Examples: query, "exact match", wildcard*, wild?ard, wild*rd
Fuzzy search: cake~ (finds cakes, bake)
Term boost: "red velvet"^4, chocolate^2
Field grouping: tags:(+work -"fun-stuff")
Escaping: Escape characters +-&|!(){}[]^"~*?:\ with \, e.g. \+
Range search: properties.timestamp:[1587729413488 TO *] (inclusive), properties.title:{A TO Z}(excluding A and Z)
Combinations: chocolate AND vanilla, chocolate OR vanilla, (chocolate OR vanilla) NOT "vanilla pudding"
Field search: properties.title:"The Title" AND text
Upload_Artifact Not Working With Minio

upload_artifact not working with minio
I have a minio server integrated with ClearML and it works fine for storing jupyter notebooks on minio but I can not store any artifacts on minio.
For instance simple script:
` import clearml as cml

if name == 'main':
task = cml.Task.init(project_name="test",
task_name="storage demo ",
output_uri = " ")
task.upload_artifact(name='test image', artifact_object='test_image.png')
task.upload_artifact(name='pip packages', artifact_object='pip_packages.txt')
task.close() Never gets executed to the end - it just hangs with the following message: 2022-05-26 11:59:49,744 - clearml.Task - INFO - Waiting to finish uploads
ClearML Monitor: Could not detect iteration reporting, falling back to iterations as seconds-from-start `I can see files in ClearML GUI in metadata but not in minio...
Also there is nothing in logs of ClearML on this.

One last comment - storing datasets to minio also works just fine (as jupyter notebooks).

Posted 2 years ago
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Answers 17

SweetBadger76 thanks for looking into this. Here's a screenshot that displays files in clearML that should be available in minio. I can see them in clearML (I refer to this as clearML metadata) but when I press the link it redirects me to minio and shows that this file is not there. Also when I explore minio with console - I don't see those files there. But notebooks and datasets get uploaded just fine.

Posted 2 years ago

Also, change this line of the conf file to false :

development {
# Development-mode options

    # dev task reuse window
    task_reuse_time_window_in_hours: 72.0

    # Run VCS repository detection asynchronously
    vcs_repo_detect_async:  true      <== change to false
Posted 2 years ago

So I have switched back to ssl to give a try to the script again - and it works with ssl now.
I even have tried it with big files - still works.
SweetBadger76 thanks for giving a hand - don't know what was the issue but now that works.

Posted 2 years ago

Hi GentleSwallow91 ,
I can't manage to reproduce the issue, it is working fine for me. I use a local minio docker-based image. The conf file has to be precisely configured, but it seems that you did it ok, because you don't have a denied access here. It is strange that he is waiting for the upload to finish. We have this flag for upload_artefact : wait_on_upload . His default value should be False, but i would try to add it...

Also I don't understand what you mean by " I can see files in ClearML GUI in metadata but not in minio". Do you have the previews ? Then you could check where they are stored via the developer tool.

Posted 2 years ago

I am using
WebApp: 1.5.0-186
Server: 1.5.0-186
API: 2.18
On client side:

Posted 2 years ago

Yes I think that it would be great if you could try to run it with a simpler configuration

Posted 2 years ago

Sure will do and get back to you - not that difficult.

Posted 2 years ago

hey Sergios
did you managed to get the files on minio ?

Posted 2 years ago

hi GentleSwallow91
Concerning the warning message, there is an entry in the FAQ. Here is the link :
We are working on reproducing your issue

Posted 2 years ago

Hi David,
In my case I have a remote minio with ssl enabled - do you want me to run a local one with HTTP to test if all works fine in that config?

Posted 2 years ago

ok. Let's first be sure that your conf file is correct.

aws {
s3 {
key: "david"
secret: "supersecret"
use_credentials_chain: false

        credentials: [
                 # This will apply to all buckets in this host (unless key/value is specifically provided for a given bucket)
                 host: "localhost:9000"
                 key: "david"
                 secret: "supersecret"
                 multipart: false
                 secure: false
Posted 2 years ago

Good weekend to all! Any update on this? Thanks!

Posted 2 years ago

Currently I have the following config re S3:
` aws {
s3 {
# default, used for any bucket not specified below
key: ""
secret: ""
region: ""

        credentials: [
                # This will apply to all buckets in this host (unless key/value is specifically provided for a given bucket)
                host: "mydomain.com:9000"
                key: "minio"
                secret: "secret data"
                multipart: false
                secure: true
    boto3 {
        pool_connections: 512
        max_multipart_concurrency: 16
} `
Posted 2 years ago

Hello Sergios,
We are working on reproducing your issue. We will update you asap

Posted 2 years ago

Hi SweetBadger76
So - I have turned off SSL for minio and tried a test script for uploading those two artifacts.
The result is that it works - the file got uploaded to a bucket.
Although it has taken a long time to finish upload and the files are less than 1Mb
$ python3 test.py ClearML Task: overwriting (reusing) task id=72e7c0b098e14197a9ffe82d7444337f ClearML results page: 2022-06-10 14:14:00,894 - clearml.Task - INFO - Waiting to finish uploads 2022-06-10 14:14:11,888 - clearml.Task - INFO - Finished uploading

Posted 2 years ago

Hi GentleSwallow91 , What version of clearml are you using?

Posted 2 years ago

Hi David. Sorry I got stuck with agent in docker mode training on multiple GPUs. Will get that sorted and finish that stuff with minio.

Posted 2 years ago