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48 Questions, 8049 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 6 months ago



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25 × Eureka!
0 Hello, I Would Like To Optimize Hparams Saved In Configuration Objects. I Used Hydra And Omegaconf For Hparams Definition (See Img). How Should I Define The Name Of Hparam In

I figured out the problem...


Unfortunately, the hyperparameters in configuration object seems to be superior to the hyperparameters in Hyperparameter section

Hmm what do you mean by that ? how did you construct the code itself? (you should be able to "prioritize" one over the over)

2 years ago
0 When I Setup My Local Virtual Environment I Use A Combination Of Conda And Pip. I Use Conda As My Environment Manager, And Then Use Pip For Packages That Are Not In The Conda Repositories.

Thanks VivaciousPenguin66 !
BTW: if you are running the local code with conda, you can set the agent to use conda as well (notice that if you are running locally with pip, the agent's conda env will use pip to install the packages to avoid version mismatch)

3 years ago
0 Hello, I Would Like To Optimize Hparams Saved In Configuration Objects. I Used Hydra And Omegaconf For Hparams Definition (See Img). How Should I Define The Name Of Hparam In

Hi CurvedHedgehog15

I would like to optimize hparams saved in Configuration objects.

Yes, this is a tough one.
Basically the easiest way to optimize is with hyperparameter sections as they are basically key/value you can control from the outside (see the HPO process)
Configuration objects are, well, blobs of data, that "someone" can parse. There is no real restriction on them, since there are many standards to store them (yaml,json.init, dot notation etc.)
The quickest way is to add...

2 years ago
0 How Do I Create Sub Projects With The New Version 1.0?

Add '/' , like you would with a file system.
Task.init(project_name='main_project/sub_project', task_name='test')

3 years ago
0 Continuing On

Also, can the image not be pulled from dockerhub but used from the local build instead?

If you have your docker configured to pull from local artifactory, then the agent will do the same šŸ™‚ (it is calling the docker command just like you do)

agent.default_docker.arguments: "--mount type=bind,source=$DATA_DIR,target=/data"

Notice that you are use default docker arguments in the example
If you want the mount to always be there use extra_docker_arguments :

3 years ago
0 Hi Folks! I'M Using  

pip install clearml==0.17.5rc0šŸ™‚

3 years ago
0 Hi New With Clearml I Create Clearml Server On Gcp With Docker Now I’M Training Yolov5 And I Want To Save All The Info (Model And Metrics ) With Clearml To My Bucket.. (So I Can Have Small Server And No Memory Issue ) Where Should I Start? Its Should Be C

Hi AstonishingRabbit13

now Iā€™m training yolov5 and i want to save all the info (model and metrics ) with clearml to my bucket..

The easiest thing (assuming you are running YOLOv5 with python train.py is to add the following env variable:
CLEARML_DEFAULT_OUTPUT_URI=" " python train.pyNotice that you need to pass your GS credentials here:

one year ago
0 Hi Again. As I Am Running My Experiment From Server Using Agent, I Am Failing On The Point, Where The Arguments Of Argparse Are Processed. When Is The Agent Task Registered. I Am Getting None For Task.Current_Task() At The Begining Of My Script.

Hi WorriedParrot51
Assuming you run the code "manually" once (i.e. without the agent). Then when you call Task.init it will register the argparser.
When running with the agent, the first time you will call parse, it will automatically override the argparse defaults with the values stored in the Task.
Make sesne?

am getting None for Task.current_task() at the beginning of my script.

Task.init() is doing the magic , only after this call you will have current_task (either running manua...

4 years ago
0 Hi I Was Running An Hyperparameter Optimization Task Using The Optuna Optimizer And Even Though The Hyperparameteroptimizer’S Argument Is Set To

Hi UpsetBlackbird87
This is an Optuna decision on how many concurrent tests to run simultaneously.
You limited it to 100, but remember Optuna does a Bayesian optimization process, where it decides on the best set of arguments based on the performance of the previous set, this means it will first try X trials, then decide on the next batch.
That said you can a pruner to Optuna specifying how it should start

2 years ago
0 Hello,

to avoid downgrade to clearml==1.9.1
I will make sure this is solved in clearml==1.9.3 & clearml-session==0.5.0 quickly

one year ago
0 Hi Everyone, Additional Arguments To The Script Execution, Is It Possible? How Can It Be Done? So At The Moment When My Script Is Being Executed The

PompousBeetle71 the code is executed without arguments, in run-time trains / trains-agent will pass the arguments (as defined on the task) to the argparser. This means you that you get the ability to change them and also type checking šŸ™‚

PompousBeetle71 if you are not using argparser how do you parse the arguments from sys.argv? manually?
If that's the case, post parsing, you can connect a dictionary to the Task and you will have the desired behavior
` task.connect(dict_with_arguments...

4 years ago
0 Hi Guys, With The New Venv Caching Available In Clearml, I Have The Following Problem: I Force My Pip Requirements To Be:

Hmm I assume it is not running from the code directory...
(I'm still amazed it worked the first time)
Are you actually using "." ?

3 years ago
0 Hi! I’M Running An Experiment As Follows:

Yes, actually ensuring pip is there cannot be skipped (I think in the past it cased to many issues, hence the version limit etc.)
Are you saying it takes a lot of time when running? How long is the actual process that the Task is running (just to normalize times here)

2 years ago
0 When Running Jobs, My Pipeline Controller Always Updates To The Latest Git Commit Id But Sometimes My Pipeline Steps Do Not. This Appears To Be Somewhat Random So I Believe It Is Due To Caching. Has Anyone Else Encountered This Or Have Any Idea How To Fix

AdventurousRabbit79 are you passing cache_executed_step=False to the PipelineController ?
Could you send a usage example ?

my pipeline controller always updates to the latest git commit id

This will only happen if the Task the pipeline creates has no specific commit ID, and instead just uses the latest from the git repo. Is this the case ?

3 years ago
0 For Remote Execution Where The Queue Has

@<1523701083040387072:profile|UnevenDolphin73> it's looking for any of the files:

one year ago
0 Well, We Accidentally Leaked Some Super Powerful Credentials Today. Is There A Way To

Hi @<1541954607595393024:profile|BattyCrocodile47>
is this on your self hosted machine ?

one year ago
0 Hi, I'M Getting A Lot Of The Following Logs

Hi PompousBeetle71
Could you test the latest RC, I think the warning were fixed:
pip install trains==0.16.2rc0Let me know...

4 years ago
0 Is There A Way To Output The Cleamrl Reports Scalars / Configuration Etc Into A Output Pdf ? If Not Available, Is It On The Near Term Pipeline ?

Hi DeliciousBluewhale87
You mean per Task? Is it reporting? Is it like the project overview?

3 years ago
0 Hi, I'M Trying To Clone And Queue Experiments For Running Them On My Workers. I Am Able To Successfully Clone And Queue The Task, But Seems Like The Task Does Not Pass The Correct Parameters To My Python Script On The Worker. We Use Hydra For Configuring

Oh no, you are absolutely correct, it is broken (I mean I have no idea why it lists Hydra, or how it got there). I will let the guys know and fix it.
Bottom line, after you clone it, please edit the installed packages and remove the "Hydra" line and replace with just "hydra-core" (no need for version).
The format is the same as "requirements.txt" and will effect the venv created by the agent

2 years ago
0 Hey I’M Running This Script And Initialise The Clearml Task Also In This File

Iā€™m not sure if this was solved, but I am encountering a similar issue.

Yep, it was solved (I think v1.7+)





(which is used in the script above) ClearML is not able to automatically capture PyTorch scalars and artifacts.

The "trick" is to have Task.init before you spawn your code, then (since your code will not start from the same state), you should call Task.current_task(), which would basically make sure everything is...

one year ago
0 Hi Guys, Just Wondering If Anyone Encountered This Error When Using The Pipeline Controller Object. I Simply Added A Step With The Step-Name And Base_Task_Id As Flags.

Hi AverageBee39
What's the clearml-server and clearml packge you are using ?
(I looks like some capability that is missing from the server, i.e. needs upgrade ?!)

3 years ago
0 Hi, Trying To Spin Up A Clearml Agent And Gettting This Error:

In the installed packages section it includes

pywin32 == 303

even though that is not in my requirements.txt.

So for some reason it is being detected (meaning your code base actually imports it in code)
But you can just remove it, either by manually editing the cloned Task (right click, reset, then you can edit the section), or via code
Task.ignore_requirements("pywin32") task = Task.init(...)

2 years ago
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