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41 × Eureka!
is there an alternative method to perform this functionality?
no. we are using our own server.
can you please debug it and explain what was happening? can you please support adding free text to the uploaded image (such as results, predictions, etc.)?
this is part of the URL from clearML server
and I said - when I upload them directly from URL, it's working.
I am able to open the images in debug mode just before reporting them
Thank you, CostlyOstrich36
How can I put this as a feature request?
In the past, we had 2 graphs in each row.
and I need it to report results (I wish there was a way to add free text to those debug samples, without using the "title" and "series" args)
but this extra text doesn't break the URL approach
TRAINS-AGENT setup process
Configuration file already exists: ~/trains.conf
Leaving setup, feel free to edit the configuration file.
I removed ":" "," and "\n" for the free text in "series" and now it works.
I have these 3 lines in the beginning of my script, right after import statements. (not in " main " or any function):task = Task.init(project_name=project_name, task_name=task_name) task.set_offline(True) logger = task.get_logger()
jwt.exceptions.DecodeError: It is required that you pass in a value for the "algorithms" argument when calling decode().
looks like it did it.
Thanks, SuccessfulKoala55 !
option 1: use "aiohttp" (async http framework) -
option 2:
option 3: + use a generator to yield tiny chunks and print the progress between chunks
I'll try it when a new version comes out. I prefer to use official releases.
for now I'll use just regular characters in this field.
and again - feature request - add free text there.
suffix for URL approach:/info-output/debugImages?columns=selected&columns=type&columns=name&columns=tags&columns=status&
suffix for image approach:
` /info-output/debugImages?columns=selected&columns=type&columns=name&columns=tags&columns=status&
but now it's not broken.
it only brakes when I try to add different text as the "series" argument.