Badges 1
86 × Eureka!2022-07-12 13:41:39,309 - clearml.Task - ERROR - Action failed <400/12: tasks.create/v1.0 (Validation error (error for field 'name'. field is required!))> (name=custom pipeline logic, system_tags=['development'], type=controller, comment=Auto-generated at 2022-07-12 08:11:38 UTC by mbz1kor@BMH1125053, project=2ecfc7efcda448a6b6e7de61c8553ba1, input={'view': {}})
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 189, in <module>
File "/home/mbz1kor...
We're initialising a task to ensure it appears on the experiments page;
Also not doing so gave us issues of ‘Missing parent pipeline task’ for a set of experiments we had done earlier
Configuration completed now; I t was a proxy issue from my end
However running my pipeline from a different m achine still gives me a problem
So I'm trying to run my pipeline file that runs a pipeline locally and logs metrics and stuff to the clearml server
This issue was due to a wsl proxy problem; wsl’s host name couldn't be resolved by the server and that became a problem for running agents. It works fine on Linux machines so far, however.
So no worries :D
I had initially just pasted the new credentials in place of the existing ones in my conf file;
Running clearml-init now fails at verifying credentials
Hey David , I was able to get things uploaded to the fileserver by a change in the conf
So I did exactly that, and the name and path of the model on the local repo is noted;
However, I want to upload it to the fileserver
Also, does clearml by default upload models if we save them using
I haven't provided a monitor_model parameter
How do I provide an output storage destination for that stage of the pipeline?