Quick question on trains-agent and HPO. Say I have 10 experiments enqueued to a trains-agent . I understand the agent runs the experiment one-by-one. But can...
4 years ago
Hi ClearML, I tried to upgrade the clearml server following this https://clear.ml/docs/latest/docs/deploying_clearml/upgrade_server_aws_ec2_ami but it erased...
2 years ago
Hello, I'm logging a plotly figure which contains subplots using Logger.report_plotly() method. However, many of the attributes (color, legend label) of the ...
4 years ago
Hi, can we search tasks using wildcard in the webapp. Say I have task names exp_test1_i1 , exp_test2_i1 and I'd like to search for "exp" and "i1". Is that po...
4 years ago
Is there an upgrade guide from Trains to ClearML? I can't seem to find it.
3 years ago
Is it possible to have clearml launch aws instances to run clearml-agent , execute jobs and then shutdown after the jobs have been completed? I have two rele...
3 years ago
Where is the stdout of trains-agent stored in the service mode (running in background)?
4 years ago
Hi, which database services are used to store the logged data such as scalar, text, matrix, etc? How can I query these for a downstream process programmatica...
3 years ago
I am using reuse_last_task_id=True to overwrite an existing task (with same project and task name). But the experiment contains the torch model and therefore...
4 years ago