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1 Question, 239 Answers
  Active since 10 January 2023
  Last activity one year ago



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0 Votes 8 Answers 699 Views
hello TartSeagull57 This is a bug introduced with version 1.4.1, for which we are working on a patch. The fix is actually in test, and should be released ver...
2 years ago
0 Hi All, I’Ve Been Running Into An Issue Lately When Using

hi SteepDeer88
did you managed to get rid of your issue ?

2 years ago
0 Hello Clearml, I Am Curious To Know How Does The Clearml

it is basically auto-generated when you do clearml-init
there are a bench of optional configurations that are not in the auto generated file though.
Have a look here it is pretty detailed https://clear.ml/docs/latest/docs/configs/clearml_conf

2 years ago
0 Hey Guys, Is There An E2E Working Example Of Writing A Pipeline With 2-3 Tasks? Just An Hello World. I Am The First One Who Tries To Make Clearml Pipeline To Work I Wasn'T Able To Make It:

you are in a regular execution - i mean not a local one. So the different pipeline tasks has been enqueued. You simply need to fire an agent to pull the enqueued tasks. I would advice you to specify the queue in the steps (parameter execution_queue ).
You then fire your agent :
clearml-agent daemon --queue my_queue

2 years ago
0 Hey Guys, Is There An E2E Working Example Of Writing A Pipeline With 2-3 Tasks? Just An Hello World. I Am The First One Who Tries To Make Clearml Pipeline To Work I Wasn'T Able To Make It:

Agent is a process that pulls task from a queue and assigns ressources (worker) to them. In the pipeline, when not runned locally, steps are enqueued tasks

2 years ago
0 Hey,

can you share with me an example or part from your code ? I might miss something in wht you intend to achieve

2 years ago
0 Need

When the pipeline or any step is executed, a task is created, and it name will be taken from the decorator parameters. Additionally, for a step, the name parameter is optional : if not provided, the function name will be used instead.

It seems to me that your script fails creating the pipeline controller task because it fails pulling the name parameter. which is weird ... Weird because in the last error line, we can see that name !

2 years ago
0 Need

those are the credentials you got from your self hosted server ?
what about the logs before the error ? i think it relevant to have them all. i try to isolate the error, and to understand if it comes from the cred, the servers addresses, a file error or a network error

2 years ago
0 Since V1.4.0, Our

Interesting. We are opening a discussion to weight the pros and cons of those different approaches - i ll of course keep you updated>
Could you please open a github issue abot that topic ? 🙏

2 years ago
0 Hi, I Have A Local Package That I Use To Train My Models. To Start Training, I Have A Script That Calls

hey H4dr1en
you just specify the packages that you want to be installed (no need to specify the dependancies) and the version if needed.
Something like :


2 years ago
0 If I Create A Dataset With

"when cloning an experiment via the WebUI, shouldn't the cloned experiment have the original experiment as a parent? It seems to be empty"

you are right, i think there is a bug here. We will release a fix asap 🙂

2 years ago
0 Back To This

hey UnevenDolphin73
did you manage to get rid of this issue ?

2 years ago
0 Back To This

Hey UnevenDolphin73
I have tried to reproduce the issue but with no success. I manage to auto report any graph designed according to your description - values between [0,50] and sudden extreme values. So far everything seems to be ok on my side. have you found something new reguarding this issue ? Could you send me more details on the graph which reporting hangs ?

2 years ago
0 Hey,

btw here is the content of the imported file:

import torch
from torchvision import datasets, transforms
import os

def my_dataloder ():
return torch.utils.data.DataLoader(
datasets.MNIST(os.path.join('./', 'data'), train=True, download=True,
` ...

2 years ago
0 Hey,

With pleasures ! Hope that will help

2 years ago
0 Hey,

No, it is supposed to have its status updated automatically. We may have a bug. Can you share some example code with me, so that i could try to figure out what is happening here ?

2 years ago
0 Hi, I Am Getting This Error When Using The Aws Auto_Scaler Service (With The Pro Version):

We are going to try to reproduce this issue and will update you asap

2 years ago
0 Hi Everyone, Quick Question Regarding Minio And Logging:

yes everything that is downloaded is cached. The cache folder is in your config file :

` sdk {
# ClearML - default SDK configuration

storage {
    cache {
        # Defaults to system temp folder / cache
        default_base_dir: "~/.clearml/cache"
         size {
            # max_used_bytes = -1
            min_free_bytes = 10GB
            # cleanup_margin_percent = 5%

    direct_access: [
        # Objects matching are...
2 years ago
0 Need

can you describe the issue ?

2 years ago
0 Hi All! Any Example Or Doc To Use Clearml With Slurm As A Workload Manager ?

Hi MoodySparrow34
We have an user that wrote this example https://github.com/marekcygan/clearml-slurm-workers
It is a simple glue code to spin SLURM workers when the tasks are enqueued. Hope it will help

2 years ago
0 Since V1.4.0, Our

Do you think that you could send us a bit of code in order to better understand how to reproduce the bug ? In particular about how you use dotenv...
So far, something like that is working normally. with both clearml 1.3.2 & 1.4.0

task = Task.init(project_name=project_name, task_name=task_name)

img_path = os.path.normpath("**/Images")
img_path = os.path.join(img_path, "

print("==> Uploading to Azure")
remote_url = "azure://****.blob.core.windows.net/*****/"

2 years ago
0 Since V1.4.0, Our

Hi UnevenDolphin73
The difference between v1.3.2 and v1.4.x (about download_folder) is that in 1.4.x, the subfolder structure is maintened, so the .env file would not be downloaded directly into the provided local folder (hence "./") if it is not into the bucket's main folder. The function will reproduce the subdir structure of the bucket. So you will need to specify to load_env() the path to the .env file (full path, including the env filename)

For example, if i do :
` StorageManager.down...

2 years ago
0 Since V1.4.0, Our

but in the other hand, when you parse your minio console, you have all the buckets shown as directories right ? there is no file in the root dir. So we used the same logic and decided to reproduce that very same structure. Thus when you will parse the local_folder, you will have the same structure as shown in the console

2 years ago
2 years ago
0 Hi, I Am Trying The Triggerscheduler To Catch When A User Add Specific Tag To A Task. I Used The Below Code But The Schedule_Function Is Not Called When Adding Tags To Task (It Seems The Task.Last_Update Is Not Modified After Adding Tag)

hey ApprehensiveSeahorse83
can you please check that the trigger is correctly added ? Simply retrieve the return value of add_task_trigger
res = trigger.add_task_trigger( .....
print(f'Trigger correctly added ? {res}')

2 years ago
0 Hey,

can you share the logs please ?

2 years ago
0 I’M Trying To Get The Meta-Information About The Code (Section Execution) To Be Auto-Filled, However When I Run The Script With The Pycharm Testrunner, It Is Missing. If I Use

Hi EnormousWorm79

The Pycharm testrunner wraps the script into a local cript, and thats what you are getting.
(jb pytest runner). Because it is local, you lose the source info

Let me check if I have a workaround or solution for you. I keep you updated

2 years ago
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