Yes that's the culprit, it actually runs a new process and clearml
assumes that there are no other scripts in the repository that are used, so it does not analyze them
A few options:
Manually add the missing requirement Task.add_requirements('package_name')
make sure you call it before the Task.init
2. import the second script from the first script. This will tell clearml to analyze it as well.
3. Force the entire clearml to analyze the whole repository: https://github.com/allegroai/clearml/blob/9b962bae4b1ccc448e1807e1688fe193454c1da1/docs/clearml.conf#L162
Hi UnsightlySeagull42
Just making sure, the two scripts are on your git repo ?
Any chance you actually run the second script with Popen (i.e. calling the python as a subprocess) ?
The scripts are all in the git repo.
But still the same problem.
I use os.system.
Is there a better way to call the other python script?