its not that they are blank.. whole page is blank including plotly plots
once i removed the seaborn plot then CM plots becomes visible again
image hash f038c8c6652d
also one thing i noticed.. when i report confusion matrix and some other plots e.g. seaborn with matplotlib.. on server side i can the plots are there but not visible at all
Also there was a truck that worked in the previous big, could you zoom out in the browser, and see if you suddenly get the plot?
trains is run using docker-compose allegroai/trains-agent-services:latest
and allegroai/trains:latest
Could you maybe send a screenshot? This is very strange? Also what's the trains version?
image hash 03dc85869afe
BTW if the plots are too complicated to convert to interactive plotly graphs, they will be rendered to images and the server will show them. This is usually the case with seaborn plots
seems like if i remove the plt.figure(figsize=(16, 8))
i start to see the figure title but not figure itself
this is when executed from directly with task.init()
seems like CORS issue in the console logs
seems like port forwarding had an issue.. fixed that.. now running test again to see if things workout as expected
PompousParrot44 these are the default plotly colors. You can change any of the layout properties with the
Whats the trains server IP? It seems everything is configured with local host?
Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at
http://localhost:8081/Trains%20Test/LightGBM.56ca0c9c9ebf4800b7e4f537295d942c/metrics/LightGBM%20Feature%20Importance%20above%200.0%20threshold/plot%20image/LightGBM%20Feature%20Importance%20above%200.0%20threshold_plot%20image_00000000.png . (Reason: CORS request did not succeed).
i am simply proxying it using ssh port forwarding
Okay yes, that's exactly the reason!! Cross origin blocks the file link
This is strange... Could you send the browser console log, maybe there is an exception there
There was an issue in some versions where seeborn plots were blank. Is that the case?