Hmm, as a quick solution you can use the custom example and load everything manually:
But you have a very good point, I'm not sure how one could know what's the xgboost correct class, do you?
Yes, this is exactly how the clearml k8s glue works (notice the resource allocation, spin nodes up/down, is done by k8s which sometimes do take some time, if you only need "bare metal nodes" on the cloud, it might be more efficient to use the aws autoscaler, that essentially does the same thing
Hi ObedientDolphin41
I keep bumping against the
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named
Import the package inside the component function (the one you decorated), it will make sure it lists it in the requirements section automatically.
You can also set it manually by passing it to as the "packages" argument on the decorator function:
Ohh, yes that makes sense so just send them as a list of links in a single calldataset.source_url(["s3://", "s3://"], ...)
This will be a single update
From creating the event to actually sending it ... 30 min sounds like enough "time"...
The point is, " leap"
is proeperly installed, this is the main issue. And although installed it is missing the ".so" ? what am I missing? what are you doing manually that does Not show in the log?
In other words how did you install it "menually" inside the docker when you mentioned it worked for you when running without the agent ?
What would you say the use case for running an experiment with iterations
That could be loss value per iteration, or accuracy per epoch (iteration is just a name for the x-axis in a sense , this is equivalent to time series)
Make sense?
Try to set this line in your clearml.conf to true:
DAG which get scheduled at given interval and
Yes exactly what will be part of the next iteration of the controller/service
an example achieving what i propose would be greatly helpful
Would this help?from trains.automation import TrainsJob job = TrainsJob(base_task_id='step1_task_id_here') job.launch(queue_name='default') job.wait() job2 = TrainsJob(base_task_id='step2_task_id_here') job2.launch(queue_name='default') job2.wait()
Need - in my CI, the url used is https but I need the ssh url to be used. I see that we can pass repo to Task.create but not Task.init
Are you cloning an existing Task, or creating a new one ?
GleamingGrasshopper63 what do you have configured in the "package manager" section?
I can read them programmatically using tensorboard and the log the using clearml logger,
StaleButterfly40 this will be a great script to put somewhere (I'm sure you are not the only one with this problem). Maybe put it as a GitHub issue ? wdyt ?
This is an odd error, could it be conda is not installed in the container (or in the Path) ?
Are you trying with the latest RC?
Should I useÂ
BTW, config.pbtxt you should pass when "registering" the endpoint with the CLI
I think that what happened was you are running it on the host machine (not inside the docker)
I probably missed a "
- Yes the main diff between add task and decorator is basically creating dag and " executes " the tasks in parallel, based on the dag dependencies
- Decorator will also take care of serializing the data in / out of the function. Imagine the pipeline logic is running as python code where the logic will wait for the function to finish only when the result of the function is being used. This means that if you need a parllel loop you can create thread pool.
Make sense
Hi TightElk12
it would raise an error if the env where execution happens is not configured to track things on our custom server to prevent logging to the public demo server ?
What do you mean by that? catching the default server instead of the configured one ?
where the ui merges the plots just as we want and I was wondering if there is some simple way to do it in the case of all plots.
we can do it for scalars (this is trivial)
We can merge specific plots when they are simple, I think basic histograms.
But for any generic plots we fear the merge will just fail, and this is why it defaults to side by side.
how can I combine two plots in the ui as you mentioned?
The easiest solution is to use, "report_scatter2d", these are specific pl...
Do you have two agents pulling from the same queue ?
Maybe one of them is configured differently ?
What's strange is that the remote jobs, as soon as they are launched, if I compare their configs while in state pending, they have the right all different configs, but later, while running,
Wait I think I found it, since usuallyu the case with hydra you configure everything from overrides / config, when launched remotely it looks at it by default. But with the launch plugin it should be overwritten with the Task
` task = Task.init(...)
@<1523720500038078464:profile|MotionlessSeagull22> you cannot have two graphs with the same title, the left side panel presents graph titles. That means that you cannot have a title=loss series=train & title=loss series=test on two diff graphs, they will always be displayed on the same graph.
That said, when comparing experiments, all graph pairs (i.e. title+series) will be displayed as a single graph, where the diff series are the experiments.
What do you mean by "tag" / "sub-tags"?
Here are my extra_docker_arguments that make the thing working:
GentleSwallow91 Nice!
BTW: in theory there should not need to be any need to add the specific: "-v","/home/nino/.ssh:/home/testuser/.ssh", the agent should do that automatically
That didn’t gave useful infos, was that docker was not installed in the agent machine x)
JitteryCoyote63 you mean "docker" was not installed and it did not throw an error ?
Is there a way to detect the repository when initialising a task?
SuperficialGrasshopper36 This should have happened automatically when you call Task.init()
Okay let me see if I can think of something...
Basically crashing on the assertion here ?
Could it be your are passing "Args/resume" True, but not specifying the checkpoint ?
I think I know what's going on: