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39 × Eureka!if i start the script via the console then the path is available but if i start a training via the graphical interface of allegro then not
I need to access to a tfrecord file
but with allegro i do not have access to the folder
thanks for the info
I have time now
how can I use "volume mount" with allegro?
i will use the 2. option
Does this mean that I need to create multiple ssh keys? 1 key for each user?
do I have to change a parameter in the config file to use .git-credentials?
does anyone know how this works with git ssh credentials?
but how can I get the hyperparameters from the current task?
the parameter must be "imagenet". But when I print the parameter in my code it is imagenet without quotes. But tensorflow needs "imagenet"
I hope you understand what I mean