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48 Questions, 8049 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 5 months ago



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25 × Eureka!
0 Hi, Is There A Way To Stop A Clearml-Agent From Within An Experiment? Or Block It To Prevent It Running Any Other Task?

Hi, Is there a way to stop a clearml-agent from within an experiment?

It is possible but only in the paid tier (it needs backend support for that) 😞

My use case it: in a spot instance marked for termination after 2 mins by aws

Basically what you are saying is you want the instance to spin down after the job is completed, correct?

3 years ago
2 years ago
0 When It Comes To Continuous Training, I Wanted To Know How You Train Or Would Train If You Have Annotated Data Incoming? Do You Train Completely Online Where You Train As Soon As You Have A Training Example Available? Do You Instead Train When You Have A

My main query is do I wait for it to be a sufficient batch size or do I just send each image as soon as it comes to train

This is usually a cost optimization issue, generally speaking if GPU up time is not an issue that the process is stochastic anyhow, so waiting for a batch or not is not the most important factor (unless you use batchnorm layer, in that case this is basically a must)

I would not be able to split the data into train test splits, and that it would be very expensiv...

2 years ago
0 When It Comes To Continuous Training, I Wanted To Know How You Train Or Would Train If You Have Annotated Data Incoming? Do You Train Completely Online Where You Train As Soon As You Have A Training Example Available? Do You Instead Train When You Have A

What about the epochs though? Is there a recommended number of epochs when you train on that new batch?

I'm assuming you are also using the "old" images ?
The main factor here is the ratio between the previously used data and the newly added data, you might also want to resample (i.e. train on more) new data vs old data. make sense ?

2 years ago
0 I Don'T Quite Understand The Way

I understand that it uses time in seconds when there is no report being logged..but, it has already logged three times..

Hmm could it be the reporting started 3 min after the Task started ?

3 years ago
0 I Don'T Quite Understand The Way

MagnificentSeaurchin79 you can delay it with:

3 years ago
0 Good Morning Folks, I Am Setting Up Clearml On A (Self-Hosted) K8S Cluster Using The

Correct, (if this is running on k8s it is most likely be passed via env variables , CLEARML_WEB_HOST etc,)

2 years ago
0 Good Morning, I'M Wondering If Someone Has Any Advice/Experience Configuring Clearml-Agent To Include Private Packages From Aws Codeartifact? So Far I Know I Have To Edit The

extra_docker_shell_script: ["apt-get install -y awscli", "aws codeartifact login --tool pip --repository my-repo --domain my-domain --domain-owner 111122223333"]

3 years ago
0 Looking At Clearml-Serving - Two Questions - 1, What’S The Status Of The Project 2. How Does One Say How A Model Is Loaded And Served Etc? For Example, If I Have A Spacy Ner Model, I Need To Specify Some Custom Code Right?

clearml doesn’t do any “magic” in regard to this for tensorflow, pytorch etc right?

No 😞 and if you have an idea on how, that will be great.
Basically the problem is that there is no "standard" way to know which layer is in/out

3 years ago
0 Hi, I Am Considering Making Automated Backups Of My Clearml-Server Using Amazon Ebs Snapshots. Should I Be Concerned With The Same Problem Described Here >

I can probably have a python script that checks if there are any tasks running/pending, and if not, run docker-compose down to stop the clearml-server, then use boto3 to trigger the creating of a snapshot of the EBS, then wait until it is finished, then restarts the clearml-server, wdyt?

I'm pretty sure there is a nice way, let me check soemthing

3 years ago
0 Hi, Are The Experiments Logs Stored In S3 Or In The Trains-Server? (When Using S3 As Artifact Storage)

Hi JitteryCoyote63

experiments logs ...

You mean the console outputs ?

3 years ago
0 Hi! Is There Something Happening With The

GrievingTurkey78 please feel free to send me code snippets to test 🙂

3 years ago
3 years ago
0 Hi! Is There Something Happening With The

Funny it's the extension "h5" , it is a different execution path inside keras...
Let me see what can be done 🙂

3 years ago
0 Hi, Is There Any Documentation For Setting Up And Using Ssl Certs With The Clearml Server And Agent?

@<1687643893996195840:profile|RoundCat60> can you access the web UI over https ?

3 years ago
0 Hi, Is There A Way To Create A Draft Experiment Manually? That Is - Give It A Some File To Run, Or, Better Yet, A Function To Run Which Will Be The Start Of The Experiment? In W&B, For Example It Is Possible To Simply Write (Their

OddAlligator72 FYI you can also import / export an entire Task (basically allowing you to create it from scratch/json, even without calling Task.create)
Task.import_task(...) Task.export_task(...)

3 years ago
0 Does Anyone Get These Junk Logs From Matplotlib While Using Clearml? Is There A Way To Disable It?

I would guess that for some reason loglevel is DEBUG, could that be the case?

3 years ago
0 Hi! Is There Something Happening With The

Oh my bad, post 0.17.5 😞
RC will be out soon, in the meantime you can install directly from github:
pip install git+

3 years ago
0 Did Someone Here Already Try The

if I use automatic code analysis it will not find all packages because of 



But you can manually add them with Task.add_requirements, no?

3 years ago
0 Did Someone Here Already Try The

For now I come to the conclusion, that keeping a 


 and making clearml parse

Maybe we could just have that as another option?

3 years ago
0 Did Someone Here Already Try The

Yes, the mechanisms under the hood are quite complex, the automagic does not come for "free" 🙂
Anyhow, your perspective is understood. And as you mentioned I think your use case might be a bit less common. Nonetheless we will try to come-up with a solution (probably an argument for Task.init so you could specify a few more options for the auto package detection)

3 years ago
0 Did Someone Here Already Try The

It seems like the naming Task.create a lot of confusion (we are always open to suggestions and improvements). ReassuredTiger98 from your suggestion, it sounds like you would actually like more control in Task.init (let's leave Task.create aside, as its main function is Not to log the current running code, but to create an auxiliary Task).
Did I understand you correctly ?

3 years ago
0 Did Someone Here Already Try The



 is used by 


Surprisingly , no 🙂

3 years ago
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