Hi everyone. I am trying to migrate to ClearML and need to have my old training logs available in ClearML as well. Unfortunately It seems I can't simply "imp...
12 months ago
Hey everyone! I have a quick question regarding scalar graphs in the dashboard. When my model starts training, the loss values are very large and drop to the...
one year ago
Hey 👋 Tensorboard Logs Overwhelming Elasticsearch I am running a clear ml server, however when running experiments with tensorboard logging I am seeing the ...
one year ago
Hello everyone, is there a way to log scalars that were already written in a tensorboard file other than iterating over all values?
one year ago
Hi. I am sure this has been asked before but I cannot find it searching the past 90 days here or the web. Can I ingest old tensorboard logs into clearml from...
one year ago
Please tell me what is needed so that the models saved in the tensorboard are automatically saved in s3? UPD: Like this doesn't work: task = Task.init( proje...
one year ago
Another questions related to requirements.txt We use pip install with git commit. Eg: mylib
one year ago
Hello, We have a self hosted ClearML server connected to different queues and use it to launch remote experiments (clearml==1.9.3, clearml-agent==1.5.2rc0). ...
one year ago
Hello, I am training some models with yolov8 and want to upload the metrics to the clearml webpage in. However, sometimes it works and sometimes it does not ...
one year ago
Hi all, I'm using Pytorch-Lightning with the Tensoboard logger: Here is the logging code that logs images with the Tensoboard logger. def validation_step(sel...
one year ago
Hi Jake & John, I was having the same question as Lindsay, and have been sifting both through slack & github. I did get some useful pointers (such as the cor...
2 years ago
task struck at task.flush(wait_for_uploads=True) : I've been running a model training task - a variation on this clearml dataset example: https://github.com/...
2 years ago
When I run an experiment (self hosted), I only see scalars for GPU and System performance. How do I see additional scalars? I have "tensorboard": { "enabled"...
2 years ago
Hello everyone. I don't uderstand why is my training slower with connected tensorboard than without it. I have some thoughts about it but i not sure. My inte...
2 years ago
Hi there I'm trying out clearml. I saw mention that clearml can capture tensorboard output so I tried it with this little script (image below). The events fi...
2 years ago
Hello all, I'm trying to figure out how can I log outputs with Pytorch Lightning. I used tensorboard as clearml claims to auto-capture tensorboard outputs, b...
2 years ago
Hi, I'm trying to use clearml on pytorch-lightning with multiple gpus, but it seems as if the server does not monitor the experiment. I can see no progress i...
2 years ago
Hello everyone! Is clearml doing asynchronous or synchronous logging for e.g. tensorboard SummaryWriters?
3 years ago
Hi, in tensorboard there is an option to "ignore outliers in chart scaling". Is there such an option when viewing scalars in clearml?
3 years ago
Hi, we saw 2 more issues with images logging: 1. You need to use tf.summary.image and not summary_ops_v2.image 2. Image needs to be in range [0, 1] and not [...
3 years ago
Hi! I am currently using clearml (with remote execution), to train an object detection model with https://github.com/facebookresearch/detectron2 . It was wor...
3 years ago
Hey all, we already know that clearml magic collects metrics and plots from tensorboard and matplotlib, can we please add collection for Plotly and Seaborn ?
3 years ago
Currently trying to figure out how to extend clearML's automagical reporting to JoeyNMT. https://github.com/joeynmt/joeynmt/blob/master/joey_demo.ipynb is a ...
3 years ago
I have got experiments training PyTorch networks on a remote compute run by clearml-agent . I am using the Ignite framework to train image classification net...
3 years ago
I’m using catboost for training, but sadly it does not have a native integration with clearml (xgboost and lightgbm do have integrations). But catboost write...
3 years ago
Btw: There seems to be no support for videos in tensorboard/experiment view (e.g. https://tensorboardx.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tensorboard.html#tensorboardX...
3 years ago
Hey all, I'm having an issue using hydra and tensorboardX, where clearml isn't resetting the iterations across different multiruns although it looks as expec...
3 years ago
Quick question about the Results --> Scalars ` view. In tensorboard when using autoscale it will ignore some values for scaling (e.g. very early super high l...
3 years ago
Can I import a tensorboard file straight to the clearml UI?
4 years ago
Hi folks! I'm using SummaryWriter from PyTorch's tensorboard utils to log pr_curve , and I get the attached curve. Looks like the X axis is reversed, and I c...
4 years ago