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48 Questions, 8049 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 5 months ago



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0 Hello, I Am Getting `Valueerror: Could Not Get Access Credentials For '


3 years ago
0 I Originally Posted In

I have made a PR request.

Thanks you!!! ๐ŸŽ‰ we will merge shortly ๐Ÿ™‚

2 years ago
0 Hi! How Can I Force Clearml To Find My Repo? My Current Repo Structure Is Like This:

so when inside the docker, I donโ€™t see the git repo and thatโ€™s why ClearML doesnโ€™t see it

Correct ...

I could map the root folder of the repo into the container, but that would mean everything ends up in there

This is the easiest, you can put it on the ENV variable :

one year ago
0 Hi, I Have A Small Issue About Gpu Monitoring. I Run My Training Inside A Singularity Container And I Set The Cuda_Visible_Devices Variable. However, I Get The Following Message:

Hmm, that means it should have worked with Trains as well.
Could you run the attached script, see if it works?

4 years ago
0 I'D Like The Console In A Clearml Run To Show Only The Stdout/Stderr As It Does Now, But I'D Also Like Clearml To Capture Debug Level Logs. Is There An Easy Around This? It Would Be Nice If One Could E.G. Set

I... did not, ashamed to admit.

UnevenDolphin73 ๐Ÿ˜„ I actually think you are correct, meaning I "think" that what you are asking is the low level logging (for example debug that usually is not printed to console) to also log? is that correct ?

2 years ago
0 Hi All, I Have A Question About Datasets. I See That In The Process Of Creating A Dataset, You Have To Use

basically the cleamrl-data needs to store an immutable copy of the delta changes per version, if the files are already uploaded, there is a good chance they could be modified...
So in order to make sure we you have a clean immutable copy, it will always upload the data (notice it also packages everything into a single zip file, so it is easy to manage).

3 years ago
0 Hi, What Is The Right Way Of Syncing A Dataset? Whenever I Add New Archives And Try To Upload I Get:

And when runningย 


ย the files on the parent dataset will be available as links.

BTW: if you call get_mutable_copy() the files will be copied, so you can work on them directly (if you need)

3 years ago
0 Hi, What Is The Right Way Of Syncing A Dataset? Whenever I Add New Archives And Try To Upload I Get:

By your description it seems to make no difference whether I added the files via sync or add, since I will have to create a new dataset either way.

Sync is design to take a local folder/s and add/remove files from a dataset based on the local changes (it does that automatically based on file existence / content)
The changes (i.e. added files) are uploaded as delta changes relative to the parent version, this means we are not always uploading all files.

Add on the other hand means you...

3 years ago
0 Hello, I Am Getting `Valueerror: Could Not Get Access Credentials For '

Import Error sounds so out of place it should not be a problem :)

3 years ago
0 Hi Guys, When Reporting Debug Images, Is There Any Way To Use A String Instead Of An Int In

The only workaround I can think of is :
series = series + 'IoU>X'
It doesn't look that bad ๐Ÿ™‚

4 years ago
0 Hello Again, How Can I Use The

AgitatedTurtle16 from the screenshot, it seems the Task is stuck in the queue. which means there is no agent running to actual run the interactive session.

Basic setup:
A machine running clearml-agent (this is the "remote machine") A machine running cleaml-session (let's call it laptop ๐Ÿ™‚ )You need to first start the agent on the "remote machine" (basically call clearml-agent daemon --docker --queue default ), Once the agent is running on the remote machine, from your laptop ru...

3 years ago
0 Hello, When Running A Task With A Remote Interpreter I Get

DeliciousKoala34 any chance you are using PyCharm 2022 ?

one year ago
2 years ago
0 Thank You

Hi BroadSeaturtle49
torchvision!=0.13.0,>=0.8.1 is this what you have in the requirements ?
The clearml-agent is parsing the requested version and tries to match it to the version found/supported by the installed cuda
There is the possibility the combinarion wither does not exist or fore some reason the parsing (i.e. clearml-agent's parsing) fails
can you maybe provide the Task's full log?

one year ago
0 Thank You

BroadSeaturtle49 btw: RC with a fix should be out after the weekend

one year ago
0 Hi All! I Might Have Found An Issue With The Migration Guide.

is it possible to change an existing model's URL?

Edit the DBs ... That's basically the only way ๐Ÿ˜ž

one year ago
one year ago
0 Hi, I Was Trying To Test The Autoscaler Feature, But I Am Getting The Following Error:

Hi SkinnyPanda43

No idea what the ImageId actually is.

That's the ami image string that the new EC2 will be started with, make sense ?

one year ago
0 Hello, Are There Any Network Requests That Go From The Self-Hosted Solution To Clearml The Company (For Analytics Use, Etc.)?

Hi ShortElephant92
No, this is opt-in, so other then checking for updates once in a while, no traffic at all

one year ago
0 For The Frameworks Which Are Supported In Built, Trains Stores The Trained Model As Output Model E.G. For Xgboost Here

PompousParrot44 the fundamental difference is that artifacts are uploaded manually (i.e. a user will specifically "ask" to upload an artifact), models are logged automatically and a user might not want them uploaded (imagine debugging sessions, or testing).
By adding the 'upload_uri' arguments, you can specify to trains that you want all models to be automatically uploaded (not just logged).
Now here is the nice thing, when running using the trains-agent, you can have:
Always upload the mod...

4 years ago
0 Hello Guys, I Read About Trains Some Days Ago And Think It Is Exectly What I Was Looking For, So I Ran The Docker Image And Started Thinking Of What I Would Like To Do And The Processing Steps I Would Like To Automize Which I Currently Run Manually Trigge

Hi WickedGoat98
This sounds like a great design (obviously you have scale in mind ๐Ÿ˜‰ ) Feel free to ask "stupid" questions, based on what you already wrote I doubt they will be
A few questions that come to mind (probably a few others after):
You mentioned FS synchronization, from where? i.e. what is the single source of truth ? K8s (Rancher 2.0 is basically k8s manager) can take care of mounting volumes, so no need to sync, is this a valid solution ?

BTW : (you can drag and drop an i...

3 years ago
0 Hello Guys, I Read About Trains Some Days Ago And Think It Is Exectly What I Was Looking For, So I Ran The Docker Image And Started Thinking Of What I Would Like To Do And The Processing Steps I Would Like To Automize Which I Currently Run Manually Trigge

The data I'm syncing by an data provider wich supports only an ftp connection....

Right ... that makes sense :)

No worries WickedGoat98 , feel free to post questions when they arise. BTW: we are now improving the k8s glue, so by the time you get there the integration will be even easier ๐Ÿ™‚

3 years ago
0 Hi All, I Am Getting A Bunch Of This Kind Of Log Messages "Clearml.Storage - Info - Starting Upload: /Tmp/.Clearml.Upload_Model_6Ou50Pb1.Tmp =>" I Am Pretty Sure They Happen As A Part Of The Model Initialization About 10 Of Those, My Guess Is That Every T

RipeGoose2 you can put ut before/after the Task.init, the idea is for you to set it before any of the real training starts.
As for not effecting anything,
Try to add the callback and just have it returning None (which means skip over the model log process) let me know if this one works

3 years ago
0 Hi Team, How To Configure Gerrit To Clearml?

Hi @<1542316991337992192:profile|AverageMoth57>
is this a follow up of this thread? None

one year ago
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