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53 × Eureka!Just a quick suggestion since I have some more insight on the situation. Maybe you can look at Velero, it should be able to migrate data. If not you can simply create a new fresh install, scale everything to zero, then create some debug pod mounting old and new pvc and copy data between the two. More complex to say it than do it.
I can understand you maybe got confused
how did you specified it in Helm override file?
you can workaround the issue mlunting the kubeconfig but I guess the issue is someway to be investigated
I guess the message may be mistaken. Pls share kubectl get svc of the namespace you installed clearml
is not accessible from your pod
This is pretty weird. If pv containing mongodb data is still the same data must be there. what storageclass provider are you using?
this should be the form that works on Helm
ReassuredArcticwolf33 pls try this one and let me know if this is working for you
and add these 3 hostnames pointing them to the external ip
other wise yes, if this is not an option, you can also mount what is already existing so pls open an issue in new repo helm chart and we can find a solution
Iām going to investigate this specific use case and will get back to you
look also at the monitoring tab
you should be able to do a helm repo update
This is specific K8s infra management, usually I use Velero for backup
I absolutely need to improve the persistence part of this chart š