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100 × Eureka!Run a remote task with trains agent that would create inside another task that would again run remotely as well and check the permissions of the second task created file?
Great! Thanks ๐
Quite hard for me to check locally, could you check it using trans-agent?
But maybe only one step in the dag is flawed and I want to continue the rest of the pipeline as usual (despite the branch of the flawed task).
I am not sure what you mean by automatic stopping flows, could you give an example?
I aborted the task because of a bug on my side
Could it be because it's running from a draft on an agent?
I understand how this is problematic. This might require more thinking if you guys wish to support this.
Changing the mountpoint for the agent is not possible
I bet it has something to do with the server or DB, any clue?
Nevermind, you can find it in the apiserver.conf
Also, why there is a project id where there is a project name that exists? I don't even know how to display a project's id haha
Obviously I am working with my trains-server, as I can see the new pipeline task under the new project ๐ฎ
(The one that was created with initial task)
Oh, that seems right, how can I get the project id of the newly created project?
I think so. The issue is that I want to report only a sub set of the images (for example I create an image for every sample in the dataset but I want to display on trains only the top 10 with highest score) but when it's magically logged I have no control over this. What can be done?
That should do the trick, thanks ๐
Is there a way to set this via a config file? like the docker compose yml?
how could I configure this in the docker compose?
Edit: the trains-agent points to a different trains.conf config as I wis., I want the dev environment to point to a different location trains.conf as well
My root folder is applicable to my user only. I wish to use a shared trains.conf file, so the trains_config_file can't point to ~/trains.conf sadly
I do this:
` base_task = Task.create(project_name=self.regression_project_name,
task_name=BASE_TASKS[block_type][engine], task_type=task_type)
params = base_task.export_task()
Git repo
params['script']['repository'] = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'config', '--get', 'remote.origin.url'],
Git commit
params['script']['version_num'] = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'rev-parse',...
I'll do as Jake says. Thanks :)
Okay so in the end I've run it locally and it behaved as expected (no auto logging for matplotlib) but for trains agent it didn't work, it auto - logged it anyway. TimelyPenguin76