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Hey Everyone

Hey everyone šŸ™‚
Iā€™m trying to use a ClearML on prem for experiment visualization only, having some issues with multi GPU.

It seems that clearml is creating a different task for each gpu (in my case 4) and none have data in ā€œresultsā€ tab.

Any idea?

Posted 3 years ago
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Answers 30

from fastai.callbacks.tensorboard import LearnerTensorboardWriter
doesnā€™t exist anymore in fastai2

Posted 3 years ago

Interesting... AgitatedDove14 what do you think?

Posted 3 years ago


Posted 3 years ago

when u say use Task.current_task() you for logging? which iā€™m guessing that the fastai binding should do right?

Posted 3 years ago

  1. There is a workaround the fastai.launch, that is probably similar to this one:

I think you can do the launching "manually", something like:
At least until we understand how to fix it automatically

Posted 3 years ago

because fastaiā€™s tensorboard doesnā€™t work in multi gpu

keep me posted when this is solved, so we can also update the fastai2 interface,

Posted 3 years ago

How do you create the multi process part? is fastaiĀ forking the process ? or do you manually runit 4 times ?

Posted 3 years ago

Yes that should work, only thing is you need to call Task init on the master process (and make sure you call Task.current_task() on the subprocesses, if you want to automagic to kick in, that said, usually there is no need, they are supposed to report everything back to the main one anyhow
@call_parse def main( Ā  Ā gpus:Param("The GPUs to use for distributed training", str)='all', Ā  Ā script:Param("Script to run", str, opt=False)='', Ā  Ā args:Param("Args to pass to script", nargs='...', opt=False)='' ): Ā  Ā "PyTorch distributed training launch helper that spawns multiple distributed processes" task = Task.init(...) Ā  Ā current_env = os.environ.copy()

Posted 3 years ago

they also appear to be relying on the tensorboard callback which seems not to work on distributed training

Posted 3 years ago

reduced to a small snippet
` from fastai.vision.all import *
from fastai.distributed import *
from clearml import Task
from fastai.callback.tensorboard import TensorBoardCallback
from wwf.vision.timm import timm_learner

task = Task.init(project_name='LIOR_TEST', auto_connect_arg_parser={'rank': False})
path = untar_data(URLs.PETS)

size = 460
batch_size = 32

dblock = DataBlock(blocks=(ImageBlock, CategoryBlock),
get_y=lambda x: 'cat' if x.name[0].isupper() else 'dog',

dls = dblock.dataloaders(path, batch_size=batch_size)

learn = timm_learner(dls, 'tf_efficientnet_b3', metrics=[accuracy, Precision(average='micro'), Recall(average='micro')])
learn = learn.to_fp16()

with learn.distrib_ctx(sync_bn=False):
learn.fine_tune(300, 1e-3, cbs=[TensorBoardCallback(trace_model=False)]) `

Posted 3 years ago

Noting one difference i do is using TensorBoardCallback , because i believe the clearml docs use an outdated fastai 1 versionā€¦

Posted 3 years ago

and use that instead of the -m fastai.launch part ofcourse

Posted 3 years ago

any idea? šŸ™

Posted 3 years ago

Thatā€™s how fastai distributes between multiple gpus, iā€™ll try to move the init

Posted 3 years ago

iā€™m following this guide

so you run it like this
python -m fastai.launch <script>

Posted 3 years ago

Can you share how your code looks in general? from the start?

Posted 3 years ago

you can get updates on the issue i opened

but i think the probably better solution would be to create a custom ClearML callback for fastai with the best practices you think are neededā€¦

Or try to fix the TensorBoardCallback, because for now we canā€™t use multi gpu because of it šŸ˜Ŗ

Posted 3 years ago


from fastai.callbacks.tensorboard import LearnerTensorboardWriter

doesnā€™t exist anymore in fastai2

Hmm we should definitely update the example to fastai2 API

maybe the fastai bindings in clearml package are outdated

Are you getting any scalars reported to clearml?

they also appear to be relying on the tensorboard callback which seems not to work on distributed training

Yes that is correct, usually the way it works all nodes report back to "master" node, and that one performs the TB writes.
PricklyRaven28 who is spinning the sub-processes in your example?
EDIT: sorry found it:
python -m fastai.launch <script>

Posted 3 years ago

PricklyRaven28 basically this is the issue:

python -m fastai.launch <script>

There are multiple copies of the script running, but they are Not aware of one another.
are you getting any reporting from the diff GPUs? I'm assuming there is a hidden OS environment that signals the "master" node, so all processes can communicate with it. This is what we should automatically capture. There is a workaround the fastai.launch, that is probably similar to this one:

Posted 3 years ago

still getting 4 tasks (1 does have data in results)

Posted 3 years ago

when u say useĀ 


Ā you for logging? which iā€™m guessing that the fastai binding should do right?

right, this is a fancy way to say, make sure the actual sub-process is initializing ClearML so all the automagic kicks in, since this is not "forked" but a whole new process, calling Task.current_task is the equivalent of calling Task.init with the same arguments (which you can also do, I'm not sure which one is more straight forward, wdyt?)

Posted 3 years ago

AgitatedDove14 . so if i understand correctly, what i can possibly do is copy paste the https://github.com/fastai/fastai/blob/master/fastai/launch.py code and add the Task.init there?

Posted 3 years ago

but anyway, this will still not work because fastaiā€™s tensorboard doesnā€™t work in multi gpu šŸ˜ž

Posted 3 years ago

unrelated, iā€™m getting a crash, but seems related to fastai and not clearml

Posted 3 years ago

maybe the fastai bindings in clearml package are outdated

Posted 3 years ago

i get for one of the tasks, but then it fails because it seems that the fastai2 tensorboardcallback isnā€™t fit for distributed training (which iā€™m opening an issue for them now)

Posted 3 years ago

but that means that there is no way to work with clearml+fastai2+multi gpu

Posted 3 years ago

iā€™ll check if itā€™s already initialized

Posted 3 years ago
30 Answers
3 years ago
one year ago