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282 × Eureka!Hi, any idea if i can acheive this? I just need a list of usernames.
Hi, i have the same question. Why would this be ignored if called remotely?
In the ClearML config that's being run by the ClearML container?
Hi AgitatedDove14 , i was refering totask.set_base_docker(" --env TRAINS_AGENT_GIT_USER=git_username_here --env TRAINS_AGENT_GIT_PASS=git_password_here")
The above will give errorskipping docker argument TRAINS_AGENT_GIT_USER=git_username_here (only -e --env supported) TRAINS_AGENT_GIT_PASS=git_username_here (only -e --env supported)
I would say yes, otherwise the vscode feature is only available on internet connected premises due to the hard coded URL to download vscode.
Hi thanks for the examples! I will look into them. Quite a fair bit of my teams uses tf datasets to pull data directly from object stores, so tfrecords and stuff are heavily involved. I'm trying to figure if they should version the raw data or the tfrecords with ClearML, and if downloading entire set of data to local can be avoided as tf datasets is able to handle batch downloading quite well.
Hi. Anything that can point to activity by user.
Hi, it's a preference from my developers. They preferred that the they install the python libraries into the images, load them up into the registry. In other words, they prefer to have libraries installed at image time.
Thanks 👍 . Should i create an issue on Github?
Hi. If we disable the API service, how will it affect the system? How do we disable?
thanks SuccessfulKoala55 . I verified your last comment and it works.
Its actually in your documentation. Its removed since 0.17 apparently.
And this is my logs, it tried to install something and encountered permission denied. It wouldn't if it obeyed the force_repo_requirements_txt.
1620664917916 Kahs-MacBook-Pro.local info ClearML Task: created new task id=024a421c0e174650a1c7ff64af756c26 ClearML results page:
1620664920359 Kahs-MacBook-Pro.local info ClearML Mon...
which clearml.conf is it refering to? I'm executing on my client, which is then remotely executed by the agent. Both of them has ~/clearml.conf.
yup. in this case it wasn't root. Removing that USER and -u
in pip solves the problem. However, in our production images, we are required to remove root access.
` FROM nvidia/cuda:10.1-cudnn7-devel
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y
python3-opencv ca-certificates python3-dev git wget sudo ninja-build
RUN ln -sv /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python
create a non-root user
RUN useradd -m --no-log-init --system --uid ${USER_ID} a...
so the clearml-agent daemon needs higher privilege?
Hi, i'm gonna hijack this thread a bit. My community uses ClearML and is looking at various model deployment strategies. We are looking at a seamless integration with Triton but noted they Triton does not support deployment strategies. ClearML-Serving seems to but the strategies are rather limited. Is there a roadmap to expand Clearml-serving?
This is a env var?
Yes for both clearml and clearml-agent
Ok. Problem was resolved with latest version of clearml-agent and clearml.
Hi, i tried the k8s-glue on my k8s setup and needed some clarifications on some of the arguments.
--queue. Does this only refer to default and service? How can i create new queue to which it can sync with the ClearML server? --ports-mode. I'm not sure what ports mode does. doc says "add a label to the pod which can be used as service". Which pod is it referring to in the first place? All args pertaining to --ports-mode. (E.g. base-pod-num, gateway-address...etc) --overrides-yaml. What is the ...
Ok. That brings me back to the spawned pod. At this point, clearml-agent and its config would be a controbuting factor. Is the absence of /tmp/.clearml_agent.xxxxxx.cfg
an issue?
like create multiple datasets?
create parent (all) - upload to S3
create child1 (first 100k)
create child2 (second 100k)...blah blah
Then only pull indices from children. Technically workable but not sure if its best approach since different ppl have different batch sizes in mind.
Clearing the cache entirely works. Thanks.
Thanks, its attached.
I also noted that the status on the ClearML is always in 'pending', unlike others which says 'Running'. Is this a side effect of using k8s glue?
Do you mean by this that you want to be able to seamlessly deploy models that were tracked using ClearML experiment manager with ClearML serving?
Ideally that's best. Imagine that i used Spacy (Among other frameworks) and i just need to add the one or two lines of clearml codes in my python scripts and i get to track the experiments. Then when it comes to deployment, i don't have to worry about Spacy having a model format that Triton doesn't recognise.
Do you want clearml serving ...
Hi, is this currently not working? ? I noticed that cleaml UI will cache on the browser and if the backend is not running, its not clear to user that something is wrong (except for broken pages).
Hi we did a check. Only 7.16.1 and 6.8.21 and above mitigates the attack. What's the current version that ClearML is using?
Hi Jake, thanks for the suggestion, let me try it out.