Yes, i am abel to clone it via terminal. with the exact same url that is posted in the log.
Is trains-agent using docker-mode or virtual-env ?
cloning: http://.../allegro.git
fatal: unable to access ' http://<user> :<pw>@rz-s-git/c.huber/allegro.git/': Could not resolve host: XXX
Repository cloning failed: Command '['clone', ' http:// .../allegro.git', '/root/.trains/vcs-cache/allegro.git.5fe0bfd1aead3fbac0f62bb78ff1f685/allegro.git', '--quiet', '--recursive']' returned non-zero exit status 128.
trains_agent: ERROR: Failed cloning repository.
- Make sure you pushed the requested commit:
(repository=' http://.../allegro.git ', branch='master', commit_id='91470e19bb1dbbcbf73d69af33a7324e8c15fecb', tag='', entry_point='', working_dir='.') - Check if remote-worker has valid credentials [see worker configuration file]
SuperiorDucks36 , is the domain name "rz-s-git" this does not seem like a valid domain?
Is it a local domain on your network?
it is a name for a local server in the network and al users can resolve the right ip on the terminal
i also checked the commit id and the credentials
so the docker didnt use the dns of the host?
I'm assuming it is not configured on your DNS, otherwise it would have been resolved...
what do you have in the trains-agent machine in "/etc/host"
so the docker didnt use the dns of the host?
Yes, the left side is the location of the file on the host machine, the right side is the location of the file inside the docker. in our case it is the same location
This will mount the trains-agent machine's hosts file into the docker
is it on purpes that ther is two times /etc/hosts?
Hi SuperiorDucks36
Could you post the entire log?
(could not resolve host seems to be coming from the "git clone" call).
Are you able to manually clone the repository on the machine running trains-agent
Okay, make sure that in your trains.conf
on all the trains-agent machine you add the following:agent.extra_docker_arguments: ["-v", "/etc/hosts:/etc/hosts",]
The dokcer itself does not have the host configured.
the host can resolve the name rz-s-git
and there is also the entry in /etc/hosts