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48 Questions, 8048 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 5 months ago



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25 × Eureka!
0 Hi, I Noted That Clearml-Serving Does Not Support Spacy Models Out Of The Box And That Clearml-Serving Only Supports Following;

Besides that, what are your impressions on these serving engines? Are they much better than just creating my own API + ONNX or even my own API + normal Pytorch inference?

I would separate ML frameworks from DL frameworks.
With ML frameworks, the main advantage is multi-model serving on a single container, which is more cost effective when it comes to multiple model serving. As well as the ability to quickly update models from the clearml model repository (just tag + publish and the end...

2 years ago
0 Hi, I Am Trying To Upload A Model But I Am Getting The Following Error:

Weird issue, I'll make sure we fix compatibility with python 3.9

3 years ago
0 For Any Early Adopters, Who Also Want To Give Us Feedback - Both Good And Bad, Please Feel Free To Try The Clearml-Serving Beta

This is sitting on top of the serving engine itself, acting a s a control plane.
Integration with GKE is being worked on (basically KFServing as the serving engine)

3 years ago
0 Hello Folks! I Don'T Know If This Issue Has Already Been Addressed. I Have A Basic Pipelinecontroller Script With Two Steps: One Of Task Is For Preprocessing Purposes And The Other For Training A Model. Currently I Am Placing The Code Related To The Pack

I see, that means xarray is not an actual package but a folder add to the python path.
This explains why Task.add_requirements fails, as it is supposed to add python packages to the equivalent of "requirements.txt" ...
Is the folder part of the git repository ? How would you pass it to the remote machine the cleamrl-agent is running on?

3 years ago
0 Does The

Hi ShallowArcticwolf27

Does the 


 cli command currently support remote repositories with that are intended to be used with ssh

It does 🙂

but the 


 prefix used for gitlab's ssh it seems to default to looking for the repository locally

git@ is always the prefix for SSH repositories (it does not actually mean it uses it, it's what git will return when asked on the origin of the repository. The agent knows (if SSH credentials ...

3 years ago
0 I Have A Questions About Queue Priorities With Clearml-Agent. I Have Two Queues,

Yes, albeit not actually "intercept" as the user will be able to directly put Task sin queues B_machine_a/B_machine_b , but any time the user is pushing Tasks into queue B, this service will pull it and push to the individual machines queue.
what do you think?

3 years ago
0 Fatal: Could Not Read From Remote Repository. Please Make Sure You Have The Correct Access Rights And The Repository Exists.

I don't think so. it is solved by installing openssh-client to the docker image or by adding deploy token to the cloning url in web ui

You can also have the token (token==password) configured as the defauylt user/pass in your agent's clearml.conf

2 years ago
0 Hi All, I'Ve Successfully Run A Task Locally, And Now I'M Trying To Clone It And Send It To A Queue. It Looks Like The Environment Is Built Successfully, But It Hangs Here:

Although it's still really weird how it was failing silently

totally agree, I think the main issue was the agent had the correct configuration, but the container / env the agent was spinning was missing it,
I'll double check how come it did not print anything

one month ago
one year ago
0 Question About The Trains Agent And The Git Credentials When Setting A Trains Agent, It Is Possible To Configure Git Credentials For It And I'M Trying To Figure Out In Which Cases It Is Necessary. When Executing A Task Remotely (

Hi WackyRabbit7 ,
Regrading git credentials, see here in the trains.conf https://github.com/allegroai/trains-agent/blob/master/docs/trains.conf#L18

Trains assumes one of two (almost three) possible setups
Your code/script is in a git repository. Then when executing manually all the git references incl` uncommitted changes are stored. Then when executing with the trains-agent, it will clone the code based on these references apply the uncommitted changes and run your code. To do that the ...

4 years ago
0 Help Please, After Creating My Data Drift Monitoring Dashboard Using Clearml Serving And Grafana, How Can I Configure My Alerts To Be Notified When The Distribution Of My Metrics (Variables) Changes On My Heatmaps?

Hi @<1673501397007470592:profile|RelievedDuck3>

how can I configure my alerts to be notified when the distribution of my metrics (variables) changes on my heatmaps?

This can be done inside grafana, here is a simple example:
Specifically you need to create a new metric that is the distance of current distribution (i.e. heatmap) from the previous window), then on the distance metric, ...

5 months ago
0 Hi There! Can Anybody Help Me With Specifying The 'Platform' For A Model In Clearml-Serving. I Am Using The K8S Clearml-Serving Setup (Version 1.3.1). I Already Tried A Bunch Of Variants Like

I think the real issue is that I am not able to specify a platform for the model,

there is no need to specify it, remove it from the config.pbtxt - the clearml-serving will automatically add the background

3 months ago
0 Unrelated Problem (Or Is It?) The Clearml'S Built In Cleanup Service Fails

BTW from the log you attached:

File "/root/.clearml/venvs-builds/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/clearml/storage/helper.py", line 218, in StorageHelper
_gs_configurations = GSBucketConfigurations.from_config(config.get('google.storage', {}))

This means it tries to remove an artifact from a Task, that artifact is probably in GS (i'm assuming because it is using the GS api), and the cleanup service is missing the GS configuraiton.
WackyRabbit7 is that possible ?

2 years ago
0 How Come I Use

I see it's a plotly plot, even though I report a matplotlib one

ClearML tries to convert matplotlib into plotly objects so they are interactive, it it fails it falls back into a static image as in matplotlib

3 years ago
0 <image>

Wouldn't it make sense to use a single one ?

3 years ago
3 months ago
0 Hi All, I Was Trying To Use Clearml-Task To Run A Custom Docker(With Poetry To Install All The Python Dependencies And Activated The Environment) Using Clearml Gpu, But It Seems Like Clearml Always Create A Virtual Environment And Run The Python Script Fr

Yes, because when a container is executed, the agent creates a new venv and inherits from the system wide installed packages, but it cannot inherit or "understand" there is an existing venv, and where it is.

one year ago
3 years ago
0 Clearml-Session Fails Ssh Tunneling. It Does Not Use Key Auth, Instead Sets Up Some Weird Password And Then Fails To Auth:

It does not use key auth, instead sets up some weird password and then fails to auth:

AdventurousButterfly15 it ssh Into the container inside the container it sets new daemon with new random very long password
It will Not ssh to the host machine (i.e. the agent needs to run in docker mode, not venv mode), make sense ?

one year ago
0 I Am Using Clearml Pro And Pretty Regularly I Will Restart An Experiment And Nothing Will Get Logged To Clearml. It Shows The Experiment Running (For Days) And It'S Running Fine On The Pc But No Scalers Or Debug Samples Are Shown. How Do We Troubleshoot T

Thanks @<1719524641879363584:profile|ThankfulClams64> having a code that can reproduce it is exactly what we need.
One thing I might have missed and is very important , what is your tensorboard package version?

one month ago
0 Hi! Had A Basic Question: I Want To Retrieve All Tasks Created By A Clearml User Id (Using Task.Get_Tasks() And Filter). Is It Possible To Get User Id Of The Current User Configured In The Clearml.Config Using Clearml Python Api? Thanks In Advanced!

I think it is on the JWT token the session gets from the server
a bit of a hack but should work 🙂

session = task.session # or Task._get_default_session() 
my_user_id = session.get_decoded_token(session.token)['identity']['user']
7 months ago
0 I .

Could you try:

2 years ago
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