Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escaping: Escape characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ with \, e.g. \+
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
Combinations: chocolate AND vanilla, chocolate OR vanilla, (chocolate OR vanilla) NOT "vanilla pudding"
Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
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0 Questions, 132 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity one year ago


2 years ago
0 Hi Clearml, I Tried To Upgrade The Clearml Server Following This

I mean it is not possible to open v3.6 data in version 4.4. That's why the steps 3-10 are there

2 years ago
0 Hi All, I Have A

Hi CooperativeFox72 , how much free space do you have on your disk now? If you run du on your /opt/trains/data/elastic_7 folder in let's say 5 mins intervals do you see the folder size is growing?

3 years ago
0 Hi! I Have Some Problems With Data Migration Process. My Error Log In The Attached Files.

Another option that should work for the upgrade script is to pass an environment variable that disable the xpack (the feature that requires licensing) for the ES5 docker container. It can done as following:
python elastic_upgrade.py --extra-source-env xpack.security.enabled=false

4 years ago
0 Hi, I Have A Problem After Updating Clearml-Server To The Most Recent Version. Elasticsearch Has Been Updated From

At some point we switched from Mongo DB v3.6 to v4.4. Upgrading from old versions require a migration of mongo data. Did you run the upgrade script as described below? Were there any errors?

2 years ago
0 Hi, I Have A Problem After Updating Clearml-Server To The Most Recent Version. Elasticsearch Has Been Updated From

This explains the issue I think. The recovery path would be as follows:
Put down the running containers Restore both mongo and elastic data from the backup Run the old version docker containers and make sure that all the data is there Put down the containers Run the upgrade script Start the new version

2 years ago
0 Trying To Enqueue A Task Through The Ui, Getting This Error - What Could It Be? (Running On Aws, On The Official Trains Ami)

Hi Elior, chances are that you do not have enough space for Elasticsearch on your storage. Please check the ES logs and increase the available disk space.

4 years ago
0 Hi All, I Am Creating Sub Project, For Experiment, But It Seems There Is

Hi QuaintJellyfish58 , I am investigating the issue. Can you please also send the request and response from projects.get_all when you are in the Team's Work view (the case where there is no undefined project)?

2 years ago
0 Hey There Have The Following Issue After Upgrading Server And Trains To 0.16:

SubstantialBaldeagle49 This should collect the logs: 'sudo docker logs trains-apiserver >& apiserver.logs'

4 years ago
0 Hi, I'M Getting This Long Error When Running

Hi SubstantialElk6 , another thing that can be checked is the health of the particular ES indices. Can you please run the below command in the clearml-elastic container and post the results here?
curl -XGET

3 years ago
0 Hi, I Am Having Problem With Clearml Running On Our Private Server. This Error Occured On Older Version On Clearml And Server. Now After Update And Purge Of All Old Database With

It seems that elasticsearch is failing on any search request. Can you please run the following commands and share the results?
curl -XGET curl -XGET

2 years ago
0 Hi, I Have A Problem After Updating Clearml-Server To The Most Recent Version. Elasticsearch Has Been Updated From

Hi SoggyBeetle95 , from what version of clearml did you upgrade? About the tasks that disappeared: you do not see these tasks at all or you see these tasks with no results?

2 years ago
0 Hi Everyone! I'M Using Minios3 As A File Server And As Default Output Uri. I'Ve Faced The Following Problem. When I Delete Tasks From Web Ui (And Also From Archive) Their Artifacts Didn'T Get Deleted From S3. I'M Using Self Hosted Clearml==1.11. What Shou

@<1585078752969232384:profile|FantasticDuck7> The best would be to copy this file to the host, edit it and map this file into the container instead of the original one. The single file mapping in the docker-compose file should look like this:

      - type: bind
        source: <the path to the config file on the host>
        target: /opt/clearml/apiserver/config/default/services/storage_credentials.conf

You should do it for the async_delete service. Not for the apise...

one year ago
0 Hi Everyone! I'M Using Minios3 As A File Server And As Default Output Uri. I'Ve Faced The Following Problem. When I Delete Tasks From Web Ui (And Also From Archive) Their Artifacts Didn'T Get Deleted From S3. I'M Using Self Hosted Clearml==1.11. What Shou

Ok, so there is no mapping for the whole config folder or specific config file that you changed. That's why async_delete does not get your updated configuration. You can do one of the following: either add here mapping for the specific file like you did earlier or map the whole config folder like apiserver service does:

  • /opt/clearml/config:/opt/clearml/config
    The second way is probably more flexible
one year ago
0 Hi! I Have Some Problems With Data Migration Process. My Error Log In The Attached Files.

There is a "License expired" message for the Elasticsearch 5. Try running the following command when your old trains docker is up:

4 years ago
0 Hi! I Have Some Problems With Data Migration Process. My Error Log In The Attached Files.

Oh, I see:( it turned out that --extra-source-env option was not officially released yet. But the script that supports it can be downloaded from here: https://github.com/allegroai/trains-server/files/5080286/upgrade.zip

4 years ago
0 Hi All, I’M Running Experiments Using Clearml. The Training Is Very Slow, And I’M Getting The Following Errors And Warnings:

Ok, it seems that elasticsearch ports are open for internal communication but not for the host. Can you please add the following section to elasticsearch service in docker compose and restart the dockers?
ports: - "9200:9200"After that the commands should work from host

2 years ago
0 Hi All, I’M Running Experiments Using Clearml. The Training Is Very Slow, And I’M Getting The Following Errors And Warnings:

It seems that index events-log-d1bd92a3b039400cbafc60a7a5b1e52b got corrupted. In case there are no backups the only choice would be to delete this index from elasticsearch

2 years ago
0 Hi, I Am Having Problem With Clearml Running On Our Private Server. This Error Occured On Older Version On Clearml And Server. Now After Update And Purge Of All Old Database With

The index events-training_stats_scalar-d1bd92a3b039400cbafc60a7a5b1e52b status is red. Meaning that the data for this index got corrupted. Since there are no replicas the only feasible option would be to delete this index. All the training scalars events for the old taskd would be lost then. But the newly created tasks should start working fine.

2 years ago
0 Hi All, I’M Running Experiments Using Clearml. The Training Is Very Slow, And I’M Getting The Following Errors And Warnings:

Are you running them on the computer that hosts the server docker containers. What is the port binding for elasticsearch in your docker compose?

2 years ago
2 years ago
0 Hi, I Successfully Upgraded Trains To Clearml, But Now I Don'T See The Projects That I Had When I Was Using Trains. The Upgrade Log Is Attached. I Am Using My Own Server In My Host.

If you open the browser developer tools and navigate to the task console logs for one of the tasks that you do not get the logs anymore. Do you see any errors (red lines) in the api calls? Can you share the payload and response from the events.get_task_log call?

2 years ago
0 Greetings! Could You Help Me? I’Ve Just Tried Delete Old Experiment (Year Ago) But Got The Following Error:

The tasks themselves will stay until you succeed to delete them from the client. Here we tried to see why deleting their data from ES timed out. From what I see no data was actually deleted (most likely because of the previous delete efforts that actually deleted the data though caused time out in the apiserver). What seems problematic is the amount of time that each operation took (19 and 16 seconds). It may be due to insufficient memory/cpu allocation to ES container or due to the 50Gb inde...

2 years ago
0 Greetings! Could You Help Me? I’Ve Just Tried Delete Old Experiment (Year Ago) But Got The Following Error:

With what memory setting do you run ES? How much memory and cpu is currently occupied by ES container?

2 years ago
0 Hi All, I Am Creating Sub Project, For Experiment, But It Seems There Is

Hi QuaintJellyfish58 , it seems that we identified the problem. The undefined project that you see is not a real project. It is a placeholder where the statistics of ex-1 project should be shown. We found a bug in the apiserver that under these particular conditions fails to return the ex-1 project data so the placeholder remains empty (undefined). If I understand correctly it should only cause the inconvenience but not influence your workflow. Is it correct? We are fixing the issue in the n...

2 years ago
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