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Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
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48 Questions, 8049 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 5 months ago



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25 × Eureka!
0 Hello Community! How I Can Add S3 Credentials To S3 Bucket In Example.Env For Clearml-Serving-Triton? I Need To Add Bucket Name, Keys And Endpoint

Hi AbruptHedgehog21

How i can add S3 credentials to S3 bucket in example.env for clearml-serving-triton? I need to add bucket name, keys and endpoint

Basically boto (s3) environment variables would just work:

2 years ago
0 Hi! I Noticed A Bug Related To Reusing The Same Component In A Pipeline. I Have Prepared A Mock Example So That You Can Reproduce It:

Oh right, I missed the fact the helper functions are also decorated, yes it makes sense we add the tags as well.
Regarding nested pipelines, I think my main question is , are they independent or are we generating everything from the same code base?

2 years ago
0 I Just Deployed Clearml Into K8 Cluster Using Clearml Helm Package. When I Ran A Job, It Gave This Error In The Clearml Web Server (Attached Below). I Sshed Into The Pod Running The Clearml-Agent. Upon Typing Clearml-Agent Init, I Realised The Clearml.Con

Hi DeliciousBluewhale87
My theory is that the clearml-agent is configured correctly (which means you see it in the clearml-server). The issue (I think) is that the Task itself (running inside the docker) is missing the configuration. The way the agent passes the configuration into the docker is by mapping a temporary configuration file into the docker itself. If the agent is running bare-metal, this is quite straight forward. If the agent is running on k8s (or basically inside a docker) th...

3 years ago
0 Hi, Currently It Seems That Trains-Agent Writes Files With The User "Nobody", Group "Nogroup" And Permissions 777 To Created Files. How Can I Change That? To The Very Least, Change The User Group It Uses? Running On Linux Ubuntu

nfs version 3

That's the thing, NFS will automatically set file access and flags based on the mount options you cannot change them post mount.
How about creating a new user just for the agent, it makes sense from security / credentials perspective

3 years ago
0 In My Git Repo, I Have A

Hi BoredHedgehog47
Just make sure it is installed as part of the "installed packages" 🙂
You should end up with something like
git+You can actually add it from your code:
Task.add_requirements("git+ ") task = Task.init(...)Notice you can also add a specific commit or branch git+ https://github.com/user/repo.git@ <commit_id_here_if_needed>

Is this what you are looking for ?

you can also do "-e ." that should also work:
` Task.add_requirements("-e .")
task = Ta...

one year ago
2 years ago
0 Is There A Way To Configure The File Server To Use Minio Storage, Or Does Every Individual User Have To Configure Their Own Minio Credentials?

will my datasets be stored on the same machine that hosts the clearml server?

By default yes, they will be stored to the files-server (but you can change it, this is an argument for both the CLI and the python interface)

2 years ago
0 Hi All, Is There An Easy Way To Ping The Server Programatically? I'M Just Trying To See What Is The Default Server That Is Set, And Is It Responsive

I'm just trying to see what is the default server that is set, and is it responsive

I'm assuming you mean your own server, not the demo server, is that correct ?

and then second part is to check if it is up and alive

Yes, you can curl to the ping endpoint :

2 years ago
0 My Nth Question For The Day

Is there a way to do this all elegantly?

Of yes there is, this is how TaskB code will look:

` task = Task.init(..., 'task b')
param = {'TaskA' :'TaskAs ID HERE'}
taska_model = Task.get_task(param['TaskA']).models['output''][-1]


torch.save('modelb') `I might have missed something there, but generally speaking this will let you:
Select TASKA as a parameter of TaskB training process Will register automagically Tasks'A...

3 years ago
0 Greetings And Hello

Thanks PompousBaldeagle18 !

Which software you used to create the graphics?

Our designer, should I send your compliments 😉 ?

You should add which tech is being replaced by each product.

Good point! we are also missing a few products from the website, they will be there soon, hence the "soft launch"

3 years ago
0 I Am Trying To Use

pip install "pyjwt<2.0.0"

3 years ago
0 Hello, Is It Possible To Run Trains Offline Where There'S No Http Connection Between The Node Running The Job And Where The Web Ui Runs? I See In Your Diagram The Connection Between Training Machine And Trains Server (Which Contains The Web Ui) Is Over Ht

copy paste the trains.conf from any machine, it just need the definition of the trains-server address.
Specifically if you run in offline mode, there is no need for the trains.conf and you can just copy the one on GitHub

4 years ago
0 Hi All! Is There A Way For Trains To Recognize The Cli Arguments When Using

GrievingTurkey78 whats the repository link you see in the UI? Does it start with ssh:// or https://
Did you add git_user/git_pass to the trains.conf of the trains-agent ? (if you did it should replace any ssh:// link with https:// user/pass link)

3 years ago
0 Hello, I'M Logging A Plotly Figure Which Contains Subplots Using

I look forward to your response on Github.

Great, I would like to make this discussion a bit more open and accessible so GitHub is probably better

I'd like to start contributing to the project...

That will be awesome!

3 years ago
0 I Hit A Issue That I Cannot See My Matplotlib Plot, But It Was Shown In The Panel. Any Idea?

Hi EnviousStarfish54
After the pop up do you see the plot on the web UI?

4 years ago
0 Hi All! Is There A Way For Trains To Recognize The Cli Arguments When Using

GrievingTurkey78 can you send the entire log?

3 years ago
0 Is There A Document Which Describes What Kind Of Data Is Stored In Elasticsearch, Mongodb And Redis.. Just Trying To Understand The Architecture Of Trains And See How It Fit Together

PompousParrot44 unfortunately not yet 😞
But the gist is :
MongoDB stores experiment data (i.e. execution parameters, git ref etc.)
ElasticSearch stores results (i.e. metrics console logs, debug image links etc.)
Does that help?

4 years ago
0 Hey There, Does Trains Support

his means that you guys internally catch the argparser object somehow right?

Correct 🙂 this is how you get the type checking casting abilities, and a few other perks

4 years ago
0 Are The Various Task Types Available In 0.15? I Am Getting

We are planning an RC later this week, I'll make sure this fix is part of it

4 years ago
0 Hi There. When Trying To Launch My Specific Docker, It Fails Launching Clientml-Agent Inside The Container Due To This...

MotionlessCoral18 I think there is a fix in the latest clearml-agent RC 1.4.0rc0 can you test and update if your are still having this issue?

2 years ago
0 Hi! Is There Something Happening With The

GrievingTurkey78 please feel free to send me code snippets to test 🙂

3 years ago
0 Hello Folks! I Have A Pipeline With Three Tasks: A, B, And C I Want To Set It Up So That: A Gets Assigned A Machine (E.G. Based On The Queue) B Always Gets Assigned To The Same Machine As A (But May Run In A Different Docker Etc.) C Will Be Submitted To

Really what I need is for A and B to be separate tasks, but guarantee they will be assigned to the same machine so that the clearml dataset cache on that machine will be warm.

I think that what you are looking for is multi-machine cache (which is fully supported). Basically mount an NFS/SMB folder from a NAS to any of those machines, configure the cache folder to point to it, and not you do not need to worry about affinity ?

Is there a way to group A and B into a sub-pipeline, h...

2 years ago
0 I Just Posted A Gh Issue Which Totally Prevents Me From Using A Scheduler.

Thanks FiercePenguin76 , I can totally understand your point on running proper tests, and reluctance to break other things.
I suggest to add a comment with the temp fix that solved the problem for you, and we will make sure the team takes it from there. wdyt?

2 years ago
0 Hello All, I'M Trying To Adapt Clearml With My Workflow. I Installed A Server At My Server, With Workers Attached To It. I'M Trying To Execute A Task From My Local Within One Of My Workers. Trying To Use Docker Mode And A Custom Image. I Also Have A Local

The driver script (the one initializes models and initializes a training sequence) was not at git repo and besides that one, everything is.

Yes there is an issue when you have both git repo and totally uncommitted file, since clearml can store either standalone script or a git repository, the mix of the two is not actually supported. Does that make sense ?

2 years ago
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