Check the examples on the github page, I think this is what you are looking for 🙂
SmarmySeaurchin8 just so that I don't miss anything.
One machine, two trains-agents each one connected to a different trains-server, correct ?
from the trains-agent --help
trains-agent --config-file /home/user/my_trains_server1.conf daemon trains-agent --config-file /home/user/my_trains_server2.conf daemon
Since my servers have a shared file system, the init process tells me that the configuration file already exists. Can I tell it to place it in another location? GrumpyPenguin23
We are here if you need further help 🙂
Hmm, I've changed my trains-server config location to use a config in a different location, and successfully set up in the second server the trains-agent. But I don't see any new worker created, why is that?
Hey, I've gotten this message:
TRAINS Task: overwriting (reusing) task id=24ac52461b2d4cfa9e672d9cd817962c
And I'm not sure why it's reusing the task instead of creating a new task id, the configuration was different although the same python file run. Have you got any idea?
Actually two machines with shared filesystem
Welcome! The machines are the ones you install and run the trains-agent daemon on, and creating the queues can be done via the trains-agent cli or the webapp UI
Something else, If I want to designate only some of the GPUs of a worker, how can I do that?
Furthermore, let's say I have 6 GPUs on a machine, and I'd like trains to treat this machine as 2 workers (gpus 0-2, 3-5), is there a way to do that?
I've sorted this out. All I needed was to add them to a queue so they would be visible.
Hi SmarmySeaurchin8 , you can point to any configuration file by setting the environment variable:TRAINS_CONFIG_FILE=/home/user/my_trains.conf