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48 Questions, 8049 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 5 months ago



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25 × Eureka!
0 Hi, I Am Saving Plt Chart To Clearml Using

Also can you right click on the image and save it on your machine, see if it is cropped, or it is just a UI issue

3 years ago
0 Hey, How Can I Add A Private Key In Order To Let The Clearml Agent To Clone From A Private Git Repository?

at the end it's just another env var

It should work GIT_SSH_COMMAND is used by pip

3 years ago
0 When I Run An Experiment (Self Hosted), I Only See Scalars For Gpu And System Performance. How Do I See Additional Scalars? I Have

Okay here is a standalone code that should be close enough? (if I missed anything let me know)

` import tempfile
from datetime import datetime
from pathlib import Path

import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_datasets as tfds
from clearml import Task

task = Task.init(project_name="debug", task_name="test")
(ds_train, ds_test), ds_info = tfds.load(
split=['train', 'test'],

def normalize_img(image, labe...

one year ago
3 years ago
0 Hi Folks! I'M Using  

Hi ShallowCat10
What's the TB your are using?
Is this example working correctly for you?

3 years ago
0 Hi, I Encountered A Few Problems:

Hi FierceFly22 I'll answer according to q order?

4 years ago
0 Hey, How Can I Add A Private Key In Order To Let The Clearml Agent To Clone From A Private Git Repository?

If it cannot find the Task ID I'm guessing it is trying to connect to the demo server and not your server (i.e. configuration is missing)

3 years ago
0 Adding

One thing though - I am running agent on behalf of a regular user.

Oh that might be credentials / docker service issue (i.e. the user might not have the ability to rn a docker with --gpus, but as you mentioned,, that seems like an arch thing 🙂 )

2 years ago
0 Why There Is No

Hi @<1618056041293942784:profile|GaudySnake67>
Task.create is designed to create an External task not from the current running process.
Task.init is for creating a Task from your current code, and this is why you have all the auto_connect parameters. Does that make sense ?

one year ago
0 Hello, I'M Using A Virtual Environment Inside My Jupyterhub Server Along With Clearml. Whenever I Create Any Task The "Uncommitted Changes" Are The Contents Of

@<1535793988726951936:profile|YummyElephant76> oh you mean like jupyter server was running, then inside the notebook you would start a new venv, in that venv "notebook" package was missing, hence it failed detecting the notebook ?

one year ago
0 I Am Trying To Use Clearml In My Work And I Am Facing Some Problems So Could Anyone Help Me With That? I Have Connected My Workstation With The Clearml Server As An Agent And When I Run The Code In My Local Device Then Clone It And Enqueue It To Run The C

is it normal that it's slower than my device even though the agent is much more powerful than my device? or because it is just a simple code

Could be the agent is not using the GPU for some reason?

2 years ago
0 Hello Friends! I Am Trying To Play Around With The Configs For

Hi @<1547028116780617728:profile|TimelyRabbit96>
You are absolutely correct, we need to allow to override configuration
The code you want to change is here:
You can try:

channel = self._ext_grpc.aio.insecure_channel(triton_server_address, options=dict([('grpc.max_send_message_length', 512 * 1024 * 1024),  ('grpc.max_receive_message_len...
one year ago
0 Anyway To Make A Job Fail If The Required Python Version (3.7 Vs 3.8 For Example) Is Not Available In The Agent?

then when we triggered a inference deploy it failed

How would you control it? Is it based on a Task ? like a property "match python version" ?

3 years ago
0 I Have Setup A

I suppose the same would need to be done for any 


PC running 


 such that you are submitting dataset upload jobs?


That is, the dataset is perhaps local to my laptop, or on a development VM that is not in the 


 system, but I from there I want to submit a copy of a dataset, then I would need to configure the storage section in the same way as well?


3 years ago
0 Hey There, I Would Like To Increase The

I think you cannot change it for a running process, do you want me to check for you if this can be done ?

3 years ago
0 Hi All, I Am Testing The New

Hi GiganticTurtle0

I have found that 


 does not automatically detect the imports specified within the function decorated

The pipeline decorator will automatically detect the imports Inside the funciton, but not outside (i.e. global), to allow better control of packages (think for example one step needs the huge torch package, and the other does not.
Make sense ?

How can I tell 


 I will use the same virtual environment in all steps...

3 years ago
3 years ago
0 Here Are Two More Questions:


 can be used to inherit packages

Correct, it is basically venv with --system-site-packages

I do not think virtualenv nesting is support, if it was then in theory you could have executed the clearml-agent from virtual environment with system_site_packages turned on and then it would inherit from it. But again I'm not sure virtualenv supports it.
BTW: the latest clearml-agent RC already have venv caching (both pip/conda) 🙂

3 years ago
0 When I Do

When a remote task runs


it is not using the correct URL

BoredHedgehog47 it will get the link the data was Registered with, when creating the Dataset.
This has Nothing to do with the local configuration, it can point to any arbitrary file location on the internet.
It was created there, because at the time of the dataset creation someone (manually or via the config) set a specific host as the file location, and to that host the files were uploaded (again ...

one year ago
0 Hi All, I'M Trying To Create A Task In A Jupyter Notebook, And I Always Get This Warning:

SmugDog62 so on plain vanilla Jupyter/lab everything seems to work.
What do you think is different in your setup ?

3 years ago
0 When I Do

You could change infrastructure or hosting, and now your data is associated with the wrong URL

Yeah that makes sense, so have it on a specific dns name? (this is usually the case with k8s deployments)

one year ago
0 When I Do

Just curious, if

is a value I can set, where is it used?

It is used when Creating a dataset from inside the cluster (i.e. when launching using the clearml k8s glue),
it will have No effect on what users have on their local machines
i.e. they can always point to a diff server.

That said, when users create their initial clearml.conf and copy paste the info from the web UI, this value (or it might be another one, I'll double check later) will set the initial configuration the c...

one year ago
0 Is It Possible To Perform Debugging Operations With Pycharm Integration Using Remote Session?

Thanks for the ping ConvolutedChicken69 , I missed it 😞

from what i see in the docs it's only for Jupyter / VS Code, i didn't see anything about pycharm

PyCharm is basically SSH, which is supported 🙂
(Maybe we should mention it in the docs?)

2 years ago
0 Security Question: In My Journey Of Running Clearml The "Hard Way" (Self-Hosted), One Problem I Haven'T Solved Is Security. Some Discussion Here...

Is there a way I could move the JWT authentication (not authorization) logic into an API Gateway or Load Balancer?

Hmm in theory, but not in practice 😞

if ClearML is following OAuth 2.0, t

This is for the SSO part, not for the API, API is only using JWT for verification, the login process itself is with external SSO (OAuth 2.0). But the open-source version does not support SSO 😞

Why are you trying to add another ELB with JWT verification on it ? ...

one year ago
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