ?

one year ago
0 Hi! Is There A Way To Export The Credentials Of The Aws Account Only During The Creation Of The Docker? I Don’T Want Every User In My Team To Know The Credentials To Access S3 Buckets. I Just Want Them To Be Able To Write In The Bucket Without The Credent

…every user in the server has the same credentials, and they don’t need to know them..makes sense?

Make sense, single credentials for everyone, without the need to distribute
Is that correct?

2 years ago
0 Hi, Similar To Task.Set_Offline(True), Is There A Way To Simulate An Execution In An Agent? (For Testing Purposes)

It's the same but done from outside, you want the same and "offline" as well right?

2 years ago
0 Hi, I Have Another Problem

You can always force it with environment variable CUDA_VERSION=10.1

4 years ago
0 Hi Again. As I Am Running My Experiment From Server Using Agent, I Am Failing On The Point, Where The Arguments Of Argparse Are Processed. When Is The Agent Task Registered. I Am Getting None For Task.Current_Task() At The Begining Of My Script.

Hi WorriedParrot51
Let me shed some light on this complicated mechanism, because this is not very straight forward.
Basically the agent signals the trains package it should ignore the code calls, and use a specific Task in the backend (i.e. if in manual mode, the trains package logs the data into the trains-server, in agent mode (remote mode), it does the opposite and takes the data from the trains-server "into" the code)

Specifically, just like in manual mode, calling argparse.parse is be...

4 years ago
0 I Have A Bunch Of Python Modules With Clearml Tasks. They Are Using 3Rd-Party Libraries But No Module Uses Code From Another Module. When I Run Such A Task Remotely - Then Clearml Deduces The Dependencies From Imports, Which Works Fine. Now I Decided To T

FiercePenguin76 the git repo should detect only clearml as required python package
Basically the steps are:
decide if the initial python entry script is a standlone script (i.e. no local imports) in the git repo (in your example "task_with_deps.py") If this is a "standlone script" only look for imports inside the calling python script, and list those packages under "installed packages" If this is Note a standalone script, go over All the python files inside the repository, look for "i...

2 years ago
0 Hi! Trying To Run The Following Very Basic Code. The First Few Parts Works As They Should:

I cannot reproduce, tested with the same matplotlib version and python against the community server

3 years ago
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