Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escaping: Escape characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ with \, e.g. \+
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
Combinations: chocolate AND vanilla, chocolate OR vanilla, (chocolate OR vanilla) NOT "vanilla pudding"
Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
Crazy Idea:

Crazy idea: what if ClearML had a VS Code extension? It could help you start and join ClearML sessions!

It could use your local ~/clearml.conf file for read access to list the running clearml sessions and queues. And help you join them. e.g. running the clearml-session --attach command behind the scenes and launching a new VS Code window attaching to it.

It could also help you start sessions, e.g. you could save presets like a startup script, docker image, queue, etc.

I got the idea from the Outerbounds (hosted Metaflow) extension. Theirs doesn't let you start sessions, but makes joining them really seamless!

Posted one year ago
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Answers 21

@<1594863216222015488:profile|ConvincingGrasshopper20> throwing this out there... would you want to make this with me at the Hackathon??

Posted one year ago

I took a look

  • I think the Outerbounds extension (the one in my screenshot) is currently closed source. That makes sense to me. A bit sad because it is highly similar.
  • Another example could be the AWS ToolKit extension. But sadly, it's hardly a "minimal example". I was thinking it's relevant because it uses your local ~/.aws/ folder, which is similar to what we'd want to do.
Posted one year ago

This is awesome man !

Posted one year ago

I did a post on Linkedin with several slides on how I plan to build it here

Posted one year ago

LOL, if you can get it to run any python code, I can help with the rest. We just need to make sure we can capture the output, and then start the VScode remote debugging feature directly from the extension.

Posted one year ago

Great start! I'm not sure if I'll be able to commit time during the hackathon, but I'd like to help with this extension once I have a leaner period at work. I hope this will be open-source & accept contributions @<1541954607595393024:profile|BattyCrocodile47>

Posted one year ago

This is good stuff! Keep us posted here, I'll do my best to support live 😍

Posted one year ago

In a future iteration, it'd be cool if you could configure presets. Like maybe you have an on-startup.sh script you really like using to set up your instance, and VS Code extensions you want to pass to the --install-extensions ... flag

Posted one year ago

This is the event: None

Posted one year ago

s like the

would be a really good starting place.

This is actually JS (typescript) ... not python, not sure on how to continue from there 😞

Posted one year ago


Posted one year ago

I see, good point. It does look like mostly boiler plate code, not sure where it actually runs the python command, but I'm sure it is there (python.ts, but could not locate who is actually using it)

Posted one year ago

Duh! I bet VS Code's Python extensions like the VS Code Black Extension would be a really good starting place. They are small and are wrappers around a Python CLI tool. I bet there's a lot we could adapt for the ClearML CLI

Posted one year ago

Yeah. I'd need to clone this and run it locally to start to understand how it all works. Would be a cool exercise. They advertise that it's really easy to author VS Code extensions. I've seen pretty junior folks do it which makes me think it can't be too bad 😆

Posted one year ago

Hi @<1541954607595393024:profile|BattyCrocodile47>
Do you mean to start a remote session instead of the cli directly from the vscode ui and connect to it? If so, that would be awesome!! We have a remote session from the web were it spins you remote session and launches vscode inside the container so you work on it in your browser. But a VSCode plugin is a great idea, do you have a ref code to similar plugins?

Posted one year ago

Yeah, I believe all VS Code Extensions are in TypeScript. My main point was that this is an example of a VS Code extension that executes a Python CLI.

Posted one year ago

got to love the ascii art 😍

Posted one year ago

Oh awesome @<1523701132025663488:profile|SlimyElephant79> ! If you want to take a look, I made a big list of things to add. I'm working on a docker-compose.yaml file so we can have a good local development environment.

There's a lot of room to improve this from cleaning up the code to adding features on the list.


Posted one year ago

Playing around this weekend to learn the ins and outs of extensions

Posted one year ago

I'll search around some more when I get time. I have no idea, but it feels like ClearML has already done the hard part which is creating clearml-session in the first place.

This could be a really low-hanging OSS contribution that could make a real impact 😄 .

Posted one year ago

I think it will work. There's a lot of really useful code in the black extension. I'm recruiting people now to join in on Friday. I'm actually very confident about it after messing around.

Posted one year ago
21 Answers
one year ago
one year ago