Active since 10 January 2023
Last activity
2 years ago
Badges 1
53 × Eureka!Hi, how can I obtain current task using a pipeline with decorators? more specific, I need logger = task.get_logger()but I don't have task using pipelines dec...
3 years ago
Hello guys, I have a strange situation with a Pipeline Controller I'm testing atm. If I run the controller directly in my PyCharm on notebook it connects cor...
4 years ago
Since I’m using Trains on K8s with my team I started to dig into the Helm chart that needs tweaks. I just started exploring the chart so I just put a first s...
4 years ago
Just curious about the pipeline decorator example, I tried to run it in my cluster (latest chart as ususal 😄 ) and I got Traceback (most recent call last): ...
3 years ago
Hi, do you have a channel for dev/contributors on your github repos? I see only a but no one si there. I think a specific dev channel would be great and help...
4 years ago
other will come in near future hopefully 😄
4 years ago
Hi everyone, there are 3 PR on https://github.com/allegroai/trains-server-k8s/pulls that are still waiting in the wings after more than 20 days. There is any...
4 years ago
Hi guys, until today I always requested data scientists to use CLI to create tasks. After that I usually reconfigure them so they can be pointed on git repo ...
3 years ago
Hi everyone, I had a request to use task_overrides during a pipeline step. The goal is to set the OUTPUT DESTINATION on the fly so: pipe.add_step(name='creat...
3 years ago
Hi everyone!
4 years ago
Hi, I'm trying to set storage manager to use our internal MiniIO installation but I ran into this issue with this testing code: from trains import Task, Stor...
4 years ago