Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escaping: Escape characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ with \, e.g. \+
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
Combinations: chocolate AND vanilla, chocolate OR vanilla, (chocolate OR vanilla) NOT "vanilla pudding"
Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
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0 Questions, 132 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity one year ago


0 Hi All, I Like To Upgrade

No, there was a problem with the particular version migration. The temporary index creation allowed to this and all subsequent migrations to run successfully. So for now your DB is properly aligned with the latest ClearML and the future upgrades should work fine.

3 years ago
0 Hi Everyone, I Have Two Issues With New Clearml-Server (1.14):

Hi @<1523701260895653888:profile|QuaintJellyfish58> . For the issue #229: we found and fixed the problem. The fix will be available in the coming patch for the v1.14 release. For the issue 228 I requested more info from you in the github

11 months ago
0 Hey There Have The Following Issue After Upgrading Server And Trains To 0.16:

Setting up an elastic cluster requires some devops. You can search for "setup elasticsearch 7 cluster" in the internet and there are some tutorials there. Stopping your docker-compose once in a certain period of time and backing up the /opt/trains/data folder is more straightforward and it would backup also the data that we store in mongodb.

4 years ago
0 Hi Everyone, I Am Just Wondering Whether The Bugs Regarding The Deletion Of Tasks Is Fixed In The Current Version? E.G. This Happening When You Want To Delete A Lot Of Tasks.

@<1523701868901961728:profile|ReassuredTiger98> Strange:( in 1.10 we already had the code for clearing ES scrolls created during the task deletion. I would recommend upgrading to the latest release v1.12.1 anyway. In addition you can instruct ES to allow more open scrolls like below. By default it is limited to 500.

one year ago
0 Hey There Have The Following Issue After Upgrading Server And Trains To 0.16:

SubstantialBaldeagle49 This is fine. When you start docker-compose it takes different time for the services to start. Apiserver waits for the Elasticsearch to start and proceeds once it is ready. Can you reproduce the buckets issue and share the apiserver log that contains it?

4 years ago
0 Got Some Errors While Running Migration Script From Es5 To Es7:

Thanks for the update. What can be seen from the log is that for some reason after copying of couple of indices Elasticsearch 7 becomes unavailable. I think we can find the reasons in the Elasticsearch 7 logs. I can send you the instructions on how to proceed (it requires a minimal change to the upgrade script so that the upgrade containers are not removed after the script run and inspection of ES7 logs)

4 years ago
0 Hi, I Would Like To Follow-Up In This

Hi JitteryCoyote63 , you mentioned that download task logs brings all the events. It would be interesting to compare the events that are in the download log but not in the task log screen with those that are returned in the screen too. Can you please share the download task logs file and the request and response that you get from the events.get_task_log for the same task?

2 years ago
0 Hi, I Would Like To Follow-Up In This

Thanks, looking into it:)

2 years ago
0 Hi All, I Like To Upgrade

Hi CooperativeFox72 , there was a typo in the index creation instructions ("comapny" instead of "company"). Please try the following sequence in mongo shell and then starting the apiserver:
use auth db.user.createIndex({"name": 1, "company": 1})

3 years ago
4 years ago
0 Hi, I Just Updated Clearml-Server To 1.1.0 And Got The Following Error When Starting It With Docker-Compose:

This one is indeed dynamic but can be set as follows: "plot_len":{"type":"long"}

3 years ago
0 Hey There Have The Following Issue After Upgrading Server And Trains To 0.16:

I am not sure about the reasons. What you can do is to backup your /opt/trains/data folder periodically (preferably stopping the docker compose before it). Another possibility is to configure your elasticsearch to run as a cluster with 2 or more nodes on the same or different machine. This will allow elastic to replicate your indices to other nodes.

4 years ago
0 Hello! We Are Trying To Upgrade From Trains Server 15.1 To 16.1 Using Docker, But Are Running Into A Permission Error:

Can you run 'ls -al' in the /opt/trains/data folder and also in the /opt/trains/data/elastic_7 folder and send the output?

4 years ago
0 Got Some Errors While Running Migration Script From Es5 To Es7:

Hi H4dr1en, there is a chance that the problem is that in parallel reindexing of data. You can try to replace parallel=max(docker_resources.cpus // 2, 1)
at line 190 with
I think you will need to remove the /opt/trains/data/elastic_7 folder before script restart

4 years ago
0 Hi, I Just Updated Clearml-Server To 1.1.0 And Got The Following Error When Starting It With Docker-Compose:

Yes, it is safe to put number_of_replicas to 0 and refresh_interval to -1 for the target index before the reindex and then put them back after the reindex is finished

3 years ago
2 years ago
0 Quick Question: Why Does Clearml-Server 1.15.0 Api-Server Python Package Require Es 8.12.0 But The Docker-Compose References Es 7.17.18?

@<1523701066867150848:profile|JitteryCoyote63> The requirements list the client library that apiserver uses to access the Elasticsearch. This library is capable of working with both Elasticsearch 7 and 8

8 months ago
0 Hi All, I Am Creating Sub Project, For Experiment, But It Seems There Is

Hi QuaintJellyfish58 in the latest data that you sent I see only the responses (some of them are marked as payloads but they are actually responses). What would be very interesting is to see the requests (payloads) that resulted in the following empty responses:
` # response

2 years ago
0 We'Re Running Into Errors Such As This:

Hi UnevenDolphin73 . how many artifacts do you have on this task? We are storing task metadata in Mongo and there is a limit of 16Mb per a single document. While the artifact itself is not stored under the task there is some metadata (notably the uri and display_data/preview) that is stored for each artifact

2 years ago
0 Hello! We Are Trying To Upgrade From Trains Server 15.1 To 16.1 Using Docker, But Are Running Into A Permission Error:

Hi DefeatedCrab47 , ES docker requires that it is data folder belongs to 1000:1000 user and group. If you want to transfer your existing data from trains 15.1 then please follow the guide https://allegro.ai/docs/deploying_trains/trains_server_es7_migration/
The script that is run in this guide should create elastic_7 folder with the correct permissions and transfer all your existing data

4 years ago
0 Hey When I Would Like To Remove Experiment From Project From App.Clear.Ml I Got This Message :

Hi ExasperatedCrocodile76 , what version of the clearml server are you using? You can see it in the bottom right corner of the Settings screen

2 years ago
0 What Is The Current State Of Deleting Debug Samples? I Use S3/Minio As My Fileserver. If I Delete Tasks From The Ui, Are Debug Samples Deleted On S3? If I Run The Cleanup Service Script, Does It Debug Samples On S3?

Hi @<1523701868901961728:profile|ReassuredTiger98> , how exactly do you override the values in storage_credentials file? Do you prepare a new docker image with the changed file or map this file from outside with the volume mapping in the docker compose or through the env variables? What is also important is that you do this override for the async_delete service. It is the service that actually uses the storage credentials. Not the apiserver itself

one year ago
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