Active since 10 January 2023
Last activity
2 years ago
Badges 1
100 × Eureka!Hey, I'm facing quite a problem. A server was reset but the worker that ran on it still remains in the trains UI. What can be done?
4 years ago
Is it possible to make a callback to when a task is grabbed by a trains-agent worker so I could edit its configuration before the creation of the tasks start...
4 years ago
Hi I'm using latest versions and experiencing a bug. I created a controller in a new project. Just after that I clone a task and give it the new project name...
4 years ago
Hi, the link to the StorageManager docs is broken in the example notebook here: https://github.com/allegroai/trains/blob/master/examples/reporting/Allegro_Tr...
4 years ago
Hi, when a step in a pipeline is aborted, it is marked as gracefully finished (painted in blue) and the other steps that depend on it continue. I believe thi...
4 years ago
Guys, I forgot my user/password for trains UI (running on local server), what can I do?
4 years ago
Hi! How can I report a bar plot? The first thing that came to mind is using plot histogram but it supports providing the y-axis values, in my case I also hav...
4 years ago
Hi I'm trying to run the pipeline example, but I get this error: (I'm using the latest version of trains, I'm able to use the Task module perfectly) File "en...
4 years ago
Hi, for some reason many packages are not detected in the Installed Packages section. My experiment clone crashes as it fails to import a package that wasn't...
4 years ago
Hi, I'm getting trains_agent: ERROR: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'startswith'When doing trains-agent daemon --stopAny idea why would that happen? (ATM...
4 years ago
One more thing, I'm trying to take full advantage of the controller, but I run into a problem in my use case. The controller is super useful for creating a D...
4 years ago
Hey guys, it seems there is something really off about how trains-agent reproduces requirements. It seems it just completely ignored my list of requirements ...
4 years ago
Here goes, https://github.com/allegroai/trains/issues/214
4 years ago
Hi, is there an equivalent for set_name to change the task's project name? I'm stuck in a loop, I have to run task.init right at the start of the file becaus...
4 years ago
Hi, is there a way to apply "AND" logic in Task.get_tasks() 's task_filter? Task.get_tasks(project_name="project", task_name="task", task_filter={'tags': [f"...
4 years ago
Hi, a couple of questions, If a worker's GPUs are being used (not by trains queue, but because of another program), would the queue take another available wo...
4 years ago
Hi, I'm getting permission errors when trying to read a file using trains-agent, which user does it use to access files? how can I grant it permissions? (wit...
4 years ago
Hi, how can I remove a tag from a task via code in a non-barbaric way?
4 years ago
Hey, How Can I Point Trains To Look For It'S Train.Conf File In A Different Path Than ~/Trains.Conf?
Hey, how can I point trains to look for it's train.conf file in a different path than ~/trains.conf?
4 years ago
Hi, I am new here. I was wondering where can I configure which machines trains (or trains-agent?) use for queueing tasks, and how do I create such queues. Th...
4 years ago
Hi, I'm getting error 404 when trying to see debug samples I've recorded with record_image. the local path I've provided is valid (image is displayed normall...
4 years ago
Hi, I have a main task that creates additional tasks in subprocesses. I wish to call Task.init from inside each child-task so they would be indifferent to th...
4 years ago
Hi, I've asked MagnificentArcticwolf3 but I think it should be asked in here too, Trains-agent reproduces the environment (via docker) of an experiment I wan...
4 years ago
Hi, it seems that report_image puts the image both in plots and both in debug samples, why is that?
4 years ago
Hi, I have a worker on a machine using gpus 0,1 and another worker on the same machine using gpus 0,1,2,3,4,5. A worker ran a task on gpus 0,1 but for some r...
4 years ago