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15 Questions, 104 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity 2 months ago



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102 × Eureka!
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30 Answers
0 Votes 30 Answers 685 Views
Hey everyone 🙂 I’m trying to use a ClearML on prem for experiment visualization only, having some issues with multi GPU. It seems that clearml is creating a...
2 years ago
0 Votes
30 Answers
0 Votes 30 Answers 711 Views
If possible, i would like all together prevent the fileserver and write everything to S3 (without needing every user to change their config)
2 years ago
0 Votes
8 Answers
0 Votes 8 Answers 801 Views
There is a problem starting from clearml 1.7.0 with python-fire from clearml import Task import fire def check(first): print(first) if __name__ == '__main__'...
one year ago
0 Votes
1 Answers
0 Votes 1 Answers 211 Views
Hi 🙂 How can i disable requirements install when an agent is starting a task? we use docker, so everything should already be installed
3 months ago
0 Votes
2 Answers
0 Votes 2 Answers 656 Views
Hi 🙂 I'm trying to figure out if i have a way to report pipeline-step artifact paths in the main pipeline task. (So i don't need to dig into steps to find t...
one year ago
0 Votes
2 Answers
0 Votes 2 Answers 596 Views
Hey 🙂 I'm using pipelines with decorators and trying to set a custom docker image to the pipeline itself which doesn't seem to accept a "docker=" argument l...
one year ago
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0 Votes 0 Answers 244 Views
3 months ago
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0 Answers
0 Votes 0 Answers 771 Views
Hey 🙂 I’m also using the AWS autoscaler with pipelines, and i can’t seem to make the intermediate steps output their results to S3 instead of the fileserver...
2 years ago
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7 Answers
0 Votes 7 Answers 792 Views
i think there is some bug with clearml==1.7.1. I’m working with pipelines and after updating to 1.7.1 all the kwargs are passed as None to the steps, when do...
one year ago
0 Votes
1 Answers
0 Votes 1 Answers 727 Views
Also it’s weird to me that when running pipelines in debugging_pipeline that it will even show in the UI
one year ago
0 Votes
0 Answers
0 Votes 0 Answers 806 Views
(using a local clearml server)
2 years ago
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18 Answers
0 Votes 18 Answers 367 Views
https://clearml.slack.com/archives/CTK20V944/p1713357955958089 Any idea about this?
3 months ago
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12 Answers
0 Votes 12 Answers 753 Views
Hey, Is there a way to temporarily turn off clearml logging? I’m using pipeline and when developing i don’t wand them to be added to the UI and spam it. in w...
one year ago
0 Votes
6 Answers
0 Votes 6 Answers 717 Views
Hey 🙂 Working with ClearML pipelines, is there a way to change default directory artifacts to archive with tar instead of zip ? Speaking of the default retu...
one year ago
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62 Answers
0 Votes 62 Answers 31K Views
Hey, We are using clearml 1.9.0 with transformers 4.25.1… and we started getting errors that do not reproduce in earlier versions (only works in 1.7.2 all 1....
one year ago
0 Hey

Hi, yes it's running with autoscaler so it's for sure in docker mode

Are you saying that it should've worked? I got 'docker' attribute doesn't exist error. Maybe it's the version of the clearml server?

one year ago
0 Hey Everyone

maybe the fastai bindings in clearml package are outdated

2 years ago
0 How Can I Ensure Tasks In A Pipeline Have The Same Environment As The Pipeline Itself? It Seems A Bit Counter-Intuitive That The Pipeline (Executed Remotely) Captures The Local Environment, But The Tasks (Executed Remotely) Do Not Use That Same Environmen

We also wanted this, we preferred to create a docker image with all we need, and let the pipeline steps use that docker image

That way you don’t rely on clearml capturing the local env, and you can control what exists in the env

one year ago
0 Hey, We Are Using Clearml 1.9.0 With Transformers 4.25.1… And We Started Getting Errors That Do Not Reproduce In Earlier Versions (Only Works In 1.7.2 All 1.8.X Don’T Work):

Hey again 🙂
I believe that the transformers patch wasn’t released yet right? we are getting into a problem where we need new features from transformers but can’t use because of this

one year ago
0 Hey Everyone

from fastai.callbacks.tensorboard import LearnerTensorboardWriter
doesn’t exist anymore in fastai2

2 years ago
0 Hey, We Are Using Clearml 1.9.0 With Transformers 4.25.1… And We Started Getting Errors That Do Not Reproduce In Earlier Versions (Only Works In 1.7.2 All 1.8.X Don’T Work):

Hey 🙂
Any updates on this? We need to use a new version of transformers because of another bug they have in an old version. so we can’t use the old transformers version anymore.

one year ago
0 Hey Everyone

i’ll check if it’s already initialized

2 years ago
0 Https://Clearml.Slack.Com/Archives/Ctk20V944/P1713357955958089

Only got some time to work on it now, i created a small reproducible example.
I also tried to use your suggestion with import accelerate, it also had issues.

overall, when using debug_pipeline it works ok, but both methods don't work without it, i think it has something to do with wrapping accelerate.

Problem with launching through python module (your suggestion), the argparse breaks.
Problem with launching using a new process - rank0 proce...

2 months ago
0 Https://Clearml.Slack.Com/Archives/Ctk20V944/P1713357955958089

Glad to hear you were able to reproduce it! Waiting for your reply 🙏

2 months ago
0 Https://Clearml.Slack.Com/Archives/Ctk20V944/P1713357955958089

@<1523701435869433856:profile|SmugDolphin23> @<1523701205467926528:profile|AgitatedDove14>
Any updates? 🙂

2 months ago
0 Hey, We Are Using Clearml 1.9.0 With Transformers 4.25.1… And We Started Getting Errors That Do Not Reproduce In Earlier Versions (Only Works In 1.7.2 All 1.8.X Don’T Work):

Hey 🙂 Thanks for the update!

what i’m missing the is the point where you report to clearml between cast and casting back 🤔

one year ago
0 Hey, We Are Using Clearml 1.9.0 With Transformers 4.25.1… And We Started Getting Errors That Do Not Reproduce In Earlier Versions (Only Works In 1.7.2 All 1.8.X Don’T Work):

@<1523701118159294464:profile|ExasperatedCrab78> Sorry only saw this now,
Thanks for checking it!
Glad to see you found the issue, hope you find a way to fix the second one. for now we will continue using the previous version.
Would be glad if you can post when everything is fixed so we can advance our version.

one year ago
one year ago
0 Https://Clearml.Slack.Com/Archives/Ctk20V944/P1713357955958089

We tried both subprocess.run and popen

3 months ago
0 Hey, We Are Using Clearml 1.9.0 With Transformers 4.25.1… And We Started Getting Errors That Do Not Reproduce In Earlier Versions (Only Works In 1.7.2 All 1.8.X Don’T Work):

I tried to work on a reproducible script but then i get errors that my clearml task is already initialized (also doesn’t happen on 1.7.2)

one year ago
one year ago
0 Hey, We Are Using Clearml 1.9.0 With Transformers 4.25.1… And We Started Getting Errors That Do Not Reproduce In Earlier Versions (Only Works In 1.7.2 All 1.8.X Don’T Work):

Hey 🙂
Any update?

We are having more issues with transformers and clearml in their new version.
The step that has transformers 4.25.1 isn’t able to upload artifacts.
If we downgrade transformers==4.21.3 it works

one year ago
0 There Is A Problem Starting From Clearml 1.7.0 With Python-Fire

tnx, i just can’t use 1.7.1 because of the pipeline problem from before

one year ago
0 Hey, We Are Using Clearml 1.9.0 With Transformers 4.25.1… And We Started Getting Errors That Do Not Reproduce In Earlier Versions (Only Works In 1.7.2 All 1.8.X Don’T Work):

This is the next step not being able to find the output of the last step

ValueError: Could not retrieve a local copy of artifact return_object, failed downloading 
one year ago
0 If Possible, I Would Like All Together Prevent The Fileserver And Write Everything To S3 (Without Needing Every User To Change Their Config)

Yes it worked 🙂
I loaded my entire clearml.conf in the “extra conf” part of the auto scaler, that worked

2 years ago
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