Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escaping: Escape characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ with \, e.g. \+
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
Combinations: chocolate AND vanilla, chocolate OR vanilla, (chocolate OR vanilla) NOT "vanilla pudding"
Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
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0 Questions, 132 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity one year ago


0 Hi Everyone, I Am Just Wondering Whether The Bugs Regarding The Deletion Of Tasks Is Fixed In The Current Version? E.G. This Happening When You Want To Delete A Lot Of Tasks.
curl -X PUT localhost:9200/_cluster/settings -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'{"persistent" : {"search.max_open_scroll_context": 1000}}'
one year ago
0 I Keep Getting Errors When Trying To Compare A Lot Of Experiments At The Same Time (>10). What'S Evern Worse Is That Trains Start Working Much Slower In General After These Attempts, The Only Way To Fix It Is To Restart The Whole Thing. Would Getting Bett

Great! What error do you still see in UI when comparing more than 20 experiments? At the time of error do you see any error response from the apiserver (in the browser network tab)? When the call to compare of 20+ task metrics succeed how much time does it usually takes in your environment?

4 years ago
0 Got Some Errors While Running Migration Script From Es5 To Es7:

Hi H4dr1en, there is a chance that the problem is that in parallel reindexing of data. You can try to replace parallel=max(docker_resources.cpus // 2, 1)
at line 190 with
I think you will need to remove the /opt/trains/data/elastic_7 folder before script restart

4 years ago
0 Got Some Errors While Running Migration Script From Es5 To Es7:

Great:) The let's try to get the logs. Maybe we can get without changing the upgrade script. Please run 'sudo docker ps -a' if you see the exited container with name 'elastic-upgrade-7' then please save its logs to the file with the below command and send the file to me:
docker logs <container_id_for_elastic-upgrade-7> >& elastic_logs.txt

4 years ago
0 Got Some Errors While Running Migration Script From Es5 To Es7:

We just uploaded the new update script into
It has several improvements and there is a chance that it will overcome the issue that you are facing. Also, please check that you have enough disk space for copying of ES data.

4 years ago
0 Got Some Errors While Running Migration Script From Es5 To Es7:

Thanks for the update. What can be seen from the log is that for some reason after copying of couple of indices Elasticsearch 7 becomes unavailable. I think we can find the reasons in the Elasticsearch 7 logs. I can send you the instructions on how to proceed (it requires a minimal change to the upgrade script so that the upgrade containers are not removed after the script run and inspection of ES7 logs)

4 years ago
0 Hi! How Can I Delete Dataset From Ui And From S3 Bucket? I Tried To Delete From Ui And Then Checking But I Still Have It ... Api Client Doesn'T Have Methods To Work With Datasets ...

Hi @<1523701457835003904:profile|AbruptHedgehog21> can you please share the logs from the async_delete service? It is responsible for the actual deletion of the data

one year ago
0 Hi, I Just Updated Clearml-Server To 1.1.0 And Got The Following Error When Starting It With Docker-Compose:

We can compare with the table that you sent yesterday. Unless a lot of new events were written since then

3 years ago
0 Got Some Errors While Running Migration Script From Es5 To Es7:

There should be a log file in the directory where you run the script. It contains more info. Can you please send me the log?

4 years ago
0 Hi, I Just Updated Clearml-Server To 1.1.0 And Got The Following Error When Starting It With Docker-Compose:

Yes, it is safe to put number_of_replicas to 0 and refresh_interval to -1 for the target index before the reindex and then put them back after the reindex is finished

3 years ago
0 Hi All, I Am Creating Sub Project, For Experiment, But It Seems There Is

Hi QuaintJellyfish58 , thanks for the feedback. I am trying to compare what you send and receive for team's view with what you get in My-work view. Can you please also send the data for the same requests and responses in the My work view structured in the same way like you sent for the team view now?

2 years ago
0 Hi All, I Am Creating Sub Project, For Experiment, But It Seems There Is

Hi QuaintJellyfish58 , I am investigating the issue. Can you please also send the request and response from projects.get_all when you are in the Team's Work view (the case where there is no undefined project)?

2 years ago
0 Hi All, I Am Creating Sub Project, For Experiment, But It Seems There Is

Hi QuaintJellyfish58 , it seems that we identified the problem. The undefined project that you see is not a real project. It is a placeholder where the statistics of ex-1 project should be shown. We found a bug in the apiserver that under these particular conditions fails to return the ex-1 project data so the placeholder remains empty (undefined). If I understand correctly it should only cause the inconvenience but not influence your workflow. Is it correct? We are fixing the issue in the n...

2 years ago
0 Hi, I'M Getting This Long Error When Running

Hi SubstantialElk6 , another thing that can be checked is the health of the particular ES indices. Can you please run the below command in the clearml-elastic container and post the results here?
curl -XGET

3 years ago
0 Hi Guys, I Keep Receiving A Timeout Error:

Hi VexedPeacock35 , I suspect that Elasticsearch works too hard and periodically misses timeouts on recording events. How much memory and CPU is it using? Can you increase the memory that is allocated to it and see whether this helps?

2 years ago
0 Hi Everyone, I Am Just Wondering Whether The Bugs Regarding The Deletion Of Tasks Is Fixed In The Current Version? E.G. This Happening When You Want To Delete A Lot Of Tasks.

@<1523701868901961728:profile|ReassuredTiger98> Strange:( in 1.10 we already had the code for clearing ES scrolls created during the task deletion. I would recommend upgrading to the latest release v1.12.1 anyway. In addition you can instruct ES to allow more open scrolls like below. By default it is limited to 500.

one year ago
0 Hello! We Are Trying To Upgrade From Trains Server 15.1 To 16.1 Using Docker, But Are Running Into A Permission Error:

If you run the following command 'sudo chown -R 1000:1000 /opt/trains' does it change anything?

4 years ago
0 I Keep Getting Errors When Trying To Compare A Lot Of Experiments At The Same Time (>10). What'S Evern Worse Is That Trains Start Working Much Slower In General After These Attempts, The Only Way To Fix It Is To Restart The Whole Thing. Would Getting Bett

Hi DilapidatedDucks58 , I am trying to reproduce the "Connection is full warning". Do you override any apiserver environment variables is docker compose? If yes then can you share your version of docker-compose? Do you provide a configuration file for gunicorn? Can you please share it?

4 years ago
0 Hi, I Just Updated Clearml-Server To 1.1.0 And Got The Following Error When Starting It With Docker-Compose:

Hi JitteryCoyote63 , are you still missing a month of data in the event logs? If you do cat indices do you see the same amount of docs in the original and the new ones?

3 years ago
0 Hi! Our Clearml Server Keeps Crashing Because Of Some Weird Task With The

We found the issue. It will be fixed in the upcoming patch for the open-v1.14 release

11 months ago
0 Got Some Errors While Running Migration Script From Es5 To Es7:

Enjoy the new version:) Would still be interesting to see what caused ES7 to stop responding.

4 years ago
0 Hi, I'M Getting This Long Error When Running

SubstantialElk6 Both indices that are red are not critical for the ClearML functioning and can be deleted like this:
curl -XDELETE ' ' curl -XDELETE ' 'For the analysis of the possible reasons that lead to it can you please collect the full ES logs to the file and send it here?
sudo docker logs clearml-elasticĀ > log.txt 2>&1

3 years ago
0 Hi All, I Am Creating Sub Project, For Experiment, But It Seems There Is

Hi QuaintJellyfish58 in the latest data that you sent I see only the responses (some of them are marked as payloads but they are actually responses). What would be very interesting is to see the requests (payloads) that resulted in the following empty responses:
` # response

2 years ago
2 years ago
0 Where Can I Read About What Is Trains-Agent? I Get Confused With What'S What, And What Is Free And What Is Not

The volumes section of elasticsearch service looks OK to me:

4 years ago
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