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48 Questions, 8048 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 5 months ago



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25 × Eureka!
0 I Noticed After Upgrading To The Latest Clearml That App Credentials Now Disappear On Restart. Is This An Intentional Design Choice? I'M In A Bit Of A Chicken-And-Egg Situation: Trying To Generate Valid Keys For

as a backup plan: is there a way to have an API key set up prior to running docker compose up?

Not sure I follow, the clearml API pair is persistent across upgrades, and the storage access token are unrelated (i.e. also persistent), what am I missing?

2 months ago
0 What Would Be The Best Way To Approach This Flow?

AFAICS it's quite trivial implementation at the moment, and would otherwise require parsing the text file to find some references, right?

Yes, but the main issue is the parsing, it needs to have a specific standard. We use HOCON because it is great to read and edit (basically JSON would be a subset of HOCON)

the original pyhocon does support include statements as you mentioned -

Correct, my thinking was to expand them into "@configuration_section.key" or something of that nature

one year ago
0 Hello! Since Today I Get

Could you try to do:

CUDA_VERSION="11.1" clearml-agent ...
3 years ago
0 Is There Some Built-In Way In Clearml To Trigger Further Action On Task Fail (Or Pipeline Fail)?

There may be cases where failure occurs before my code starts to run (and, perhaps, after it completes)

Yes that makes sense, especially from IT failure perspective

2 years ago
0 Hi! Trying To Run The Following Very Basic Code. The First Few Parts Works As They Should:

2021-07-11 19:17:32,822 - clearml.Task - INFO - Waiting to finish uploads

I'm assuming a very large uncommitted changes 🙂

3 years ago
0 Is It Possible To Give The Agent Access To Install Private Pip Packages (Needs To Be Installed From The Repo)?

I see..
Generally speaking If that is the case, I would think it might be better to use the docker mode, it offers way more stable environment, regardless on the host machine runinng the agent. Notice there is no need to use custom containers, as the agent will basically run the venv process, only inside a container, allowing you to reuse offf the shelf containers.

If you were to add this, where would you put it? I can use a modified version of 


Yep, that would b...

3 years ago
0 Hello Folks! We Have Started Using Clearml In Kubernetes. The Trainings Are Run In K8S With Help Of K8Sintegration And Some Custom Coding. Now For The Clearml-Session Tasks, A Port-Forward Should Be Done Each Time If I Need To Access The Jupyter Notebook

Hi DisgustedDove53

Now for the clearml-session tasks, a port-forward should be done each time if I need to access the Jupyter notebook UI for example.

So basically this is why the k8s glue has --ports-mode.
Essentially you setup a k8s service (doing the ingest TCP ports) then the template.yaml that is used by the k8s glue should specify said service. Then the clearml-session knows how to access the actual pod, by a the parameters the k8s glue sets on the Task.
Make sense ?

3 years ago
0 Hello Folks! We Have Started Using Clearml In Kubernetes. The Trainings Are Run In K8S With Help Of K8Sintegration And Some Custom Coding. Now For The Clearml-Session Tasks, A Port-Forward Should Be Done Each Time If I Need To Access The Jupyter Notebook

. I’m using the default operation mode which uses kubectl run. Should I use templates and specify a service in there to be able to connect to the pods?

Ohh the default "kubectl run" does not support the "ports-mode" 😞

There’s a static number of pod which services are created for…

You got it! 🙂

3 years ago
0 How Can I Stop Clearml From Uploading Temporary Models? I Am Running Cross_Validation, Training A Bunch Of Models In A Loop Like This:

Hi @<1523702786867335168:profile|AdventurousButterfly15>

I am running cross_validation, training a bunch of models in a loop like this:

Use the wildcard or disable all together:

task = Task.init(..., auto_connect_frameworks={"joblib": False})

You can also do

task = Task.init(..., auto_connect_frameworks={"joblib": ["realmodelonly.pkl", ]})
one year ago
0 Hi All! Please Tell Me Why The Almost The Last Version Of Docker-Compose Is Used (In The Example From The Site 1.24.1, Link

Can you please tell me if you know whether it is necessary to rewrite the Docker compose file?

not by default, it should basically work out of the nox as long as you create the same data folders on the host machine (e.g. /opt/clearml)

2 years ago
0 Hi All! Please Tell Me Why The Almost The Last Version Of Docker-Compose Is Used (In The Example From The Site 1.24.1, Link

My question is, which version do you need docker compose?

Ohh sorry, there is no real restriction, we just wanted easy copy-paste for the installation process.

2 years ago
2 years ago
0 Hello, I Have A Problem With Task.Set_Initial_Iteration(0) In Google Colab. After Continuing The Experiment, Gaps Appear On My Graph, But If You Use Colab. I Tried It On My Computer And Everything Is Normal There.

Hmm, it seems as if the task.set_initial_iteration(0) is ignored...
What's the clearml version you are using ?
Is it the same one you have on the local machine ?

2 years ago
0 Hello Everyone

RobustSnake79 I have not tested, but I suspect that currently all the reports will stay in TB and not passed automagically into ClearML
It seems like something you would actually want to do with TB (i.e. drill into the graphs etc.) no?

3 years ago
0 Hi There, I Am Running A Clearml-Agent In Services Mode (With Docker) On A Machine With Two Disks: One With The Os (8Go, 91% Space Used) And One For The Data (100Go, 40% Space Used). When Executing The Auto-Scaler Task In This Agent, I Get The Following E

Maybe there is setting in docker to move the space used in a different location?

No that I know of...

I can simply increase the storage of the first disk, no problem with that

probably the easiest 🙂

But as you described 

 it looks like an edge case, so I don’t mind 


3 years ago
0 Hello, We Are Currently Working On A Hyperparameter Tuning Job For Object Detection Following This Tutorial
  1. Could you explain how I can reproduce the missing jupyter notebook (i.e. the ipykernel_launcher.py)
3 years ago
0 Hi, I Am Trying To Use Agent With A Sample, Very Simple Task. But It Stucks And Task Does Not Finish. In Ui In Console I See What I Pasted On Image. Do You Know What I Might Be Doing Wrong? Agent Is Run In Virtual Env Mode

do I need to have the repo that I am running on my account

If it is a public repo, then no need, credentials are only needed for private repos 🙂
Am I missing something ?

one year ago
0 With

I made a custom image for the VMSS nodes, which is based on Ubuntu and has multiple CUDA versions installed, as well as conda and docker pre-installed.

This is very cool, any reason for not using dockers the multiple CUDA versions?

3 years ago
3 years ago
0 For Some Reason The Agent Is Now Trying To Use Python 2.7 All Of A Sudden, Any Idea Why?

One way to circumvent this btw would be to also add/use the 


 flag for 


Notice that when creating the venv , the cmd that is used is basically pythonx.y -m virtualenv ...
By definition this will create a new venv based on the python that executes the venv.
With all that said, it might be there is a bug in virtualenv and in some cases, it does Not adhere to this restriction

2 years ago
0 Hello! Is It Possible To Run Pipeline Controller Tasks Locally, Similar To Regular Tasks That Run Locally By Default If

Ohh I see, okay next pipeline version (coming very very soon 😉 will have the option of function as Task, would that be better for your use case ?
(Also in case of local execution, and I can totally see why this is important, how would you specify where is the current code base ? are you expecting it to be local ?)
I'm all for trying to help with debugging pipeline, because this is really challenging.
BTW: you can run your code as if it is executed from an agent (including the param ove...

3 years ago
0 Hello Clearml Community, Does Anyone Have An Idea How I Could Integrate/Manager Carla (

ReassuredTiger98 are you saying you want to be able to run the pipeline as a standalone and as "remote pipeline",
Or is this for a specific step in the pipeline that you want to be able to run standalone/pipelined ?

2 years ago
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