Hi, anyone experiencing issue with clearml-serving create ? Got error Traceback (most recent call last): File "c:\python38\lib\runpy.py", line 194, in _run_m...
one year ago
Any plans to add unpublished state for clearml-serving?
2 years ago
Hi guys, may I know how to update the preprocess.py for clearml serving through command line? Anyone got error when trying clearml serving pytorch example? I...
2 years ago
Hello, I have a trained model (saved as http://model.pt ) which I wanted to upload to clearml and attach it to my experimental task. So from here, my subsequ...
2 years ago
Hi Everyone, I am trying out pipeline with functions. I have a requirements.txt in my folder root. When I run my pipeline, the pipeline started successfully ...
one year ago
Hi, I was trying out the clearml serving pytorch example with Triton. When I was testing the endpoint, it returns an error : Error processing request:, Faile...
2 years ago
Hi Guys, I have been pondering how does ClearML generate the "installed packages" list. I triggered my training through machine A (with some python packages)...
3 years ago
Hi, is there a way to pull clearml datasets to a mounted pv instead of the pod's local directory.
one year ago
Hello, there is a means to export / import Task using Task.export_task, Task.import_task. Is there a way to preserve the task id when we bring this task from...
2 years ago
Hi, I am running clearml agent using SDK. When I run a remote job on this clearml agent, the venv setup is totally based on my requirements.txt instead of ad...
one year ago
Hello guys, not sure if this is the right place to ask about clearml serving. May i know if an updated readme will be released soon? I did not manage to get ...
3 years ago
Hi, is there a way to list all agents running in a host, I do not find relevant one in clearml-agent -h.
one year ago
hi, may i ask if there is a good way to get the details under ClearML Task "Info" tab (output as json/python dict) using python codes?
2 years ago
Hello, may i ask if there is a means to export dataset in one ClearML setup and import to another ClearML setup?
one year ago
Hello guys, I understand we can add some scripts for clearml-agent to execute prior to the task. Is it possible to add scripts to run after the task?
one year ago
Hello, for deployment of clearml server in k8s, we need to label just one node app=clearml and also set the daemon.json. wouldn't this make clearml server ti...
3 years ago
hello, We encountered issue that our model experimenting was pending with msg "waiting to finish uploads". It did not complete the experiment with "failed mo...
3 years ago
Hello guys, I am deploying my own clearml server in k8s. the pods are running well. But when I access the webserver, I do not have option to create credentia...
3 years ago
hi, i was trying out the ClearML pipelines from task. I had 2 tasks that have run successfully as ClearML task. One of the tasks has dependency on external p...
one year ago
Hi, I was trying to install clearml agent using helm chart but my k8s version is not compatible. I have am older k8s version. Is there anywhere I could get a...
one year ago
Hello all, i am trying to make clearml store the output(model) to minio by setting the output_uri. task = Task.init(project_name='MNIST', task_name='Tensorfl...
3 years ago
Hi may I know is there a way to get the dataset_id from the dataset object? I cannot find an api for it
one year ago
Hello guys, I encountered this error in my glue agent when it pulled a task from the queue. But could not understand what it means? Error: Could not push bac...
3 years ago
Hi guys, I am trying to use clearml pipelines by function. May i know the correct way to pass model/files from one tasks to next? I realised pickle may not w...
one year ago
Hi guys, I have my experiment running on setup A. However I need these experiments params and output in setup B for comparison. Both setup are not linked. An...
3 years ago
Hi all, would like to ask what's the difference between creating pipeline from tasks, functions or decorators?
2 years ago
Hello, is there a way to pull dataset from a local hdd when using pipeline as function?
one year ago
I have uploaded Dataset in clearml with output_uri=s3::80 . Can I ask if we do not include aws.s3.host=:80 in clearml.conf, I.e. port 80, when your task call...
one year ago
Hi did anyone encounter gpu monitoring failed getting GPU reading, switching off GPU monitoring error on remote task pod? I am on latest sdk and clearml serv...
one year ago
Is there somewhere that I can find more elaborated steps to get vscode work with clearml sessions?
one year ago