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41 × Eureka!AgitatedDove14 doesnt work with clear ml version as well. The X axis is shown as int numbers intead of timestamp
AgitatedDove14 that is what i Have in the notebook
maybe its because im still using trains server?
AgitatedDove14 instead of using the clear ml
but I cannot compare between them :A, what do you think about that? AgitatedDove14
I can see the plots correctly 🙂 thanks
can you send me a screen shot from the ui?
can i see the relevant git commit?
where x is timestamp
` fig = go.Figure(data=go.Scatter(x=x, y=y, mode='markers'))
logger = cloned_task.get_logger()
logger.report_plotly(title="pnl", series="expected", iteration=0, figure=fig) `
ohh cool even with report_scatter2d?
With init its working well, I can see the results in the UI, and with create it does nothing
I'm working with cloned task, can it be related to that?
ExcitedReindeer30 Thanks Nir! That makes a lot of sense. In the example that I saw, I see that the parent task is only used as a template, which looks wierd at the UI cause it should not really be running..
Where its enqueuing everything
I have a for loop running
what should I do?
what's an agent? it may be a powerful gpu that runs the task?
and what does it mean when a task status is "draft"
SuccessfulKoala55 So what is the purpose of task cloning? Its mostly useful for agents?
I have a task which is running and cloned tasks, they all finished running but they are still pending