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53 × Eureka!and then use them in agents if they are external
Hi, not really sure if these is any problem with Github CDN but it looks fine to me right now:
Hi, in k8s autoscaling must be managed by cloud pro user autoscaler. When the clearml-agent bound to related queue will spawn a new task pod with configured resources, k8s will adapt. On AWS you can start here
pls upgrade agent chart to just released 1.0.2
it’s a queue used by the agent just for internal scheduling purposes
it looks to me redis pod is not working as expected, it’s just a guess
so you installed chart version 3.10.1
this is a clear issue with provisioner not handling the pvc request for any pod having a pvc. It’s not related chart but provisioner you are suing that probably doesn’t support dynamic allocation. what provisioner are you using?
Sure, OddShrimp85 , until you need to specifically bind any pod to a node, nodeSelector is not needed. In fact, the new chart will leave to k8s the right to share the load on the worker nodes. About pvc you simply need to declare the Storageclass at k8s level so it can take care of creating the PVC too. How many workers do you have in your setup?
if you do a kubectl get svc in namspace you should see the svc of api webserver and fileserver
clearml and agent are in the same namespace?
I need to evaluate a better way to handle image versioning for the future, btw latest version should be fixed. Apologies folks!
Just to be sure we are in sync 😁
this means network issues at some level
later in the day I will push also a new clearml chart that will not contain anymore k8s glue since it’s now in clearml-agent chart, this is why I was suggesting to use that chart :)
still need time because I have two very busy days
btw, judging from screenshots services are ok but pod are not up, especially elastic, redis and mongodb are Pending
so it means k8s didn’t scheduled them for some reason you can find describing these pods
clearml --help says--version Display the clearml-task utility version
Hi, helm show readme
should output informations on any single parameter fo the chart. helm show values
will show the entire values file containing also the structure.
url returning 401 is same as one exposed by ingress (if you are using them ofc)?
Ofc it’s possible to add this to the chart but, as @<1523701205467926528:profile|AgitatedDove14> said, it’s not recommended to go directly over public internet with it. Regardless of this, @<1556812486840160256:profile|SuccessfulRaven86> do you have any PR to propose for it? It would be great to have something to discuss on in GH.
k8s cluster can access ubuntu archive?