I think it would be beneficial if the niche usage of the APIs have their dedicated examples. For example, each framework example demonstrates the automatic m...
2 years ago
Ok, but it must be somewhere in the bst class
2 years ago
Once I have a model successfully saved in ClearML, how can I instantiate it in a notebook? I have this for artifacts: def get_artifact(task_id, artifact_name...
2 years ago
(the payload is not the correct form, can that be a problem? I'd rather figure this out before I recreate the rather convoluted data structure that needs to ...
2 years ago
How can I remove a service with clearml-serving?
2 years ago
What happens if the Task.init doesn't happen in the same py file as the "data science" stuff I have a list of classes that do the coding and I initialise the...
2 years ago
How can I figure out from the dataset object which task it created? Or better: I have a task_id how can I figure out which datasets were created by this expe...
2 years ago
{"detail":"Error processing request: Error: Failed loading preprocess code for 'py_code_best_model': [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/root/.clearml/cac...
2 years ago
https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/blob/master/examples/frameworks/xgboost/xgboost_metrics.py I ran this code and get these charts
2 years ago
Where does clearml pick up these metrics from the code? When I run the same code in a notebook I can't figure out how to extract these numbers from the train...
2 years ago
Hi, I am new to ClearML: When I run an experiment in a shell (having a single line of Task definition) I am getting this error: clearml.Repository Detection ...
2 years ago
How does the Preprocess class exactly work? I need to pass information to it but it's _ init _ function doesn't have any parameters. How can I load an artifa...
2 years ago
I am completely stuck with the serving. I did the custom example. I see the endpoint in clearml-serving -id ... model list and it replies {"detail":"Error pr...
2 years ago
How do I think about tasks/task_name-s? Do I see right if I run the same task with the same name, it overwrites the previous run? Is it possible to fail if t...
2 years ago
I deployed a model with: clearml-serving \ --id 875de894b62144a7949e471532728809 \ model add \ --engine "xgboost" \ --endpoint "best_model" \ --preprocess "t...
2 years ago
I saw that ClearML overrides the random number generator is it possible to control this behaviour?
2 years ago